Earlier today I was talking to my mom, explaining the situation with the concrete being poured and how I had to move my car away from where the concrete truck was being stationed. She asked me about the 2nd floor dwellers, how they were able to come and go during all this. I told her they could not, for 24 hours they were house bound or else had to stay elsewhere. Later, I found out it was only the end two units who were housebound as the concrete was poured up to their doorways. The other units would still have access to the stairs if they needed to go out.
This afternoon, I got these photos in my e-mail, showing two rascals who simply could not bear to be housebound all day long. As Hugh wrote, they were lucky to not end up on the front page of the paper with the headline: "Two people in their mid-70's too cheap to pay for a hotel room...."
At the bottom of the ladder I see Cathy and probably the legs of Miss Chardonnay waiting for Maureen to come down with the bottle of wine. Those rascals! They would have been the first ones all over me if I tried something like this but somehow they can pull it off. They eloped when they got married as teen-agers so I guess ladders are not foreign to them! They leave soon for an extended trip to Turkey and the Mediterranean. No fear!