Ooooh, what a joyous day today! I can't wait to tell you about it!!
The morning began early for me as I was "expected" at church by 8:15 a.m. to help register attendees of the LWMS Rally hosted by First German. My seat was between my dear friend, Linda, and Alice, a lady I've known nearly all my life. Alice and I worked together and also sang soprano in the choir when I still belonged. I was definitely in my element, enjoying the process of greeting and such at the table with two such lovely ladies!!!
After a certain point, the pastor's wife, Ellen, came to ask if I'd hand out service folders at the door so off I went to do that task. Another great job! There were a number of men helping out with the Rally, one of whom was a classmate from grade school through MLHS, Steve. He gave me a quick hug and then had to leave to get his suit on, in case they needed another usher for communion. Never did come back and I would have liked to chat with him. Oh well....maybe Sunday we'll have a chance to catch up with each other.
The children from the day school performed their tone chime song as well as the anthem they'd sung on Sunday, again doing a great job. What a blessing a Lutheran grade school is! Expensive to operate? Yes. Worth the cost? Every penny, equipping these souls with the armor of God...can't put a dollar value on that!
The first presenter showed slides and lectured on our missions in India. It was heart-wrenching to view the horrendous living conditions these people have, the great poverty, homeless/parentless children, and heathen worship practices. BUT, it was heart-warming to hear how much these believers appreciate their Savior, rejoicing in His saving work, and how eager they are to be in His house for worship! Oh, for a minute amount of their enthusiasm and faith in these most dire living conditions!
The afternoon presenter has served our mission in Indonesia, again an area bereft of the living Word. The majority of the nations making up Indochina are Hindu or some similar eastern religion, and many, many Muslims, who like to make trouble for the Christians. In spite of the aggression and persecution our missions face there, those converts are hungry for the Word and full of zeal to learn more and more. Again, I couldn't help but feel a bit sad when I think about what lengths and risks these people go to worship and receive instruction, while our pews often remain empty....
I know, I know, we have to appreciate the "one who returned" but can't help asking the question: "but where are the nine?" (Luke 17:17)
Of course, the luncheon was wonderful, served at our table so no long lines or the pushing and shoving that goes on at these events. That was quite nice, the food delicious, and the company charming. Some of the grade school children made the place mats, their teacher being a school friend of our pastor's wife in Jacksonville. I always extend greetings back and forth from Karen to Lynn. Today Karen said she hears more from me than she does Lynn, saying it's always too late at night when she thinks to call her. I suggested e-mail, so perhaps she'll press that into service. It's never too early or too late to send e-mail!
Once home at the end of the Rally, I decided to go visit my friend, Dolly, so we could watch "Under the Tuscan Sun" together. She is averse, or rather, disinterested in traveling, so I decided to bring Italy to her! She loved the movie, too, and now has it in her collection to watch again and again. I promised to send her actual photos of the areas we saw in the movie, especially the fields of sunflowers and the piazza in Florence. This will most likely be our last time this visit to be face to face so said our farewells, until we meet again. We'll be back at CHRISTmas but can't say if the time will allow for a visit since that season is so busy for everyone. The hugs will have to hold us for a while.
My niece is celebrating the end of tax season and tomorrow we head off for some breakfast and shopping, until Gabe gets done with his preschool class. Next fall he starts the real thing, this class is simply to prepare him for preschool. Hhhmmm, didn't it used to be that Kindergarten prepared one for grade school? Now we have a pre-preschool to get us ready for preschool, which gets us ready for Kindergarten! No wonder I'm in the mess I'm in--started right in with Kindergarten!
Another fantastic day, looking forward to nice long sleep. I miss my Justin terribly! 'Nite all!!