Man, it was soooo cold this morning, I simply hated the prospect of climbing out of bed. Sometimes we have no choice in the matter and are forced to throw off the covers, walk on the cold tile floor for a minute or two, and then head to the kitchen on more cold tile to get a soda. Back I dashed to the warm bedroom where my little heater was hard at it and had been all night long and dived under my covers. The news was pretty much a re-hash of the week's events so I opted to grab my "Grandma Speaks" book instead of watching TV.
In reading chapter upon chapter in rapid succession, it occurred to me that the author, Pearl Rainwater, is just a pseudonym for Judy Rusert! Aha, you are so busted, Judy! While I realize it is not actually Judy's writing, it certainly could be. She recommended this book series to me, the "used" ones I mentioned in a previous posting, and I am richer for it. First 'The Shack' and now these books. Wow! The chapters consist of a number of paragraphs about the author's life and family, spaced with the appropriate Scripture passages which tie it all together. For example, Chapter 8 begins with the passage from Matt. 18: 10-14, which cautions not looking down on little ones, that their angels in heaven are always seeing the face of God....Oh yes, good stuff.
Finally I did have to get up and dressed as it was time to leave for Bible study over at Victory. Before I left, though, Jean Nichols called to report that Twila's hip replacement was already complete and all went very well. Praise be to God! Twila was still in recovery and had not been assigned to a room yet but Jean promised to call back with a room number and phone number when she had it. I called Pastor with the news as well as a few others who would be interested. Even called Mom to let her know and she was so surprised that the whole thing was over already this a.m.! It is an hour earlier there than here, of course.
We had a full house at Bible study as two 'snowbird' members returned to the roost. They own a restaurant outside of Milwaukee which their kids now run so the parents can enjoy retirement in "warm" Florida!!! They remember me and I them from when they came to check out Good Shepherd many years ago. (I worked in the church office at the time and had a nice long chat before Pastor came in to meet with Dick and Audrey.) It was great to see them again and join "our" Bible study!
Before class began, Pastor filled in the attendees about Timmy's accident, then included me in the opening prayers as well as those who were having surgery or health problems. That was incredibly thoughtful and greatly appreciated. Audrey reached over and clutched my hand, again, greatly appreciated.
I would have liked to meet Justin for lunch today but had to get back to this side of town because of a Board of Directors meeting for Art Guild at the library. It occurred to me it was Martie's day to work so I called her to meet for lunch at Pengree's before my meeting and her working. Great! Wishing they had meatloaf, I am on a kick these days!, we instead shared a patty melt and fries. Oh well, perhaps next time we will strike on meatloaf day!
The meeting room at the library was freezing cold, certainly had to have been without heat for some time. Sonya allowed me to drape my lap with her leather coat as she had her internal furnace turned up extra high. Her heat did not help me any! I simply could not get warm and could not wait to get out of the meeting. It went quickly because the President was ill and Sonya ran it instead. Once back to my car which was warm from the sun and my heated car seats, I hustled it back up here to defrost.
But not for long! Kathy B. called to say she had taken off of work early for a test so was available for dinner and a movie! We had talked about doing this on Sunday but tonight works just as well. I will put on socks and oxfords so my feet are warm and even take my "Bible study" blanket along to the movies. I have to get to the bank first to get some cash as I got cleaned out at the BOD meeting for a gift for our President!
Justin was here to clean yesterday and he once more invited me to the opera! Saturday the Met Opera House in New York is broadcasting live to the area theaters the opera about Orpheus. Of course, we are going, but to his AMC instead of Orange Park because last time it took a long time for them to connect with NYC and we missed part of it. He has a gift card or two to use up so we will use those to help defray our expenses. It is still open as to whether or not we will worship at Victory Saturday night, guessing it depends if he makes plans with his friends or not. I will be satisfied with our time at the Opera....
Last night Suzanne made me roar with laughter after choir. She was telling me a story about traveling to New York City on business and about her hotel situation. The room was small and cheezy, a twin bed and over $300 a night to stay there. She said she walked into the lobby to check in, pulling her bag behind her, wearing her jeans and sweatshirt, as usual. She started to tell me that a lady was standing there "looking all New Yorkish"....................and that is all I heard. I lost it, totally lost it, looking all New funny! Just what Justin and I love about NYC, she hates! Go figure!