Yes, the house is empty, the family room returned to its normal state with Noelle's airbed deflated and put away. Sheets are either washed or soon to be from the three beds. I hate it! I hate saying good-bye to those kids that I love!
They presented me with a gift certificate for Grumpy's and a larger compartmentalized picture frame into which I can consolidate the photos from the previous years, plus ones Michael and Judy put in from this year. Of course, I will cherish it, and them! Every time I go to Grumpy's and make use of their generous gift, they will come to mind.
The beautiful sunrise this morning as the kids were getting ready to go.
Michael came by early this morning for the young folk were not exactly ready to go. This made me nervous but I understand that is my thing, not theirs. The good news is that flew into JAX instead of Orlando this year saving many miles for Michael. They are also flying directly to Denver, no plane changing, which is good since they have no adult escort with them this year. At last they were out the door and on their way, and I could sit down to soak up the quiet.
But not for too long, as I had to ready myself for Bible study and worship. A couple people asked me how I was now that they were gone, but it was too soon for me to answer. I mourn! Judy had gone to church after Grumpy's yesterday and helped make sure everything was cleaned up and put back in the proper place. It all looked nice today, as though nothing had gone on.
We went to Chili's after church, and they seated us at a table which made for a tight squeeze. I moved around to the end to allow more elbow room. As we sat there, Michael got a text message from the CO kids reporting they had arrived at the airport in Denver. He took a picture of me to send them, showing how sad I am that they are gone. Except, I gave my default look:
Who can be sad with the Triple Dipper and Diet Coke sitting in front of them???
Yes, I miss them but they are off now on more adventures. Two of them are going to camp where they will be counselors. From one fun time with young ones to another. God bless them!