My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

That reminds me---I need to buy stamps...

My computer is printing out the newsletter I send to members away from the congregation but I used my last stamps to mail a packet to Marian, my sister-in-law, in south Florida. Should have bought some before the price went up.........................
It's a glorious morning on the river, the sun sparkling like jewels, just the way I like it! As I wrote to Jill this a.m., the water is littered with boats, many stationary, probably fishing. Some pull up along the breakwater and the fishers sit on the rocks.
Justin had a really cool experience over the past weekend. He was bobbing in the water on the jet ski (oh, how I miss the jet skis!!!) and a baby manatee poked its nose out of the water to be petted. I asked if the mama wasn't there, too, and Justin said she might have been, only didn't surface to be petted. I was telling the electrician yesterday about going on the field trip with Justin's Junior class to swim with the manatees at Crystal River. This conversation came after he told me about staying at his buddies' house just across from where the dive boat anchored. I think that is so cool, he knew just where I was talking about.
In a little while I am off to church to vacuum and then home to sit poolside with Martie, and perhaps, my neighbor, Ellen. I invited her, if she's not otherwise occupied, to join the fun by the pool. Often they are gone on weekends but with her spouses' recovery from his hip replacement, they most likely have to stay around home a bit longer. Good! We'd talked about going to Grumpy's for breakfast someday, so maybe we'll get a chance to do that soon.
As I write this a.m., a movie is playing called "I Am Sam", about a mentally retarded man with a small child, fighting for her custody. It's a real tear-jerker, let me tell you. Even though it's Sean Penn playing the lead, it's very, very good. The child is played by a beautiful blond girl, perfect for the role. Michelle Pfiefer plays the attorney fighting the uphill battle for this man to keep his daughter, even though Lucy is already more "intelligent" than her daddy---grade wise, that is. It really makes one think about the relationship between parent and child, what is the measuring stick used to measure the ability to parent. I do know the little girl has been baptized, because her Godmother appeared on the stand to testify as to Sam's competency.
Sam's love is so totally unconditional and their love genuine, until she gets exposed to other children in school who very nicely point out the "problems" her father has. They took away her rose-colored glasses! No, she had NO GLASSES and the kids and society gave her some which she didn't even need.
As happens often in these type cases, Sam and his friends have their set routines, one of which is to watch videos on Thursdays. They basically have them memorized, and one guy can spout the name of the director and the year the film was made. I know some people like that!!! Anyway, it made me chuckle thinking about how I used to get irritated with Justin being lost in fiction and not focusing on reality, everything related to Star Wars, or National Treasure or James Bond. But, hey guess what! I now compare the entire world to "Seinfeld" or "Frasier"!!! Justin might be saying, "Welcome to my world"....not!!!!!
So, enough time spent in fiction, lets move on to real life and go clean the Lord's house. After all, tomorrow is Confirmation Day for a young lady whose family came to us through Precious Lambs Preschool. I love it when this happens! The Word of the Lord reaching out into the community:
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
Cleaning, pool time, and then cropping with my lady's a good life, let me tell you!

Friday, May 30, 2008

You light up my life!

That's what I told the nice electrician who installed my light kit and repaired my foyer light for me.....He is a real sweetheart, worked on my projects at the lake house. I didn't catch his name but can easily find out. Felt badly that I didn't recall his name since he knows me from way back when....remembers me being on the job sites with my kids, cleaning up the houses. In all honesty, I don't know that he'd remember Timmy since at that point we had some people who came through and cleaned the sites. Unless it was at our Preserve house....Regardless, it was nice to talk with him and reminisce at bit.
Justin and I met Jen plus a mess of other people at Longhorn for lunch to say "farewell" to our friend, Mai-ly. She is packing up her household and three kids, heading back home to Seattle. It saddens me to lose her children from my life but she has to do what she has to do. After Leone's closed, she found a job working in a private Christian school off Blanding, and her co-workers were there to say their good-byes also. Jen was the one who invited Mai-ly and me to lunch, and then it blossomed into 12 people. Justin and I were the only ones to garner a hug from her, she sort of flew out of the restaurant in order to avoid tearful good-byes. At this writing, they are two hours into GA, with a really long ride in front of them. Godspeed, Mai-ly! I hope you find what you're looking for!!
I just came back inside from attending a wedding! Every weekend there are weddings taking place on the grounds of The Club and if timed just right, can watch as the bridesmaids, flower girls, and bride make their way to the "front" of the patio, facing the river. This evening, however, I heard the bridal march play through three times before the bride made her way out of the hall....seems the mini-brides needed to be coaxed along, a nice lady taking one by the hand, more or less, pulled her to the front. Kids! I wondered, without basis, if one or both of the girls belonged to the bride, this after seeing her march in a beige or yellowish gown instead of sparkling white. Merely an observation on my part.
Tomorrow it's my opportunity to clean at church, which I'll get out of the way early---unless I get a call to have breakfast! All I have to do is be back home by 2:00 pm as Martie is coming over right from the office and we're going to sit poolside. We can get hamburgers or whatever in the cabana, perhaps an adult beverage. But not too much, as we are heading out at 6:00 pm for major scrap booking adventure out in Hibernia!!! Talk about excited! We'd wanted to go to the beach but knew we couldn't get down there and back in time to crop so opting for the pool instead. A whole lot less gas expense just walking out to the pool. It is starting to matter about wasted miles--for everyone.
Oh, it's a glorious evening for a wedding, though. It was nice and warm all day, with the sun still shining at this moment. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get to see some manatees in the basin. Justin came by after work and took care of a few things for his "too short on one end" Mama. Justin tottered on the top step on my stool and still had to stretch in order to add the chain to my hanging lanterns. The ceiling in my river room is about twelve feet high, a stretch for anyone without pulling out the ladder. Justin also helped me figure out how to cut/paste some pictures from a map page on the computer to a picture file. I won't even try to explain all that but now I know how to do it in the future. One of my neighbors liked the shot I used in The Palace Press and asked me how I got that. It was fun to be able to share my new found information!
I had some pretzels and dip ready to go out on the shelf tonight but no one came out to play. It's easy enough to check for activity, simply peer over the side for heads. If I'd have checked my e-mail, I'd have seen that we weren't meeting tonight but instead I watched a movie. My stuff will keep but tonight would have been a good one for me, no running off to play. Last night we spent some time together before I had to dash off to paint with Dee. I love my picture from last night, playing with watercolor pencils. Next time I go, Kris is going to allow me to use her "spray" paints, watercolor paint in a spray bottle. Far out, man!
The movie I mentioned was "The Lake House" which I'd seen before, I think in the theater. Wow, it is soooo good, a romantic story with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. She has a lot of drama in her face, it speaks volumes. I also had a lake house but nothing overly romantic took place there! Of course, it wasn't made of glass like this one throwing stones! As part of the movie, the couple, who live two years apart, reference a Jane Austin book, Persuasion. I'm not familiar but am interested. Not much progress is being made in "Pride and Prejudice", I have to keep starting over to keep track of who's who. Much like Lord of the Rings, only without the sword fights and battles!
Judy R. recommended watching the PBS movie first, which she found quite helpful in getting through the printed version. I can do that!
It's nearly to the point where I have to make use of my brand-new light on the ceiling fan! Somehow or another, my desk is piled full of papers etc., and when I go somewhere and return, the mess is still there!! What gives?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What an interesting day.......

