Wakening once again to falling rain. I know it could be worse, we could be shoveling or having to scrape our windows, but really, this rain and gloomy skies and cold is getting to be too much! Or, just enough. It's hard to believe that areas of the nation are experiencing a serious drought while others are in the throes of terrible winter weather including ice and snow.
One of my friends from Victory who moved to SC a year or so ago spent nearly 8 hours without electricity, which also means heat. Her co-workers were coming to the hospital where they are on staff to shower in order to be ready to go to work. Some people have been without power for a couple of days already, just miserable. And I am murmuring because it's cold and rainy outside while I am warm and snug inside. But my boy has to work out in this junk and I feel badly for him.
One of my friends from Victory who moved to SC a year or so ago spent nearly 8 hours without electricity, which also means heat. Her co-workers were coming to the hospital where they are on staff to shower in order to be ready to go to work. Some people have been without power for a couple of days already, just miserable. And I am murmuring because it's cold and rainy outside while I am warm and snug inside. But my boy has to work out in this junk and I feel badly for him.
It seems we are never short of anything to murmur about and don't take the time to consider the suffering others are actually enduring. I was grumbling to my friend about my dusting lady, scheduled first to come on Monday afternoon, then changed it to today, and now changed to tomorrow. I can set my watch by her not keeping her appointed scheduled. She seems to be do okay at her regular job but the side jobs, not so much. She has the sizable task of dusting in my room, which includes use of a ladder and dusting tools. She is lithe and spry, even though she is older than am I. It's been a while since this room was tackled and when I see cobwebs between my frames, it's time to call in Lithe and Spry!!