Today at church, before leaving for lunch, I wished the fellows whom I knew had children a happy Father's Day. I gave Paul a nice hug and wished him this as well, but the others mostly got my verbal greeting. It was notable to me how much more low-key Father's Day is celebrated compared to Mother's Day.
When I worked at Sprint Long Distance, our busiest day of the year would be Mother's Day, with kids of all ages trying to call their moms collect or needing help with calling card processing. My memory does not recall how many such calls were processed on Father's Day. Now that most people use cell phones, operator-assisted calls have gone the way of buggy whips. Glad to have had that job, though, which I began 21 years ago. What?
Jim B. lead our Bible study this a.m., looking at the life of Job. It moved along fairly quickly and when it ended, some of us sat around to visit for a while. Suddenly, it occurred to me that worship begins at 10:00 now so we had to hustle up to the church before all the good seats were taken. Whew, plenty of room left when we got there. Mike C. lead the worship and did a fine job of it, with Robbie providing the music for our service.
As the service was beginning, I was in the back marking the attendance. Michael announced a hymn change from what was listed in the service folder. Robbie "The Maestro" was seated alongside of me at the organ and struck up the hymn. The substitution was "Jerusalem the Golden" from the Supplement. Oh my! I softly gasped, and Robbie sort of smiled, knowing how this hymn affects me.
I grabbed a Supplement from one of the pews and started to sing. With so few people singing, it is important to be strong. Somehow I managed to get through the first stanza nicely but on the second one, I had drop out. "...Jesus in mercy bring us to that dear land of rest..." On the 3rd stanza, I managed to come back in but was not strong. What a beautiful picture of our heavenly home!
When we sang the choral version of this hymn a couple years ago, Emily was still in the choir, and had to carry much of the soprano because I cried every single rehearsal. When it came the day to sing it for worship, I held together nicely, having probably cried it out the weeks before, I suppose. The reason I could get through the first stanza today, I believe, is because I did not have a chance to think about it beforehand. Love starting a worship service in tears!
Terri T. had invited me to lunch the night before, having not seen each other since before I left for WI. Justin knew someone had asked me to lunch but not who...he was wondering if he could come along. Of course! I assumed he'd be tied up with his father but that was not until later in the day. Judy and Gretchen had decided to go to Sam's St. John Seafood so Terri and I adjusted our plans to match theirs and off we went.
Because of getting out of church earlier, we did not have to wait for a table. We did have to wait for Michael who had a quick Council meeting after church. Judy ordered for him and his plate was waiting as he came in the door. I had the pollack sandwich which was a very nice portion. The bun, lettuce, and tomato were left behind but I ate all the fish plus a couple fries.
Gretchen and I had the same lunch except she chose butter beans as her side dish. Justin ordered the buffalo shrimp with cheesy grits. When he began eating, he said, "You want one, Mom?" which made everyone bust out laughing. He liked the shrimp but wished the heads were off of them. Terri T. loves the fried shrimp from this place so everyone was happy.
With no Bible studies at church, I wasn't going to see Judy C. again before she left on Thursday morning for the LWMS Convention. We hugged good-bye and I told her I was envious of the adventure she was going to have. She is sharing a room with Kim T., who is Terri's sister.
Another lady from down state is riding up with Judy, coming this far and then jumping into Judy's car for the nearly 8 hour drive to NC. Carolyn will ride back with Judy, too, as well as Jennifer R., who used to be a member of GS. Her husband is a pastor at Merritt Island so I see her maybe once or twice a year at LWMS events. So, when Judy gets there, she will have Kim with her as well as spending time with Jennifer.
When Terri and Kim's dad died a couple years ago, Jennifer came up for the funeral service, having visited Gordy only a few weeks prior to his passing away. She and I sat together, helping each other sing. We used to sing together in the choir and it was great singing with her again, especially at such a significant event as Gordy's funeral.
It's funny how our lives intersect, how those two families knew each other well before coming to GS. I envy Judy that group of ladies but not that long drive!!
It's funny how our lives intersect, how those two families knew each other well before coming to GS. I envy Judy that group of ladies but not that long drive!!