....and it's not over yet. Morning came at the usual time today, with Becker being the one to whom I awakened. I think I liked Ted Danson better as a bartender than a surly doctor. When Jerry and George were meeting with the NBC people to peddle their pilot, George kept insisting that NBC meet Ted Danson's salary for them!!! Not anymore, Ted's pretty much dropped off the TV radar!
Usually I watch "Fox and Friends" in the a.m. but sometimes I'll just watch whatever is on after Becker. I've taken a liking to JAG, a show about military attorneys who represent service members. Today they were at NAS-JAX which I thought was really cool! They showed the gate and landing areas, just like I see whenever driving past the base.
Friday early the electricians are coming to install a new ceiling fan light for over my desk. These are the same people who did the electric for the home building business and have done some for me my past two homes. The current fixture is a school-house style and fails to illuminate my desk area which is important for late day work at the desk. I went to Home Depot to get the light kit, plus bulbs and pulls for the fans. I have to jump to grab some of the chains so adding the extra length will be just dandy--plus they are pretty glass-style. Perfect!
After my shopping, Justin and I met for lunch at Ruby Tuesday. I just love their triple prime burger and the mashed cauliflower. The bun goes to waste though as I leave that behind. Mom would have loved the tomatoes, as they also went to waste. Neither Justin nor I like to eat a tomato straight up! Justin liked his turkey burger, using his bun the way it should be and even ate his fries. The mashed cauliflower tastes so much better than their fries do, in my opinion.
A dear lady at church can no longer attend due to an illness so I took a nice ride out to one of the neighborhoods where we used to live. It's the same one where we found the "snake" floating in the swimming pool way back when Justin was a baby. In case you don't remember, one of the two babies' diapers let loose their stuffings which looked like a snake to us. Anyway, it was a nice afternoon visit to Fireside, spending time this lovely lady. At one time, three of our church members lived out there but now it's down to two. It's become such a "mature" looking neighborhood, the trees all grown, and apparently the entire community is built out. After such a rocky beginning, wonderful to see how far its come!
Last night after getting home from Bible Bites, it was still light. As I sat at the computer, I spotted a couple manatees frolicking in the basin. I wish it stayed light later so I could see more, but then night fell! It seems they must stay away when the machinery is working in the basin, but once the work stops, here come the couples!
This evening I am meeting with Dee, Kris, and some other "artists" for an "invitation only" painting session--ahem, ahem! One of the ladies works in a school and we are using her classroom for our workshop. This is really exciting for me, to be "influenced" by these notable, genuine artists. Dee wants to be the only one I learn from, as if it is possible for me to be taught! Jill, no need to scold, I know, I know..........By the way, Jill, I am sorry that you spit your food out last night!!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's heck to get old.......

...let me tell ya'.....
Recently I'd noticed a fluttering sensation in my eyes, mostly the left, which feels like its pulsing or moving or something. Mostly it's annoying but I'm also certain that people in cars alongside me can see it. This is not reasonable, of course, but it seems as though they might. It was time to "see" the eye doctor.
I'd not had an eye exam since my final "tweaking" on my right eye back in 2001, so it was time I did. The assistant performed all the exams she could, me trying to read tiny writing on the wall while holding a spoon over one eye. I also had my head examined by a machine which looks inside my head (actually inside my eye ball) to see if there's anything amiss. I was clean! Finally, I was put in the actual exam chair to await the doctor.
"Ed", for whom we'd built a home many years ago, is a nice man, who greets me with a great big hug when he sees me. He frequents the same frame shop I do---ahem, I see his wife, Janet, and he with some regularity. One time he gave me a stern scolding for not wearing sunglasses, saying even though I've had Lasik, I should still wear them. Really, it's been such a relief to not have to wear glasses at all. On a cruise in 2000, I bought a great pair of sunglasses in the Amsterdam airport, gold glitter. I either lost or broke them, never did find a pair that compared!
Well, those days of glory are over, my once 20/20 vision has deteriorated wwaayy down to 20/25 and 20/50. Oh, like that's so bad...really? One eye is more "correct" than the other due to the monovision correction with the Lasik, intended to stave off needing reading glasses sooner--so far, so good) What I DO require, however, is AccuVision eyewear (not called glasses anymore, did you notice?) to wear when I am driving at night. They can be worn any time I need to see something at a distance but they are intended for night driving. Just what I need as designated driver of the church ladies!
Talk about expensive! I know that its been many years since I've had an eye exam and purchased glasses---excuse me--eyewear, but holy cow! The frames, red, of course, were certainly not the most expensive ones, although the nice lady tried to direct me toward the designer ones by Armani. Please! I am using them at night, who gives a hoot if they are designer or what? When I was in 2nd grade and got my first glasses, replacement bows cost $14.00 a piece. I know this because my parents had to make that purchase on more than one occasion in my grade school days. Now, $14.00 buys nothin', Jerry, nothin'!!!
So, in about a week or so, I'm back to sporting glasses, after all these years glasses-free. You know, it never occurred to me to ask for contacts but I'll bet this AccuVision product line doesn't come in contact lenses. I just knew it would come to this eventually--I could stave off aging only so long before it caught up with me. At least I got a few compliments out of it: "you have beautiful eyeballs", "I like your hair", and "you have such nice skin". That's what happens when you're eye to eye with people, these things are noticed.
On the lighter side, Ed had to use this machine with the multiple lenses in it, and told me to rest my chin on the white plastic piece and my forehead against the top. There's one not-so-small problem----there's no way I can get myself close enough to this machine to rest my chin. I can rest all sorts of things, but not the chin---at least, not without expending some effort. I was hoping to pull that machine close enough without him having to push, pull, or manipulate something.....and I did it! I grabbed hold of sides of it and held on for dear life. Hurry, hurry, I'm losing my grip.......Ed certainly couldn't say too much as his wife looks similar to me!
The main reason I went to the eye doctor in the first place was the fluttering. Ed asked me if I had any cramps or such in my legs (good thing he didn't ask me if I had swelling in my legs!!!) (I love that joke!) and when I told him I didn't, he said not to worry about it, not a problem. I explained about other drivers staring at me--not really--and he said some folks who drink a lot of coffee have the fluttering of the eyelids.....oh, I see, again with the caffeine business! I like the idea of not worrying about it, my kinda doctor!
On another note: Once I had a dentist named Buddy who had administered nitrous oxide to me during a treatment. As they were trying to bring me back down afterward, he had the audacity to ask me, "Do your legs feel heavy?"......................................................

