My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Anniversary Day today

I feel purple today!

Back at home, changed into my civies, and at my desk....what a day! Today was a celebration of the 30th anniversary of my church, Good Shepherd Lutheran. Just think----G. S. was merely a child when we moved to Florida and joined there. That was in fall of 1988 and Justin was a babe in arms yet--well, more like 15-months old, but still....

When I arrived at church, two Mike's were out by the grill, roasting the fatted calf to be served for lunch. Mike C. enjoyed the bag of cheese curds I gave him to devour while they cooked. The other bag was my "dish to pass" for the dinner.

The worship service was quite nice, starting with the Sunday school children singing in front of the church. Robbie served as cantor for part of the liturgy and did a remarkable job, of course. At the end of the service, the choir sang The Doxology, accompanied by piano and viola (played by Suzanne), and then we exited immediately to get the choir robes hung up so we'd be out of the way when the dinner started. Whew! As we hustled through the breezeway, I commented to Kristi that I hoped no one was wanting an encore, the way we flew out of the church!

I got back over to church in time to serve as Greeter. My hug supply was renewed, as I got as many as I gave. Oh, it was terrific to see everyone again after being away so long! As soon as I could get into the Fellowship Hall, I got the VCR fired up, showing the video of the pouring of the concrete and framing of the former classroom building. Much of the video has the excessive moving and focusing which causes nausea but we got through it okay. Cindy kept her purse close by in case she felt urpy....At the appointed time, Pastor read excerpts from letters sent wishing us a blessed day, including one from Dan Reich, who served as Vicar when we arrived here in '88.

Then it was show-time! Mike Kelley, Evelyn Ruppert, and I gathered around the Time Capsule and they used screwdrivers to open it while I read my speech. Gordy claimed I took an hour but it certainly was not that long! One page, man, one page! It was rich to see what was in the capsule--newsletter, budget, pricing for the building, newspaper, bulletin, directory. The clincher, though, was the cover of the capsule which had the "autographs" of our members and friends. Some got a bit messed up because the box was glued shut and had to be pried lose, but think it can be salvaged. Even Mom's name is written inside the Time Capsule!!!! Mine is there, too, plus my former spouse, but not Justin's. Sad!

It was fun to watch people watch the videos, seeing people who are no longer with us or to comment about how much people still at G. S. have aged or grown, as it were. No one could believe how cute Justin was, dashing about between people's knees and such, as was his custom. Part of the video shows the ribbon cutting for the new classroom building, now our "old" building, and then a birthday party for Pastor Schuppe, who was there as our Guest Preacher. George Sitgreaves was dressed up as Father Time and we gave Pastor amusing "old age" gifts and a black frosted birthday cake.

Those were the days!

More photos.....if you can stand it, and even if you can't!

Here's Linda, working hard at her desk at F. G.

Kim, Tarren, Grace, and Pete Prange

Grandma K holding Manny, then Lisa with Gabe

Manny, who learned how to cross his eyes!

See the pretty snow banks at First German!!
My first day in town and I was off to First German to help collate the newsletter. The ladies from left are Marilyn (friend of Judy J.'s), Alice, Marion, and Mom