In January The Club has its Annual Meeting where the Members hear a report of the previous year's accomplishments, status updates, etc. and also hear what is in store for the coming year. There is opportunity for the Board to take questions, comments, and concerns, even in writing, if so desired, from the Members in attendance. Every year it comes up that we need to increase membership and devise methods to do so.
Some of the folks actually belong to other Clubs in addition to this one and bring their ideas along. Many of the Members are older folks, which makes sense, having more 'disposable' income and time. The desire is to garner families and in so doing have more family-oriented activities for the kids to enjoy. It is often discussed to tighten up the dress code, the more strident Members annoyed by those guests who show up in jeans and t-shirts for Mother's Day brunch or the holidays. On the other hand, others think we should get looser and allow 'casual' attire in order to get better attendance at events. Here, I am on the fence, not my usual squatting place.
My son would so prefer to attend events in his jeans which may or may not be blue. He reluctantly wears his nice pants for the holidays we celebrate at The Club, but is obviously more comfy in his jeans. They are not tattered and worn jeans, but would still be in violation of the dress code. Part of the appeal of being a Club member is knowing the place will be kept exclusive and elegant for our enjoyment. There are options during the week for casual attire and we have been known to take advantage of that as well. Also, outside dining and occasionally in the Garden Room can more casual wear be accepted.
The long-time Members, those for whom The Club has been a refuge from the world and its disarray are reluctant to yield any further as regards Membership and the established dress code. Why should the requirements or codes be adjusted downward simply to entice others to join our Club? It sort of reminds me of church and how the people already in the pews, faithful members, are often disregarded when it comes to getting new members. The things which make worship time special might be discarded or made less in order to become more appealing to new folks.
All this comes to mind as I've been asked to consider becoming a member of the Advisory Board at The Club. The Chef himself asked me on Sunday and I am giving it careful thought. He remarked how everyone greets me, and I them, when I come to the pool, and they could use an ambassador like me on their BOD. It wouldn't be like the Board here for my building, where I'd make decisions which could be costly or not lovingly accepted. My spirit couldn't take that. But, as an advisory Club BOD member, I'd be asked for one night a month and perhaps have a project assigned to me for consideration by the others. No longer do I have Ladies' Group at night so I am free now most evenings. Should I or shouldn't I?