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

If you're not already blogged out.....

Here is Lisa's site, complete with photos of the boys, and even one of her and me together!

Have fun!

Early morning jogging...

...and if you believe that........

As I lay watching re-runs of JAG, somewhere around 7:00 a.m., I heard my doorbell ringing. What? Off went the covers (no sunshine this a.m. to warm me!!) and on goes the caftan for my dash to the door. Could it be the Fuller Brush Man? Company!!! I love that!!! Actually, it was neighbor, Hugh, asking me to move my car so the roofers can do their work. I was under the impression I wasn't going to have to relocate, but being a team player, I grabbed my keys and flew downstairs with Hugh to move my car. Several of the workers were stirring around in the parking lot including "doorman" Dave plus one of the tenants that rents on the 5th floor. Many car movers this a.m.
For some reason, this brought to mind when Justin was a little boy, planning his career in hotel and restaurant management. He had jobs in mind for all of his family members, including Lynn. Lynn's job was to work in the kitchen for breakfast (after I had gotten up early to turn on the ovens.....) but she had to stand behind the plates, according to Justin, because "she doesn't look so good in the morning".....what? His words, his imagination. Always thinking.
No one was missed in his planning, either. He even had a job for his Grandma K: she was going to operate the elevator, wearing safari gear! Other than my job of turning on the ovens in the morning, his father and I were to do the airport runs with a van---his dad driving, me handing out drinks and giving a talk............His partner in the restaurant business was supposed to be a classmate, Nick. The name of the place? "Justin the Nick of Time"!!! How's that for an imagination?
This planning took place prior to his brother being born, which would have made him about 8 years old or so. Once Timmy was born, Justin added a ball pit and a slide from our 3rd floor suite (He was also prophetic!!!) for his brother to play in. The hotel could only be 3 floors high because his father's contractor license limited the height of structures he could build. Oh, yes, Justin thinks of everything, and in depth, I dare say!
Prior to his plans for a hotel, he was determined to sell flowers along Hwy. 17 by Pace Island, like the vegetable man did at that time. He was going to sell them for $1.00 each. First, he wanted us to get him a cash register and brief case to carry the money home. He had seen them at Sam's Club. We said he might not sell many sunflowers for a dollar, that was too much money, and he said, "That's okay. I'll just bring the rest home for my mama!"
And I thought of this just because I had to run outside in my caftan very early in the morning and give the poor working guys a fit!
p.s. Christine: if you're out there, call me, please? I miss you!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

This was posted at Jami's blog as of yesterday......she mentions me!! These links are amazing, brought me to tears!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

What's your cardboard testimony?
My mom sent all of us (family) an e-mail recently, titled: I wanted to share this with you.

"Recently our pastor, Tommy Politz, preached a series of sermons on the 'Generosity Revolution: Next.' It was outstanding. The thing I wanted to show you was something called Cardboard Testimonies, which was done at the end of one of the services. It blew us away and had a profound affect on our congregation. The video of it was so highly requested that they put it on You Tube. Enjoy! The first and last person up is our Pastor, Tommy."

This was followed the next week by this: Mom"

Now from Jami:

So ... do me a quick favor and view those videos. Let me just say this:

Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone has a story they are living. Everyone has a life full of pain that can be overcome. And everyone has the opportunity to turn that pain, that turmoil, those really poor decisions you made (yeah, I raise my hand on that one), into something for which you can give God glory.
Regarding the second video, I want to challenge all of us to follow suit. Reach out and give to someone. Make an impact. Make it a positive one.And if you don't have money to give, give your time, or give your smile. Give your kind words or your encouragement.
This life is so full of pain and hardship; you may be the only person in an individual's life today to offer hope, love and encouragement.
Generosity Revolution Let the light of Jesus shine in you.
(Kim Day, I know you will appreciate this one!)

