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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My shirt is wet again

Yes, wet with tears. And my face and neck as well. Once more I have watched on 'regular' TV a movie called "Life As A House", just chock-full of life lessons and poignant moments, sigh....Lori and family had brought the DVD with them at Christmas but it was unedited so difficult for me to sit through. On regular TV, it is edited and therefore, watchable for me. And quite enjoyable. Now that I am sitting up to write, I see the sun beaming on the trees across the river and blue sky exposed. It was overcast much of the day, although I did observe an outdoor wedding taking place at The Club----bbbrrrrrr! It was NOT nice out there but music was quite pleasing to the ear.
Sundays are so enjoyable, restful especially when there are no football games to watch. Busy as can be the first part of the day, and then restful the balance. This a.m. I went to Victory for Bible study and worship, arriving just in time for the class to begin. We had a nice group assembled for class, where we were studying the institution of the Lord's Supper with His disciples at Passover. I sat next to a former member of G. S., Lisa, whose family has been attending Victory and today became members there. When Pastor asked a few questions and no one else answered, I did. Lisa leaned over and whispered, "Teacher's pet!" We laughed---just like old times!
Before worship began this Palm Sunday, all the worshipers gathered outside the door where we were given palm branches. I read through the service folder and speculated out loud to Amanda standing near me, "I wonder what Justin will think of this..." We were keeping our eyes peeled for him as I was as far from the parking lot as I could be, and Donnie suggested I get up on the bench so I could see. That made me laugh, just picturing that scene, and here came Justin. He said he did not see my car in the parking lot but heard my laugh across it! Ooops! When he got his branch he asked if I was okay with this and I said it would be fine, just nothing I'd ever done before. We had a spoken give and take outside with Pastor before proceeding into the church with our branches, singing "All Glory Laud and Honor". We placed our branches near the altar area and then went to our seats. Not disorderly. At G.S. the Youth Group kids were making crosses from palm branches which were pinned to the congregation's blouses and jackets.
There were two little ones baptized today, one a student in their VPK and his sibling. Or it might be the other way around, and their mom was confirmed and became a member today as well. Twenty people total were added as members and the church was a full house, or nearly so. VPK parents and family were there too as the kids sang, after which there was applause by many. The daughter and three grandchildren of my BFF became members today as well, but not her hubby, although he was there. Pastor said he had a great conversation with them at Gordy's funeral and later, at Bible study that week, included them in his closing prayer. That prayer was answered today! And two more souls receiving the promise of salvation at the font....
Usually Justin joins his friends for brunch when he gets out of church and they are done with football, but today, he was going to help his father pack some more stuff. He did have time to enjoy a quick lunch before going to work. We went first to Panera on Fleming Island but the line was out the door so we opted for Steak 'n Shake just down the road. I love their mini-burgers and Justin had a big ole burger of some sort plus one of my minis. Walgreens had a deal on Diet Coke so I stopped there on the way home to stock up. While there I also looked for my chocolate crosses but had to settle for some smaller versions incorporated into a greeting card. They will do. On the way from Victory to Fleming Island, I encountered a traffic jam, rare for a Sunday afternoon. It seems that a man with a walker toppled into the lane of traffic and vehicles had stopped in the two right lanes to assist him. As I crept by in the left lane, I saw someone had placed a towel or pillow under his head as others were around him to lend aid. A small white truck pulled into Aron's Pizza and the passenger door flew open, a young women dressed all in blue went running back to the scene. I am guessing she was in the medical field and knew how to help. The scene made me sick/sad and glad at the same time, because I felt so terrible for the man. Justin said he saw him when he came through before me but the man was seated on the walker bench and not walking. I wonder if he was dizzy or something. Hopefully he will be okay...
One of the things I did to 'prep' for my tests the other day was to shave my legs. Gross! Well, I now have the worst razor burn to deal with and nothing is helping. Not even scratching until they bleed helps. No lotions, liquid Benedryl, or anything rubbed on, helps. I wish it was warm enough to go walk in the ocean to make it all better. I should just use a tweezer the next time to get it over with. Yikes! We have no Monday Bible study these next three weeks so it worked out well that my friend, LeAnn, called Saturday to make plans for a lunch. I am meeting her tomorrow at Aron's Pizza to catch up on news and just hang out together. Maybe it will be nice enough to sit outside...
My downstairs neighbor is a trained pianist, home from college where she majors in music, and was providing the most delightful concert earlier. They were a bit surprised to hear that I can hear their piano up here, evidently the neighbor below them must be very quiet or not musically inclined! He is well into his 70's and likely quite quiet! I have some mailings to address and stamp so I had better get at that before it gets too dark to see. Or, I could do like I did last night and actually go sit in the family room! Yes, I did, two nights in a row....shall I make it three???