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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Having a great morning, so far, on Tuesday

In September, right after Lynn and Linda left here, I wrote in Facebook that I had not had so wonderful a September, starting with Kerry’s visit and then the two ladies, in a very very long time. It was great---awesome! But only two days later, tragedy struck with my water leak and the destruction it wreaked in my building. And the angst remains as the dust is settling. But, speaking of dust, Sherri is here today, busily cleaning up the bathrooms at this writing and changing the color of the fixtures from dust-covered and stained to sparkling white! The product she is using is called Kaboom, with foam spraying out blue, turning to white as it ‘cleans’. Things smell nice and clean, and look clean as well. As the day progresses, she will dust everything and vacuum the floors , “mopping her way out the door”, she says. AND, I told her she cannot leave here without me paying her. Last time she escaped and would not allow me to pay for her time and efforts, and then came back with flowers and cookies when Kerry was here.

Justin and I were going to have a little feast on ThanksLiving Day, but plans are changing. Last night I told him the time I was planning the dinner and he asked, “So late?” He told me he was doing something earlier with some friends at a brunch so I figured he would need cooling off time between meals. Silly me! He informed me that he was invited to the beach to celebrate ThanksLiving for dinner (supper) so….Brenda and her son are coming by later in the day for pie and ice cream as will Joanne, then. Instead of my cooking for only the two of us, I had the brilliant idea of going to The Club for their buffet. As I explained to Justin, I was not being lazy about the cooking, it was just the timing was going to be goofy for trying to get the bird prepared in time for 2:30 serving. Not with church getting out at 11:00 (“…but, what if you stand around and talk???”)It is a bake-in-the-bag turkey breast, over 5# (it’s got me beat!!!) but requires baking of 3 hours, plus sitting for 20 minutes. Oh well, I just suggested to Justin that I change our plans and he was on board for it. My friend, Penny, who works for a shelter for abused women and their kids, is picking up my festive bird late this afternoon Yes, I know it would keep but I also like the idea of feeding these poor folks no longer in their homes for most unfortunate reasons.

So, pie is good and I will have some friends with me in the later afternoon—sweet! In more ways than one! Today I am taking myself to the groomer and then stopping at Publix to get their new sandwich recommended by Justin---turkey, bacon, and cranberry sauce! One for me and one for Sherri. Plus I need the scrubbing pads for the Swiffer and another can of Kaboom for Sherri as she is using hers rapidly! But I must not delay in coming back because Sherri will be waiting for me, probably as hungry as a bear! What I could do is go to the store first and then get groomed, coming straight back afterward. Hmmmm….