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

When I select this font-style, Georgia, I always think of Linda's sister....and when I think of Linda's sister, I think of Linda...and when I think of Linda.....I think about how much I miss her! Especially since having dinner with Rosses' the other night at Koko's; they invited me to join them in Savannah in June. It just seems so wrong to go to Savannah without Linda! I can never look at the tram again without roaring my head off, remembering the time when I told the nice tram operator that we needed six seats for the three of us--Linda, Georgia, and me!!! We had that whole tram rolling with laughter!!!!! In more ways than one!
The river is alive with activity and wildlife today. Justin and I rotated my desk a quarter turn so now I face directly toward Mandarin and the river. Right off the bat I spotted a couple of manatees dancing in the basin. At this moment I don't see any which is not to say they aren't out there, but the sun went behind a cloud which prevents me from seeing the shiny backs and fins of the frolickers. (Is that a word???) Besides these odd creatures of the river, I see many water fowl and even a crow which stands in the palm tree outside my window, staring at me. Maybe I should go get dressed or something. Crows have purple eyes, probably from eating the berries which are growing in the palms. Since my windows have been washed, no more birds have crashed against them, at least not when I am sitting here. The nice fireman who washed them used my vacuum cleaner to remove all the stuff accumulated in the tracks of the windows.
As I write this a.m. I am also gettin' down here with a video I ordered from Amazon, a two-movie set, about Lynard Skynard. It's sort of fun to play catch up, as I am doing with my Frasier and Seinfeld videos (excuse me--my son would correct me--DVD's). Unfortunately, it's not really my type of music, which is probably why it didn't appeal to me back in the day. My neighbor told me once that it was refreshing to find someone who wasn't a fan! Some of the tunes are familiar after being used in movies and advertisements, but what's fun is seeing what my neighbor used to look like! Unfortunately the video doesn't show a whole lot of his performing. Some of the video footage shown, the interviews, are taped on Doctors Lake and Middleburg of olde, so that's cool, too!
Last night when Justin and I got back here from Dave & Busters, a huge party was going on at The Club, to celebrate Memorial Day, and the music was blaring across the parking lot. We opened our car doors to the strains of a fairly good version of "Me and Bobby McGee". Justin thought at first they were singing karaoke but then realized it was a live band. As we walked past the pool, he said it seemed like more than a wedding, and then I told him it was just a big party. One of my neighbors, Nancy, also a writer, was sad that this event was taking place at the same time as the Concert on the Green, as she'd already signed up for the Club party. I knew about the D & B thing so didn't plan on the other Concert. Last year Sarah stole the show at the C.O.G., dancing in perfect rhythm to the orchestra. People even came up to us and complimented her on the natural style she has! She wasn't even 3 yet! Paul has video of her performance which I've yet to see, maybe I'll ask him about it today at the family picnic....boy, it doesn't seem like an entire year has gone by already!
Aside from the live action outside and the "live" recording on my computer screen (Justin showed me how to play a DVD while using my computer, a picture-in-a-picture thing). This will allow me to "watch" a postage stamp-sized image as I work here at the machine, and perhaps still catch the nuances of peoples' facial expressions (i.e. Seinfeld, Frasier) and not be held up. ....the ultimate in multi-tasking! So, where was I? Oh, yes, the activities outside with a heartbeat and some with gas-powered engines or no engines at all---boats! Sailboats up and down the river, speeding jet skis flying by, fishing boats anchored, waiting for a bite---seems like every one is ready for the day except me!
The rest of the world seems quiet this morning, no pounding from the roof or the unit above mine. It may be more silent since my patio doors are shut yet. I didn't know if it would rain overnight or not, and haven't pulled them open this a.m. Often I hear my downstairs neighbors outside on their patio having coffee but I'll bet Tommy has his boat out on the water on such a lovely day.
There, now, the doors are opened and the breeze is fine. As soon as I pulled open the sliding doors my kitchen door slammed shut, as usual, which means I will be treated to a symphony from my wind chimes. If I open the foyer door, the breeze through the house is so delightful and fresh (to me it is!!) and allows for movement in the river room, stirring the chimes and suncatchers into action. Love it!
Another thing which spurred my interest in listening to this music is several months ago Justin sent me a link to a group who recorded (in music lingo, this other band "covered" the original song) "Simple Man", and he also sent me the lyrics. Justin said I'd like this song because of its message--not to climb over people to get to the top, to be satisfied with what we have and remember where it came from, references to heaven and remembering what's in your soul....Yeah, he knows me pretty well, which buttons to push on his mama's heart!
Oh, of course, most of those band members went to Robert E. Lee High School. Go figure! I always remember how my friend/former co-worker/former church member, Rebecca, insisted her son was NOT going to attend a high school by THAT name! They were in that school district and she wasn't about to have her son go to such a "rebel" school. Now, this same son is graduating from high school in Onalaska, WI, the same area where Rebecca grew up.
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, Lois, it's a cigarette boat cruising down the river, sounding more like a semi-truck than a water craft. It's stirring up quite a spray behind it, which might disturb the poor guys trying to fish. Fortunately it seems he's going all the way down so they can start again with their fishing attempts.
I was thinking about Mark, another of Justin's friends from school, who is a muscian and student. He absolutely LOVES the music of The Band, and one of his favorite movies/CDs is "The Last Waltz", the final tour of The Band. When I was in WI, David reminded me of the time before we moved to Florida, Lori, David, me and my former spouse went to the movies to see "The Last Waltz" when it came out, and only the three of us stayed awake for it! (An aside: Wow, part of the movie playing on my computer shows my neighbor leading Skynyrd in prayer before the set!!). Mark really plays accustic and electric guitar well, but don't know if he has time now between college, working at UPS, and such to play anymore. Last 4th of July he entertained me at Twila's with his "Band" renditions and of course, gave me a little taste of my former favorite "Paranoid"!
Taken at Justin's graduation party--Justin watching David and Mark as they played geetars on the porch

My, how I've rambled today! That's what happens when there's no Bible study on Monday mornings! No sense of urgency. Guess I'll get my swim suit on and go visit with my neighbors and maybe my new friends I met the other day at the pool....Just a reminder to everyone that is Memorial Day, when we set aside time to remember our fallen soldiers and thank those who serve today!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's Sunday morning at nine a.m.....isn't that a song?

God morning all!
Again, not a typo, I like to consider it a "God morning", an opportunity to give it another go!
Supper was delicious at Koko's, no waiting, although the tables were quite busy. Only 3 chefs cooking so they were hoppin'. Our waiter was---interesting. Jen said we'd had him before but I didn't remember.
At first I was going to compliment him on his hair, since it's like mine only much taller. But then I saw the big diamond earrings, arched eyebrows, and a hint of mascara, and decided to keep my compliments to myself. Rick said he thought he noticed some blush, but that might have been from working so hard.
After he took our order, we all looked at each other (two ladies sitting with us) and sort of grinned, wondering if he was ??? (Not that there's anything wrong with that-----just saw that episode of "Seinfeld" Saturday afternoon!!!). Which is what made this so comical for me.....My apologies to those who don't recognize the Seinfeld reference....It's better explained live rather than in print.
I spent a little time this a.m. looking on-line for a recorded version of the Psalm we are singing next week for Confirmation, but couldn't find it. I thought I'd found it once but somehow it eludes me today. We are singing Psalm 63 and I have the first verse alone. Practice is needed, more to build confidence than anything else, to sing with the confidence that Robbie has! He's come so far these couple years, I couldn't be more proud if he were my son!
"Oh, Go, you are my God, for you I long; for you I weep through the body craves for you like a dry, weary land without water...."
That's not all I sing but the first lines of my verse, it's really quite lovely.
"In the morning I will sing, I will sing glad songs to you! I will sing glad songs of praise to you. I will sing glad songs of praise to you!"
Now, if you'll excuse me, I am off to do just that!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A great weekend thus far

