In recent years Betty, Judy, and I have been privileged to serve as hostesses for Precious Lambs Preschool's Christmas program. This year Judy had a schedule conflict and was not able to attend but did make some wonderful cookies. Betty and Michael got the room set up, we got the cookies displayed, and I made punch for the reception. My lady friends are more creative than am I but I am no slouch when it comes to making oatmeal Scotchies!
These are the cookies made by Judy (on the tray) and Betty's on the foam block. Oreo's dipped in white chocolate and then decorated to look like snowmen. This idea was sent to her by me!
Here are the kids starting to assemble before the program. They had the jitters in their legs for sure, and the little blonde boy cried more than once before going over to church. He is not yet 3 so this is a big adjustment for him. They are taking kids a bit younger than usual to get the census up in the classroom. Hoping for more students in the New Year!