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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Some down time at Lori's

Well, here I am sitting at Lori's new laptop which she received for Mother's Day.  She says it is going to like me better than it likes her because I have used it more.  Only a short while ago I came in from outside where I was resting in the sunshine in Lori's driveway as she napped in the house.  She had a very late night at the graduation party and was physically worn out from all the effort put into a party of this proportion.  Lori needed the rest!  David worked on a few things in the yard and garage and then got busy with some important music work.  He said that is how he relaxes and rests, doing music stuff rather than napping. 
Earlier this a.m. I started a load of laundry in order to take mostly clean clothes to Mom's rather than a suitcase full of "used" clothing, especially since my Saturday outfit smelled so strongly of smoke.  We finished our day 'round the bonfire with the guitar players strummin' and singin' well after midnight. Kerry was tired so went in ahead of me and got settled for the night, with me following her a bit later. We were sharing Dustin's bedroom which was fine since we both watch/listen to TV during the night. Dusty's friends were over yet when we went to bed and were a bit noisy, which was fine because it was his party, after all!  Oh, what a fine day it was, especially with my people arriving and then Judy and JerBear coming.  My people liked them and I think it was reciprocal.  The food was amazing and weather perfect, (no rain!), the bands good, especially Rose River.  They were getting cold toward the end of their set so ended sooner than they expected, as the temps began to drop. Hence, the blessing of the bonfire and smoky clothes!
This a.m., after all were up and about, the family came over from the hotel and we made plans to have brunch at nearby Drugan's.  Oh my, what a delicious feast we had.  It never ceases to amaze me how inexpensive dining out is here in WI.  The cost for five adults and two children to eat was less than $65 before tip, which is simply incredible, particularly since the food was so ample and delicious.  Having Kerry along was extra fun because she has not been over here to Lori's since she was pregnant with Alayna, nearly 18 years ago!!! Kerry is not what one would call a traveler, if you call visiting your sister three hours away being a traveler.....She is quite handy to have in the kitchen on clean- up detail, and always has been, and between us we cleaned up many many cans and bottles during and after the party.  Poor David is going to have quite the load to haul out on garbage night!!!!
Lori said they invited about 200 people and estimate that a little more than half showed up for the big event.  They were running low on beer and nacho chips at one point so people had to do runs to the store to restock.  Lori fortunately had made a kettle of hot beef the night before and she had to heat that up to serve as guests were still showing up well after 'supper' time, and all the meat was gone.  Lori was rejoicing that there are little leftovers to deal with, save for some fresh fruit salad and potato salad. Makes putting things away afterward quite a bit quicker!  We are having steaks on the grille tonight, I think, which sounds just wonderful to me, since I had brats and hot dogs yesterday.  Can check those items off my list of foods to have when I get to Wisconsin........  

I should get busy but....

....a few lines first.  Kerry woke me this a.m., telling me I had to get up and "play with her".  She was bored, being the only human being awake in the house this Sunday morning.  Kerry and I do not like the mess left outside and were told numerous times not to worry about it, but I suspect as soon as I done here, we will be up there and out there, tidying things.  Even this room I am in is totally trashed, as Dusty entertains his friends in this room, the "boy cave", as Lori calls it.  A garbage can will make quick work of this project as well as the one upstairs and outdoors.  It was dark when we came in and we could not see the mess that needed cleaning up.  What great fun the party was, though, well worth the effort, in my opinion!!
My family arrived mid to late morning and the ladies pitched right in with cutting up the fruit, etc. I busied myself with cutting bars, preparing the veggie trays without snitching, cleaning up in the kitchen including sweeping and mopping the floor.  I washed dishes and ran the machine, my usual stuff, as much as I like wiping counters.  Funny that only last week I talked about that very subject and I was totally in my element!  The boys were absolutely adorable and played on the swing set and entertained themselves with toys in the boy cave, while their daddy watched them.  
When it was time for them to check into their hotel, Lisa realized that her keys were locked in the car.  Oh, nuts!  At first she was going to call a locksmith and then asked, "Does anyone have AAA?"  I told her I did so we called them and without much delay, a nice man named Joe came out to rescue us.  They did not ask if it was my car or anything so I did not have to lie.  He used a wedge device to slide what looked like a blood pressure cuff between the door and the car, inflated the cuff enough to slide a long flexible gizmo in and ta da!!  The door was open and we loved Joe!!!!  Lisa was quite relieved to not have to pay a locksmith and I was so glad I have AAA.
I hear people up and about upstairs so will head up there to start bossing, I mean, lending a hand.  More will come later, I promise!  I miss all those not here with me in person, but know you are with me in my heart!