Last night was anther great meal at Blu Grotto, my 3rd visit in two days. Betty and Brenda N., my former co-workers/now friends, joined me for dinner, again dining el fresco. The floor in the lobby is being re-finished so all patrons must come and go through the side door, which put me in the catbird's seat as far as seeing who's there, etc. I saw many folks that I knew plus enjoyed the company of my dear friends. In fact, it was such a nice time that we sat there for over three hours eating and yakking. Brenda and Betty don't see each other as often as I see them separately so they had much to catch up on.
Tomorrow Justin is coming over here to help me re-arrange my computer desk and such, so perhaps he can figure out why my keyboard is selecting only certain letters to print when pressed! I did change the batteries!! If there are a mess of errors in this, it's not my fault, okay?
Just came in from sitting by the pool, where I found a nice couple to talk to. They are here for a wedding this weekend, having moved from here to Tampa over 2 years ago, formerly living in Country Walk!!! They bought a JA Long home, where Brenda N. and Jimmie now work. It was great fun to catch them up on things. For dinner they met some friends at Whitey's and were a bit distressed to see what it's become (i.e. less family-ish, more party-central) (scuzzy behavior and all that) but enjoyed the food. I mentioned the Blu Grotto and they said I was the 3rd person to tell them about it, so they are going tomorrow for lunch. I should crash their party, I don't think they'd mind!
I have slipped from my swim clothes into my nightie but now that I'm cooled off and dry, can get dressed to meet the Rosses' for dinner. Koko's it is tonight, even though my personal chef is gone--boo hoo hoo!Jen's folks are gone to Ft. Meyers so they have to let their dog in for them tonight. Last time the blind dog managed to get out of the fenced area and a neighbor found him wandering around. The road isn't safe of a sighted animal much less a blind one! Now they are extra careful with Freddy.
Justin and I had a lovely breakfast this a.m. at IHOP, with him taking the balance of my corn cakes along with his leftovers. He stayed at his father's to watch Mickey (all these dog watches going on!), is going home to clean up, shave, and go to church tonight, and then to his roomies' dad's birthday party. Afterwards it's back to the Island for putting Mickey away again so he doesn't bark. We're riding together to the birthday party on Sunday. He'll come back this far with me and then proceed to let Mickey back in------------such a rigmarole for these pets!
Think of me eating my flied lice tonight (not spelling errors, just being funny)! Oh, I almost forgot--Lynn: I finally got the good pretzel dip that I've been looking for at ABC Wine and Spirits this a.m. I also got some raspberry rum to enjoy when sitting on the shelf with my neighbors. Now I can contribute to the fun with my pretzels, dip, and rum!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Do I hear "three"?

When Justin was a little boy, oh, about 4 or so, he was tucked in for the night........but his conversation continued long after we'd left the room. At one point I went back in to tell him to quit talking and go to sleep, he replied, "But, Mama, I have words left over!" Can't fault a guy for something he came by naturally, right?
Well, today I'm the one with words leftover! For the 3rd and probably last time today, I am posting.
Martie and I just finished our lovely dinner at the Blu Grotto, the very same place where I had lunch with Justin today! At the beach last week I told her we needed to go there, so when she suggested dinner tonight, oh, yeah, let's go! I saw a mess of people I knew there, and saw some folks at noon, too. Great fun!
But, here's the thing: I saw Carol, a Realtor at E. H. whom I've known for many, many years, and her hubby, whom I see often at Longhorn. She was happy to see me and gave big hugs, etc. And then she reported that someone said they'd seen me out with a guy........what? I blew it off, saying it was probably Justin, and she said no, it wasn't. Hmmm....people are talking about seeing me out with a guy????? That is nuts on so many levels! I said, "Well, if they did see me out, it was probably Rick, who drew your house plans." Carol said, "No, it was an older guy." I told Carol in no uncertain terms that I was absolutely NOT dating anyone ever, that it must have been a mistaken identity (oh, yes, soooooo many people look just like me)...
This gave Martie and me something fun to discuss over our dinners. We thought and thought over who it could have been....Paul! Joan's husband, Paul, it has to be! (Justin and I celebrated Christmas at their house, I posted a photo of us all together.) He is the only older man I've had dinner with but certainly not alone, always with our group. Isn't it funny how stories get started? Hopefully I sufficiently defended my honor with Carol, and she'll "share" that information with her cohorts. We just shook our heads over this, just imagine someone wanting to go on a date with me!?!? Puh-lease! The only other option would be when our Bible study group goes for lunch but still, that's not on the Island and is always more girls than boys....
After Martie left, I headed for the elevators where I met Ellen, my upstairs neighbor, who was coming home after being at the hospital. Her hubby, who is somewhat well-known, had his hip replaced, again, yesterday. If all goes well, he'll be released on Saturday to come home. She said she'll be playing nurse to him, but once he's not as dependent on Ellen, she and I are going to go have dinner at Blu Grotto. I really love it there: the rich blues, the Italian theme, the music....
While eating lunch, I told Justin the music alone made me want to just pack my bags and go over!!! He said to go for it, just sell all I own and find an apartment near the Ponte Vecchio. He's such a romantic, or a Florentine, as the case might be. When I said I'd miss him, he said, "You could send for me". He's got it all worked out.....the only thing about his plan? No church for me there! Small detail.............

Two postings today.......

After choir last night I caught up with Carol in the parking lot and told her about the big sign at the cemetery. Her infant son and her mom are buried just steps away from Timmy. Judy C. was there, too, when I told about having to collect the memory items from the site......Carol, being Carol, said, in her loving way, "Well, that's another step..." She is so wise, that Carol. She knew exactly what I was thinking and feeling. I used to call her "Troi", from Star Trek: The Next Generation because Troi was an "empath", could pick up vibes from people and know what was going on inside them. And Carol can do that, too, plus knows what to do with the information!!!!! Comfort!
I'd love to have half the Troi that Carol has.............

Another lovely morning on the river

Southern view of The Club, which is what I see from my front doors....

