My posting has been seriously neglected due to my being unable to multi-task when watching/listening to the Convention proceedings. I can write and carry on when my radio shows are on, but not when watching the Synod activities or the Clay County Board meetings. I need to see the faces and look at the graphics or videos being shown, so cannot divide my attention. This serves as my disclaimer.
Thursday afternoon, as planned, Linda O. came over. Oh, it was so good to see her again. We had been together in February at her place, and then she left for her trip to Antigua for two months. And then I was gone so, yes, we needed the time. Our plan was to go over our mission materials and go swimming, but since the weather was expected to turn, we chose to swim first.
We did not have the pool to ourselves and several folks greeted us when we arrived, as we treaded water, and while we visited. At one point, my neighbor, Dick, came to join us at our table, with permission, and was quite interested in our conversation. He used to run a large area cemetery and told about the famous graves they had in his. Tour groups came through annually to taking an historical walk through the cemetery. Very cool!
Linda told me how her family is making plans for her mom's 100th birthday. If memory serves, her birthday fell around St. Valentine's Day. I remember this because of playing a game at the progressive dinner years ago where the men were asked when their mom-in-law's birthday was, and Linda's husband, Dale, could not remember. Even though it was within days of it happening!
What Linda did tell me, however, was how Frieda was so looking forward to getting to the State Fair. She absolutely LOVES going to the Fair and looks forward to having a foot-long hot dog and other Fair foods. In the past she enjoyed the merchant's building and seeing all the products being hawked and getting the free samples of things. What a great attitude Frieda still has! Her grandson who lives nearby will be her escort, even though a van from her resident home would take her. Good for her!
What Linda did tell me, however, was how Frieda was so looking forward to getting to the State Fair. She absolutely LOVES going to the Fair and looks forward to having a foot-long hot dog and other Fair foods. In the past she enjoyed the merchant's building and seeing all the products being hawked and getting the free samples of things. What a great attitude Frieda still has! Her grandson who lives nearby will be her escort, even though a van from her resident home would take her. Good for her!
Linda showed me her daughter's wedding album, as Heidi was married last fall in the mountains of CO. There was a chapel on a ranch high up, owned by an Austrian family, so it had that "air" to it. Their pastor came up the hill to do the service for them, and it was lovely. I wept when I saw Vincent, dressed in his pilot's uniform, walking his sister down the aisle. Just as if Dale, her daddy, was there. Wow!
I also got an official birth announcement from Lisa and Josh, complete with baby Shepherd in the folds of the American flag. He was born on Flag Day so it seemed appropriate. Linda went along to help Lisa with the photo shoot and was so impressed with the photographer. She did an amazing job with the newborn and his parents!
Linda also shared with me some of the materials garnered from St. John Lutheran in Antigua, celebrating their 40th anniversary. I knew some of the names listed on their membership roster from the 70's up to today. She let me borrow it for a few weeks, until we get together again, hopefully when Linda J. is here.
We touched on the things I saw and did in connection with the LWMS Convention, and I shared my notes from a previous such meeting. She remarked about the great opportunities we have to meet new people and hear their stories, so I directed her to that portion of my report.
A huge storm came up, which brought us up from the pool in the first place, and once it had seemed to let up, she headed back to St. Augustine. Fortunately, she got to greet Justin as he came home from work just before she left. Very cool!
The same storm which was an ordinary summer storm for my area produced a tornado over in the Arlington area. So glad Linda got back home safe and sound, and my heart is glad for having spent the time with her!