The other day, I think it was Saturday, as I was about to post something to my blog, I noticed an unposted comment waiting for approval. Normally the comments, when they come, are seen in my e-mail first, perhaps because they are done as Anonymous postings. When I clicked the comment, I found out it was from my long-lost friend, who had served as my matron of honor 100 years ago! Kathy found me somehow, perhaps Googled me, read my blog, and left a comment. Since then we have reached out to each other via e-mail to get a bit caught up.
Immediately upon hearing from her, I sent Dolly, my other friend from grade school and high school, a message to tell her about Kathy finding me. Dolly could not at first remember her so I sent a picture of the wedding party to refresh her memory. Later, she wrote back to say that she did indeed remember her and then commented that everyone looks so young, expected since it WAS 37 years ago, and remarked that I look exactly the same. I thanked her for the compliment and was glad she remembered Kathy.
Yesterday afternoon when Justin came by, I was telling him about Kathy finding me and so on. He wanted to see who I was talking about so I showed him the photo sent to Dolly. Justin said, “Oh, wow, hippies!” “Look at those pants!” Just because we ladies had the long hair and we had a flower crown on our heads…So anyway, he looked at the photo some more and said, “You look exactly the same…” I laughed and scrolled down the picture to Dolly’s remark and he laughed about that.
Click photo to enlarge
My wedding party: Nancy Kaye Erickson, Kathy Raleigh Schmidt, me, Roger, Biff (bro-in-law), and Gary Alan Welsch. The three not related to us were my high school friends. Mom made our dresses and the guys wore suits instead of tuxes. I am hoping that the guys were just not ready for the photograph because they are sober as judges standing there! What a lovely church--glad I gave in to Mom about not being married outdoors!Justin was telling me how Mac computers have a tool to do facial recognition and he wished I had a Mac so he could do that for my photos. All pictures with me in them would line up next to each other, I guess, like a photo array. I told him that was fine, except don’t look too closely!
I am not sure if I mentioned that Justin’s boss lost a major lawn care job so his hours were going to be cut. It was going to enable Justin to maneuver the time he works for his father, then, so he could attend Bible study on Thursday. It seems since last week, though, William has gotten another contract which is great for him and the guys. It would be great if Justin could return to class but also great for him to have the work. He did tell me that on Friday, he will work a 12 hour day so they don’t have to work on Saturdays twice a month any longer. The work will be done all at once on Friday so no Saturdays. Oh, to be young!
The markets tanked yesterday as the EU and primarily Greece is freaking out again. I was so glad to see the DOW get above 12000 last week, which in my mind was a good number to shoot for, and hopefully above, even though I don’t really own many stocks. If the DOW is up generally the bond market is up as well. I realize the markets are being propped up by devalued dollars but still, I am hopeful. Clark Howard, the Consumer Warrior, often urges people to look away from the stock market numbers but my eyes stray that direction often.
Here is my advice to Herman Cain---stop talking!