The humidity has forced me to fire up the A/C last night and today, since I couldn't get my kitchen door to shut properly. It was so swollen, it wouldn't let me out the door for Bible Bites. I figured "what's the harm in turning it on while I'm gone?" It's set on 80 but I arrowed down to 78 (brrr.....!) and have left it at that overnight. At one point before I went to bed, I heard my wood front door open....scary! Certainly it was the wind pushing it, because it could! Enough moisture had left the wood to allow it to pop open, since it probably wasn't tightly shut in the first place. The metal door was safely locked so no worries there, just an eerie feeling to hear the door open all by itself.....(imagine creeeeeepy noises, and voices whispering, "Don't go in there, don't go! Turn on a light!). I don't watch enough of those movies!
Evidently the roofers don't stay up until all hours communicating with their friends in TX like I do, as they were on the job bright and early this a.m. With the threats of rain yesterday and today, they most likely have to hustle some so as not to leave our underbelly exposed to the elements. I doubt tarps would help much in a good-sized downpour. My parking spot was occupied with a giant dumpster yesterday so am glad I found a vacant "Guest" spot to park in. I offered my garage spot to my neighbors before I realized mine would be taken up outside. The early memo's didn't mention those parking spots!
This brings to mind a "Seinfeld" episode where George didn't want to drive his car anywhere because he had gotten the "perfect" parking place. I don't want to go bumming today and possibly lose my Guest spot!! Of course, I will, but the thought did cross my mind......Wal-Mart, that den of iniquity, has some re-fills from me to pick up, plus I want to buy a birthday present to take along to Dave & Busters Sunday.
For those who don't know, D & B is an indoor playground for mostly can go but must be attended by an adult. They are also known for their excellent menu and am looking forward to enjoying the company of my friends, some good food, and perhaps a game or two of Skee-Ball! Justin will have great fun playing with the big boys on whatever it is big boys like to do. When the Prange's were here in January, I had to miss going with them and the gang to D & B because of Pizza/Game Night. Later, Fausto said he would have run the fun at church so I could go, but, oh's the thought that counts anyway!
My heart rejoices that the roofing costs didn't come in at the highest price estimated. That would have been absolutely killer and made me very sad. So, now the sum is not as much, so I am glad to pay the yet horrible amount....if they'd said a lower price first and then found it be higher, my attitude would be damaged. Starting with the higher cost and coming down, now that's the way to play it! Makes it seem like we got a good deal! And last fall, when I had water running down into my family room from the two floors above mine.....yeah, we need to do something about this roof! And we are!!! That same terrible rain storm is the one which flooded my Longhorn and totally warped the wood floors---while people were eating lunch! They have since taken out the wood and replaced it with carpet and tile. Less ranch-like, also probably less vulnerable to Florida weather!
Oh, my gosh, the moon last night absolutely spectacular!!!!!!! Inspires awe!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rats! No cropping today! now I can work on my newsletters instead. All my ladies had to cancel their plans for coming over today for whatever reason so I'm on my own. I'm sad they aren't coming but am glad to have the time now to do this other stuff. How do I find myself in time crunches, pray tell?!?
It's heavily overcast today, although I did wake to sunshine on my face. The wind has kicked up and I think I saw an orange safety vest fly past my window earlier. No body was attached to it, so I didn't watch to see where it landed. There is quite the crew on the roof, which I got to view up close and personal yesterday when visiting my 5th floor neighbor. I'd have to make sure to be up and dressed by 6:30 in the a.m. if I lived in her unit---they are right outside her windows!
Before having lunch with Justin and Jesse, I went over to see John at the Memory Gardens. Mike, the guy in charge of the property, was busy setting up a tent at the football field for the funeral of the boy killed by the train. John stuck to his guns and said all the stuff has to be removed from the site, except for the marker under Timmy's tree which indicates it's a memorial tree.......I was extremely sad, but he was gentle with me and explained the reason for the crackdown cemetery-wide. I did plead with him to allow the Babyland stuff to remain, and he said it's under consideration. I hope they leave that area alone, it's just so important to those parents to keep their stuff there, of course, within some limits. Oh, well, I now have my answers and will abide......Justin asked me if I batted my eyes, but I told him it didn't help.
Last night my Bible study lady friends and I had dinner at Aron's Pizza before class. Mmm, I had the three-cheese calzone, half of it, of course, and it was so delicious! Leeanne barely dented her meal as hers came with a salad and garlic bread besides. It will make a wonderful lunch for her today, as will my leftovers work for mine. Nuts! I like going to have lunch with the scrap booking ladies before they come over here and today, I'm going to be all messed up, eating leftovers!!!!
Tonight is Bible Bites and choir rehearsal so will have to come up with something to take for supper. We chip in a food item to eat while we study (hence, the bites) and I like to take something not too fussy to clean up. Debbie, Lynne and I have to dash over to choir immediately from Bites so the others do the clean-up for us. Hate to do that but again, a time crunch situation. If only the rest of the choir joined us for Bites, we could make quick work of the clean-up and then go's a moot point now, anyway, since we are nearly ready for summer recess. Things certainly wind down abruptly once school is out!
Friday the window cleaners are coming again, nearly 6 months since the last visit. My view is interrupted by webs, nests, stringy junk and egg sacks....yummy! I only hope that the roof work won't undo his work right away. It might be wise to wait for the roof to be done, but again, the mess is quite sickening to look at, especially with birds committing suicide against my windows!
I love my window guy, Mike. His company's done "our" windows since Timmy was a little boy, so that would be about 1998 or after. I remember hearing Timmy authoritatively tell the window guy that his mama doesn't want anyone to open those windows! A real 'law and order' kid---yeah, right! I wonder if the window man asked Tim who tore the wallpaper off the wall in his bedroom!!! Mike's a good, Christian man, and we have long, wonderful conversations whenever we get on the phone together.
Lisa is putting together what sounds like a great Memorial Day picnic at her house in Sheboygan. Man, I hate to miss that! I wonder if they'll get to the parade this year. I went a couple years ago and it was fantastic to do so. Cook's Corner, an amazing kitchen store (yes, I liked the kitchen store!!!), was still open and we set up right outside their doors. Lisa offered to save a brat for me...I can smell it already, I think.
Justin and I will be joining some friends for a birthday party at Dave & Busters on Sunday evening, which means I can't attend the Concert on the Green at Thrasher-Horne. A new venue this year for the Concert, which I hear from an insider might be going away due to lack of people to put it together. That's too bad, I just love the Concert. Last year one of my former neighbors, our pet watcher, won a nice scholarship and was able to perform with the Symphony, complete with an oboe solo. I'm proud to know her, and I told her so! And it's flattering to be included in their family's celebration, great to see my "old" neighbors again, too!
If anyone heard roaring yesterday on Fleming Island, it was lunch time, I excitedly said to Justin and Jesse, "You'll never guess who came to my house last night!" Neither could guess so I announced, "Kyle!" (They know he's a fireman). Justin came right back, accusingly, with "Were you cooking???!!!??" Oh, how I roared with laughter! Birds flew away, and cars crashed together, I laughed so hard. He kills me, that kid! Yeah, anytime I want to have some company, all I have to do is cook something.......where there's smoke, there's supper!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sunshine on my shoulders....

