On Facebook tonight I mentioned feeling like my rods and cones were all messed up, as it was time to eat dinner when the sun was still out. That is just plain goofy! I did go ahead and enjoyed my meal of twice baked potatoes with Sloppy Joe meat on the side. Marlena stopped by today to return a borrowed movie and left a to-go box with several of the potato wedges packed into it, from The Club. Sweet!
This morning's Bible study was about the TV series showing now on the History Channel, "The Bible". We were asked to note how often the Gospel shows through in the movie, and offers prompts to help see it, hear it, in the fast paced movie. "Fast paced" might not be the right description but it takes some jumps in the time line in order to cover lots of ground before Easter. There are a few blanks to fill in, some of which we covered in class.
Twila is one who is quite literal in these things so it rather blows her away to see Sumo wrestler angels appearing to Lot. I missed that part so was not able to help her out. We "imagine" these heavenly beings to look like white Anglos when they are probably shapeless, featureless spirits, as we covered in our Monday morning class. It's not good to miss either class, it seems.
Last night I placed a phone call to the manager at Chili's, where our group goes every Sunday (nearly) after church. The last two weeks we experienced extremely slow service and it was being considered to eat elsewhere unless things changed. Hence, my chat with the manager. She assured me they were working out the bugs of new staff members and the dishwasher was repaired, etc. She said to talk to the daytime manager and tell him the same things I told her. So, I did!
He remembered us from last week and assured me of good customer service this week. In fact, he actually took our orders, and hovered around the table like a mother hen, making sure we were being served properly. Guess it pays to say something, as I explained to him that I didn't want to go somewhere else to eat. Especially since Justin is the Mayor of Chili's, according to signing in with Four Square on his cell phone. No one messes with the Mayor, or his mama!
Terri T. and her sister, Gayle, had flowers on the altar in memory of their mom, Gloria, who passed away 7 years ago today. It was a gorgeous bouquet which the two ladies were taking to the cemetery where their grandparents were buried. It was nice having Gayle in worship with us, and at lunch with us. More than nice, it was great! She remarked how much she enjoyed reading the Scripture passages I post each a.m., saying it's my 'good morning' to her. She feels connected even though we don't see each other in the flesh as often as we'd like.

Early this a.m. I got a message from another of our members, Jason, serving in Japan. He thanked me for the newsletter and said how much he appreciates reading the Scripture passages every day. So glad to be able to do that!
About the time change business---only one of our ushers should up dressed for duty, as Frank forgot he was on. The third fellow didn't show up until the sermon was nearly wrapped up. Oops! Kurt was not aware of the time change and was so surprised to walk into church to find it nearly over. That poor guy! He was quite embarrassed....Good thing it only happens twice a year, as our systems (body and electronic ones) get all messed up!