Well, it took a little while, crippled by the fact that Kerry was at work, but the two ladies have decided to come for their visit anyway. Lori and I were talking forth and back, actually talking on the phone while I messaged with Kerry who was working the pm shift. Because of the pending hurricane and the uncertainty as to direction, and so on, Lori wasn't sure they should come. She had purchased trip insurance but it seems that does not cover concern over possible bad weather. I told Lori to please not figure me into this decision at all, I would NOT blame them for not coming. Those WI girls would be miserable if the storm did affect us and we were without power for a period of time. Lori assured me she was not good in emergencies---I think it's brave of her to know that.
Lori was going to let Kerry decide if they should postpone but Kerry didn't want to be the one to make that decision. She had the most to lose, like her vacation days, etc. since Lori is retired now. Finally, I got the message from Lori that they were going to come and face whatever they had to face. YAY!!!
I had told EVERYONE at the pool for weeks about them coming, some of the ladies remembering Kerry's visit from 2010 and others remembering Lori from my birthday party in early 2016. My other friends knew about it too, plus I joke about standing up on Hwy. 17 with a sign to let people know I was getting company. My two sisters were e-mailed the proposed plan for daily activities, including websites so they could check the venues and the time of day for the events. Lori did write back in acknowledgement saying, "I like you are making plans for us, but not the 9:00 am stuff..." I know that already but I hoped she'd be able to rouse herself on those occasions. Kerry and I are early to bed and Lori is a late to bed/later to rise person. We'll make it work.
One day a while back I was having lunch with Terri and her sister, Gayle, at Longhorn. I mentioned that I had sent the schedule of events to my sisters for their pending visit. Gayle looked at me quizzically, and said, "I don't know if I have ever visited anywhere, or hosted anyone where there was a schedule..." Of course, there's a schedule! We are packing as much fun into that week as we can endure!! Terri and I laughed a bit since Gayle is quite a planner, too. Perhaps she didn't quite understand what I'd done, but it was funny at the time.
Justin is still staying over in Mandarin as a house and dog sitter, but has taken time to be here to make sure things are ready for the ladies. I went to the store and got the items they asked to have on hand (I asked them what they wanted) plus I got a few things to have on hand in case the storm does come this way. Justin has the guest room made up, the housekeeper has been here and polished things to within an inch of its life. All that remains is setting up Kerry's airbed in the living room. She needs the TV just like I do. He said he will also drive to get them from the airport tomorrow evening. They land, Lord willing, just be 6:00 pm so our plans are to dine at 4 Rivers, a bit of local flavor for our guests, on the ride home. He'll have to head right back to Mandarin then to let the dogs out to potty and I'm sure the ladies will be tired from a long day of traveling.
Kerry has to work tonight until 11:00 and then go home to try to sleep. In the morning she is driving an hour and a half to Manty, leave her car at a friend's garage, and then our sister, Jill, will pick her up and take her to Mom's house where Lori and Lynn are. Whew! Why they didn't fly from Green Bay escaped me, closer for Kerry and I think Lori could have gotten a ride up there from Manitowoc. Since Lynn broke her ankle, she cannot take them to the airport so other arrangements needed to be made. Kerry found a private party who knew her father-in-law who will drive them to MKE. Neither lady likes to drive in the big city so other arrangements need to be made. Like I said, a long day of traveling for the ladies. Oh, I sure do hope that storm misses us!!!