...and pounding on my head! Not in my head, over my head. We were "informed" that the roof work would begin early in the day when it wasn't quite so hot out and they have been true to their word. At first I wondered what was making the noise in my river room but, upon investigation, realized its coming from above. I'd have sworn it was right outside my bedroom doors, that's how close it is. I wonder how the top floor people are handling it....surely its preferable to having to mop up running water when it rains!
Pastor sent the needed information for the newsletter so I have plenty to keep me busy this morning. Late morning is the best time to catch John at the cemetery so will head that way about 10:30. We talk a long time usually and will need to be back on the Island by noon to have lunch with my boy. I don't know yet if I will have to pick him up or not. It depends upon who drove today, Jesse or Justin.
Last night was just lovely on the sun deck and I shared my cheese curds which most found quite interesting. One of the Realtors came out for a while, all dressed up in her "house showing" clothes. The bad news was: her appointment failed to show up! She put 93 miles on her car for the meeting and then was stood wonder she gets so upset!
We had some excitement while sitting out there, too, last night. Our neighbor on the end of the promenade had recently been released from the hospital. His granddaughter and her baby were staying with him for a bit to help get him settled, and a home care company had representatives arrive to check him over. While they were up there, we watched the comings and goings with some interest. The others, who know the situation better than I do, insisted that he belonged in an assisted living home rather than in his condo, where he'd also benefit from the social aspect. All of sudden we could hear sirens approaching and then saw the rescue squad pull up in front of the building! The home care gentleman came out to tell us that rescue was coming and that Manny had called them himself! While the home care people were there to help him!!!!! Oh, yeah, that's his style all right.
Again we watched a new parade as the EMT's and firemen went down to his condo, and don't you know---I knew one of the guys! Later, when the fuss was over and they left without Manny, Kyle and his partner came in for a .50 tour of my house. The moon was just rising and they were blown away!
Here's the thing though---it just gives me the willies to hear the sirens and then have them pulling up in front of my building like one point, Hugh made a joke that besides the rescue squad and the ladder truck, a helicopter was circling overhead. That did it.....but no one noticed the tear escaping down my cheek. That terrible night when Timmy died (you knew I was going to bring that up, didn't you???!!!) I cannot remember hearing the sirens, but when I hear them now, it all comes rushing back. It's not my fault, and I don't do it on purpose, it simply happens. BUT, I hung in there on the sun deck to watch what was going on upstairs....still nosy!
Today is the funeral service for a young man who was hit by a freight train last week. His buddies and he were fishing on a train bridge near Hwy. 220 and tried to make it off before the train got there. Two kids jumped but one didn't get off in time. He had great promise as a football player, which is all over the news, what a great ball player he was and his college career coming up, etc. I'll bet his mama's heart simply breaks because her son is gone, not that his career in football was cut short! That sort of bugs though his value in life was how well he played sports. Oh, I know, I know......I tend to nit-pick about stuff like that, but having experienced something similar in my life, I'd mourn the lost child more so than the missed chance of football playing!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ooooh, I so 'cited!

After Bible study today, some of us went to Longhorn to have lunch. Bonnie came along this time, and was treated for her birthday, approaching this week. Before we left church, though, Twila asked about the memoir writing workshop, and I started my sales pitch, Bonnie said, "I knew you were behind that!" We hashed it all over at lunch. I think both Twila and Bonnie are interested and Jackie is already on board. There is no Monday class in June so away we go!!! We just filled up our Monday mornings!
Bonnie is also interested in the Reading Club so that may be a "go", too! I've picked out the book "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks for us to start with. I have to start small and build up to the level the others are already at! It's best that we not venture into books political in nature (my type of reading material) or dealing with matters of doctrine, as doctrine would require some participation from Pastor. I certainly do not wish to put one more thing on him, particularly since we're coming up on the summer months, meant for playing, not adding to his work load. It's also important to stay away any reading that ventures into New Age stuff, and, as you might know, that thinking permeates so many of the books and music on the shelves these days. People have worshipped themselves almost since time began and, as is stated in Ecclesiastes 1, there's nothing new under the sun!
Whenever I think about the Reading Club, the ad from Publix comes to mind: it opens with a group of ladies sitting around a coffee table with their books. One lady says, "I didn't read it!", another, "I read it, didn't like it" and another one has a comment, and then someone says, "Let's eat!" It's an ad for a sinful looking chocolate cake called "Decadence" and that's all the ladies cared about. Skip the reading part and dive right into dessert! It's funny, you have to see it to appreciate it.....or you have to be in a book club to appreciate it! Maybe that was my inspiration to start a Reading Club! Nah, it was something just as sweet, though--my MN Judy!
After lunch, I headed over to get my hair cut. My regular lady is on vacation but her partner was willing to tackle the job of cutting my hair. And, it looks good! Of course, once cut, it looks much more silvery than it did before! Oh, how I wanted to go sit on the deck at Whitey's and have a nice drink but instead came home to do some work. It's quite pleasant outdoors, the shore birds are having a feast picking up whatever from the exposed sandbar. It's often exposed during the full moon, looks yukky, but it's still worth it to have the moon reflected on the river at night.
Work has begun on the roof of the condo, and some people had to relocate their cars due to the machinery and work going on overhead. Praise be to God, the chosen bid isn't going to cost as much as we thought. We are assessed based upon our square footage and my blessing of having lots of room here comes back to bite me for these assessments! Thankfully, the market is so slow right now that the roofing companies were bidding tighter and tighter just to get work.
Sometimes I say "thankfully" for the market, but most of the time I pray for the housing market to pick back up---soon! Not only for selfish reasons but because many of my friends and associates are experiencing the trickle down effect of the sluggish market. Many of my neighbors here are in real estate and to be hit over and over with these assessments is absolutely brutal. Of course, the end result will be an up-to-date building, in good repair, but it's hurting on the front-end for everyone. Some are upset that previous owners and association leadership didn't have a fund set aside for these major expenses but it's water under the bridge now. At least, with the new roof, we won't have water in our units!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday morning came too soon!

This has really been a Richard Gere/Jennifer Lopez weekend on TV! Friday night I saw the end of "Pretty Woman" with Gere and Roberts, and then saw the entire thing Saturday afternoon. I thought of Joanne, Dolly's mom, who LOVES this movie! This a.m. while other people were in Bible study, I was lying in bed, watching Gere and Lopez in "Shall We Dance?" Sometime yesterday I saw Lopez in "The Wedding Planner" but only the very, very end of it. It would have been quite easy for me to just stay at home to watch MORE TV this a.m., but instead, got myself up and showered, dressed and out the door in plenty of time to serve as Greeter. The Wednesday night Bible Bites class is a re-play of the Sunday a.m. class so sleeping a bit later today will be made up on Wednesday night.
No, no, I didn't spend my entire day in front of the box Saturday. Emily and Paul invited me over to their house for weekly "family dinner" and from there, Paul and I headed off to the Symphony. Eight of us went to hear the music of John Williams performed by our own JSO. The Rosses' joined Justin, Grove, Paul and me in the 3rd row center front, where we had an exquisite view of the Star War characters who theatrically paraded on and off the stage in their full regalia. (These were not my usual reserved seats, as it was a special concert.)
Anyway, Mem and Christopher had the most obvious enjoyment. The grown-ups showed more subdued glee.....except for one of us whose face hurt from smiling! One of us also had a few tears run down listening to the theme from "E. T." where the boys are being chased on their bikes, and take flight across the face of the moon. I can't watch that movie without remembering the tears---my own, and also Lisa's! When she was little, we'd planned on going for ice cream after the movie but Lisa was so upset, she had to go home to regroup! And Lynn had told us not to even bring up "Bambi"! To this day, I won't!
Anyway, part of the fun was watching the kids watch the "show" around us. It's like when you put your child on the merry-go-round and wave "hello" everytime they come around. Or when you take little ones to Disney and enjoy vicariously the great pleasure they have when at "Mickey's House". Those are the times when it's just NOT about you at all! Taking pleasure in someone elses' great fun, that's living!
The sad news was that Rick took a mess of pictures of the characters and the kids and all that, then realized there was no memory card in the about a sinking feeling! We have one picture which we could share, it's of Paul and a storm trooper!! Kids come in all sizes....
Since Grove had to go right to work from the Symphony, Paul and I gave Justin a ride back to his place. After dropping off Justin, I took Paul home in Argyle and then took myself home. It was nearly midnight by the time I got settled in, which is why I slept a bit longer than usual.
So far I have one person interested in my "Memoir Writing Workshop" and hopefully more will become aware and decide to join the fun!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Okay, sunshine AND grey skies

