Last night after I got home from the Ladies' Advent service which was held at Victory, I went into my room and turned on the lamp next to my bed. Justin had followed me and I remarked to him that the light was far brighter than usual. I turned it off and started over again (3-way bulb) and again, it was brilliant. He suggested just putting it on the lowest setting if it bothered me. Obviously he did not "see" the problem with this.
About an hour later, as I was getting ready to settle in for the night, the lamp/bulb made a SNAP sound and off went all the lights and the TV in my room. I was frozen in my bed for a second, wondering "what in the world???", and then made my way to the bedroom door in the dark. I opened my door and flipped on the light in the hall. Whew! That worked!
I called to Justin and he came out of his door at the end of the hallway. He heard the circuit pop, but thought the sound had come from upstairs, as if they dropped something. He flipped the circuit back on, and the TV came back and the printers started to crank up. I was too afraid to plug in the lamp again (I had pulled the plugs from my phone and the lamp) so he did it after changing the bulb. It was a 40 watt bulb rather than a three-way one and it seemed okay but I was entirely freaked that now I was going to have electrical problems here too. Light bulbs have burned out before but never with such fanfare or drama, and never tripping the circuit! Just stop it!!!