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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A musical weekend

Last weekend was lots of singing on my part, with joint choir rehearsal Saturday morning and again on Sunday before the Reformation service. Then, we sang for the actual service, which had lots of singing. Tonight I was on the listening end of the music, as I attended an organ recital in which my friend, Rachel, was a presenter. This recital is part of what she needs to earn a certain designation in the organ playing world. Two men went ahead of her and then Rachel played. She had the largest contingent of fans in the audience, drawing from her biological family as well as church family and co-workers. Three of us were from Good Shepherd including The Maestro.

This church was the same one where my friend, Kathy’s, daughter was married a couple years ago. The church looks like a cathedral inside, with Spanish tile, wrought iron, Moravian looking lights, a real old-world charm. And extremely uncomfortable seating! At least our humble church has comfy seats…

After the recital, we were invited downstairs for refreshments. We gathered around tables in the church basement (in Florida???) to have our treats. Anne H. sat next to me and I told her I was glad she had her camera. She had taken a photo of Rachel at the magnificent pipe organ, as she played “A Mighty Fortress” just for her Lutheran friends, after the recital was over. (I was still in the church portion while the others were around the organ in front of the church, behind the altar area. Ellen and I sang from the aisle, and the others from around the organ. Antiphonal!)

Anne remarked that she is not as quick with getting her photos posted as Miss Kim is….I defended myself by saying I have no life so have nothing else to do but mess with my pictures. Anne had a good laugh over that, but she does, in fact, have a job during the day so must play at night or whenever there is down-time. Gotta love down-time!

We all gather again on Sunday night for another musical presentation, this time at St. Mark's for a Bach vesper service. Man, I am making the rounds as far as church-hopping goes. First the Assembly of God musical event for my neighbor, then last night at a Baptist church, and Sunday, Episcopal! Both Rachel and Kerra, from last week's photos, are in this Bach presentation, which Rachel informed us is an actual service. Hmmm...I have to think about this a fellowship matter??

Before the recital, Suzanne and I met at Panera Bread for an early dinner, each of us ordering the gourmet mac ‘n cheese, with Suzanne’s meal coming with a turkey Panini. A nice young man, the head baker it seems, spoke to us ladies from behind the counter, asking what we were doing tomorrow morning. Not sure what to answer, Suzanne reported having to attend a soccer match with her daughter. He told us that every morning this week the Blue Angel pilots had been coming in for breakfast and thought we might like to come in when they are there. Nice! I told him I get to watch the practices during the day since I live on the river. He was nice young man!

My day prior to meeting Suzanne was action packed, beginning with “Meet, Eat, and Play” at The Club. This week again we played Trivial Pursuit, adding Mary Lew, back from knee replacement surgery. We established an 11:00 a.m. end time but did quit before since Mary Lew had to leave. She was going to stay and have lunch at The Club but had a meeting in between. Mary Lew is back!!! We had no one close to winning so I hold the status of being the declared winner for two weeks. I suggested “Scattergories” for next time which more might enjoy.

Again, half my breakfast came home with me which can be enjoyed tomorrow morning. The French toast breakfast is so good, but has four slices of toast, plus eggs and bacon. I ate the bacon and two pieces of the toast before hitting the wall. When the Chef came out to talk with us, asking how our meals were, I told him the portion was too large for one sitting for me, so it’s a great value---two meals for $8.00!

Mary was able to go and see one of the available apartments Kerrie has, just across the street from the property, near the tennis courts. The price seems to be close to what she can afford and certainly nearer to work than where she lives now. On one hand, she would be upstairs where she prefers to live, but not have washer/dryer hook-ups. The more expensive lower unit does have hook-ups but she prefers to be upstairs. There is a laundromat across the street on Hwy.17. How fun if she lived this close to me! We could hang out all the time!

When I woke up this morning, I counted the chimes of the clock to determine the time, since I have no clock in my room. When the clock struck 7:00, I was astounded because it was still so very dark outside. What the heck? I guess I had better get used to darkness in the mornings since we set the clocks back an hour this weekend and will wake when it’s dark still. If I didn’t have the function at The Club, it would have been so easy to just cover up and sleep another hour or so! The gentle rain lolling me to sleep…..I am glad I did not nod off during the recital and embarrass myself and my compatriots!