I feel rather like someone punched me in the stomach. After setting up for Holy Communion at church this morning, I stopped at the cemetery and had to park in a different spot. Across the road from Timmy's site was a funeral taking place and it was parked full. I certainly didn't mind a bit of a walk under the circumstances. One of the guys who works there asked me how my trip was so I had a chance to fill him in on some of the details. He's sorry he asked!
With yesterday's storm, the dish holding the little cars was filled with water and leaves. I cleaned that up, swept the marker, stood the angel statue upright and got things all straightened away. During the month of June there aren't many bouquets requested at church, which means I'll have fresh flowers for more than half the Sundays to place at the site.
BUT, here's the thing: as I left the cemetery, I saw this rather large sign posted, listing all the things which need to be removed before July 7, 2008, or they will be disposed of. This includes glass, ceramic, shepherd's hooks, flowers not in the "accepted" vases (i.e. those provided by the cemetery). Now, usually the graves in "Babyland" were exempt from the rules already in place, but Timmy's site isn't in Babyland......
Since I haven't talked to my contacts at Memory Gardens, can't say for sure I'll have to take it all away or what......I'm just, wow, I don't know.....Makes that whole posting I had about the broken Matchbox car seem rather lame by comparison. Guess they had to just be more firm with people who overstepped the rules. Maybe I can still put stuff on the bench and under the tree...I'll ask John or Mike when I'm there again. That's what I get for going on a long vacation!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Hey, where's my sunshine today?

So far today there's been no sunshine for me to wallow in, even sleeping later than usual because of it.
It's warm outside, even without the sun shining, low 80's and muggy. Justin and I had lunch at Mellow Mushroom, a place where we can dine al fresco. We shared a small, meaty pizza with even a slice leftover for me to take home. He's watching his diet right now, including going to the fitness center at their condo a couple times a week. Good for him! I wonder if I should take the bag of cast-offs to the Clothes Closet, in case he can fit back into the discards.....He says "no" to that idea, would want new things instead of dressing from the back of the closet. Of course he does!
So far I haven't spotted any manatee in the basin but the dredger has finished its work for the day so perhaps now they'll venture in closer. I did mention to Justin about rotating my desk but am afraid it's a bigger job than I even imagine, what with running the wires and all that. I definitely need my wires!
After lunch I went to Publix to get butter, which I forgot earlier in the week. One can never go to the store for only a single item, must always grab something else besides--it works that way for me, anyway. I've been in search of pretzel mustard and possibly found something which might work, if it's not tooooo spicy. There's a delicate balance between sweet and spicy, to suit my tastes. The pretzels are warm because they sit next to my desk on a counter. They are the chip-style, better served with a dipping sauce.
One of the "funnest" things at Publix is the area with the "buy one, get one" free stuff. Today I got two cans of veggies, two cans of chili beans, and 5 cases of Diet Coke! There was a coupon for the Coke...what a score! Justin will have to tote that upstairs for me, but I have enough up here to last me through tomorrow. I could bring up a couple when my hands are free of other junque from my car. Once I get the enormous bag of Justin's clothes delivered, all I'll have left in there are some painting supplies and an Advent banner. I've been hauling that around since the beginning of December!!!!!
When I was in Manty/'Trivers, I bought some flower seed balls at The Honey Pot, one of sunflowers and one of wild flowers. Today I planted them in my courtyard pots, and am praying that they'll do their thing. The seeds are actually a ball, about the size of a walnut, and must be left partially exposed above the soil. Of course, when I watered them as directed, the soil floated over the top of the seeds, so I had to re-expose each one. Seemed a bit pointless to me.
While working out there, I swept up the mess of leaves from my poor lemon tree which has insisted on dropping its leaves 'til the branches are bare. I have one lemon hanging in there and I'm always thrilled when I come or go and see it still holding onto the branch. I liken it to when a mother goes into premature labor and drugs are administered to help the baby stay put just one more day, one more day.....hopefully it will remain attached long enough to produce seeds from which I can grow some more seedlings. Please, please, please!
The winds from last week really blew a mess of leaves and such behind the planters so I tried to get behind them all with the broom. It looks a bit neater now, and I have one planter waiting to be adopted. I'm going to ask my neighbors with the full-width patios if they have a use for a large plastic planter.
As long as I was outside, I washed my pretty ceramics which hang near my doors, even gave my little angel statue a nice bath using a bleach/water mix in a spray bottle. He looks much nicer without all the black filth and mildew, and smells quite lovely to boot! My upstairs neighbors are having their kitchen re-done and the drywall man was rinsing something with a hose so I felt at liberty to wash my courtyard to get rid of the potting soil, dead leaves, and other debris. My kitchen floor is quite marked up from my trudging forth and back with water, and through the water. I'll use my Swiffer later on when the floor is more dry.

Here's a photo taken of my courtyard, on Super Bowl Sunday, where you can see some of the ceramics. Off the picture to the right is the one clean door. The flag was a gift from the Hilchey's for my birthday.

It's sort of okay that the sun wasn't out because I worked up quite a sweat out there---sweeping, toting, moving, and bustling about. Whew! Hadn't done that in quite some time. Another thing I took care of was cleaning my metal doors, trying to squeeze the cloth between the wrungs on the door to remove the built-up pollen and other soil. I did only one door and figure the other two can wait until my poor, tired back feels like cleaning again. The wet cloth worked okay, but am wondering if the vacuum cleaner brush might do the trick.....
So far no one's called about dinner which means I'll be going down to join the Shelf Sitters, bringing my cheese curds and perhaps, the pretzel crackers with spinach dip from Publix. The mustard was for me!
Wow, the sky is quite dark and now the heavens have opened with much needed rain. Maybe, just maybe, the rain will pound my windows, knocking down the nasty cobwebs and yuck around the frames. And wash my car to boot! I'd better shut down so the lightning doesn't harm my precious wires!