What an absolutely lovely day it is today! A few clouds dot the sky which is cerulean blue (a little art class lingo there) and the sun warms my shoulders. I can hear workmen banging and pounding at the Clubhouse as they are adding a porch and balcony on the south side. Should be quite nice when it's completed. I don't mind that sound at all, especially since it's not taking place overhead anymore. The fifth floor renovations are nearly completed, just in time for the elevator to be re-done. It would be impossible to have material deliveries and such with no elevator.
The radio brings news of a blast taking place in New York City near Times Square. I guess it sounds worse than it is, although people in area hotels felt the impact. Everyone had better behave themselves when Justin and I are up there. He's already cautioned me about smiling too much---no one smiles in NYC! Except for me, much to his chagrin....
In a little while the housekeepers will be here to tidy things up, vacuum, dust, polish, and refresh the bathrooms, in time for the dinner tonight. Our fare is Irish-themed foods, with the way the menu is shaping up, all should be well fed, plenty of choices. I feel sorry for the cleaners when they come because the room with the worst mess is the room they can't do much about---my bedroom office! I like the kitchen counters to be left almost bare, my tables have their appropriate decor and nothing else, but the desk and table in my room?? Four inches of papers and such where only God, and sometimes, me, knows what's in these stacks.
Hey, here is Big News, a major accomplishment---are you ready? I sang the entire "Jerusalem....." last night without one tear finding it's way down my cheek! There is no explanation other than perhaps I've gotten it out of my system, or that I am trying not to "read" the words as I sing them...anyway, the first time without choking on tears, a "Golden" moment.
Lynx just knocked over a binder I had standing near my feet and she freaked herself out. Now she's shaking her head and acting like that was meant to happen. Just like people, having to act like nothing happened.....or that it's someone else's fault!
Tomorrow is Justin's MRI over near Regency. I'd like to go with him but have a concert to attend with a few folks from church, which was planned prior to the MRI. I can leave early from the concert, which is at 11:00 a.m. I know he doesn't really need me there but I think he'd like it anyway if he knew I was waiting for him. A book with me, my new one about traveling for a year might be good company. The details for tomorrow will be worked out later today.
We finally get to see the hearing specialist after Easter. Just thinking about that meeting makes my heart pound, wondering what Dr. Green will have to say about this. Yesterday's tests were auditory again, one where electrodes were applied to Justin's head and he had to sit as calmly and peacefully as possible while the machine took some readings. The machine picked up better when Justin would doze in the exam chair, but as soon as he'd nod off, he'd jerk himself awake and start to slide down the chair. A nice table would probably work better, especially for a guy as big as Justin! He said he was too tall for the chair to start with and then to slide down, not good. The worst part for him was that some goo was in his hair from where the electrodes were attached and he hated that! I couldn't really see anything but wouldn't anyway being over a foot shorter than he!
We had a late lunch at McAllister's Deli where I had a pot roast loaded baked potato. I brought nearly the entire thing home with me, as it was far too large to eat in one sitting. Our meal had to move quickly as he had to get to class and I had an appointment with a financial guy here at my house, so we said our good-byes and I headed for home. Someday I'll know that part of the world like the back of my hand but until then, I'll turn around and go back the way I came until I find the way to Orange Park! Hopefully Justin won't read this and find out I got turned around yesterday--that just freaks him out!
The radio brings news of a blast taking place in New York City near Times Square. I guess it sounds worse than it is, although people in area hotels felt the impact. Everyone had better behave themselves when Justin and I are up there. He's already cautioned me about smiling too much---no one smiles in NYC! Except for me, much to his chagrin....
In a little while the housekeepers will be here to tidy things up, vacuum, dust, polish, and refresh the bathrooms, in time for the dinner tonight. Our fare is Irish-themed foods, with the way the menu is shaping up, all should be well fed, plenty of choices. I feel sorry for the cleaners when they come because the room with the worst mess is the room they can't do much about---my bedroom office! I like the kitchen counters to be left almost bare, my tables have their appropriate decor and nothing else, but the desk and table in my room?? Four inches of papers and such where only God, and sometimes, me, knows what's in these stacks.
Hey, here is Big News, a major accomplishment---are you ready? I sang the entire "Jerusalem....." last night without one tear finding it's way down my cheek! There is no explanation other than perhaps I've gotten it out of my system, or that I am trying not to "read" the words as I sing them...anyway, the first time without choking on tears, a "Golden" moment.
Lynx just knocked over a binder I had standing near my feet and she freaked herself out. Now she's shaking her head and acting like that was meant to happen. Just like people, having to act like nothing happened.....or that it's someone else's fault!
Tomorrow is Justin's MRI over near Regency. I'd like to go with him but have a concert to attend with a few folks from church, which was planned prior to the MRI. I can leave early from the concert, which is at 11:00 a.m. I know he doesn't really need me there but I think he'd like it anyway if he knew I was waiting for him. A book with me, my new one about traveling for a year might be good company. The details for tomorrow will be worked out later today.
We finally get to see the hearing specialist after Easter. Just thinking about that meeting makes my heart pound, wondering what Dr. Green will have to say about this. Yesterday's tests were auditory again, one where electrodes were applied to Justin's head and he had to sit as calmly and peacefully as possible while the machine took some readings. The machine picked up better when Justin would doze in the exam chair, but as soon as he'd nod off, he'd jerk himself awake and start to slide down the chair. A nice table would probably work better, especially for a guy as big as Justin! He said he was too tall for the chair to start with and then to slide down, not good. The worst part for him was that some goo was in his hair from where the electrodes were attached and he hated that! I couldn't really see anything but wouldn't anyway being over a foot shorter than he!
We had a late lunch at McAllister's Deli where I had a pot roast loaded baked potato. I brought nearly the entire thing home with me, as it was far too large to eat in one sitting. Our meal had to move quickly as he had to get to class and I had an appointment with a financial guy here at my house, so we said our good-byes and I headed for home. Someday I'll know that part of the world like the back of my hand but until then, I'll turn around and go back the way I came until I find the way to Orange Park! Hopefully Justin won't read this and find out I got turned around yesterday--that just freaks him out!