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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Odds 'n Ends

Typical of my Saturday postings, here is a small collection of things which have been rattling about in my head:

A month or so ago, a lady friend asked me what she considered a huge favor. She knows I write and asked if I would help her with some Minutes she has to take as part of her job. I knew she worked for the gov't. and assumed it was a DOD job or something connected with the Navy. She was extremely nervous about this new responsibility and asked me for help. Sure!

She would take her notes and send them to me be reviewed, corrected, or whatever needed to be done in order to make them presentable. Well, 'T' sent them to me and I got busy looking them over. Instead of being official Minutes, they were actually notes, loaded with business abbreviations and jargon known only to those who would get these notes. 

What took me by surprise was the enterprise for which she works--- the EPA!!!! Oh, no! I was helping "T" and, inadvertently, the EPA...I would love to have seen the expression on my face when I realized this. But, I did it...That's what friends do, I guess!
The baby shower I attended in Clay Hill Sunday was very nice. Justin told me he didn't want to go for fear of being the only male but of course, that didn't happen. I think he was expecting his friends to want to do something so he kept his options open. When I came home before dark, Justin asked me what was wrong, because I came home so early. Man, we are getting old or something!!!  It used to be he and I had late nights out there, with offers of overnight stays and such, but now, home before dark. 

Anyway, there were lots of men there with their wives, friends of Jason's from work and from church. Plus the guys Justin knew in the "family", our extended family. He really missed out by staying home. JD, one of Timmy's pall bearers was cooking ribs on the grille...mmmm! This home was our 'safe place' during the storms of 2004 and we are comfortable there.

Jimmie, another pall bearer, has quit smoking, and works Sudoku puzzles to keep his hands busy. He is also having some back problems and is seeing doctors through the VA for help. It was hard to see him this way, but I am cool with the not smoking thing. Our standard 'thing' for years was I would not nag Jimmie about smoking and he would  not nag me about being fat. Oh, oh---now what????
After Bible study on Thursday at Victory, one of the ladies, Emily, invited us to her house for lunch. We were served some hot sandwiches bought at Costco, plus some salads. There were leftovers she wanted eaten up from the small group Bible study she hosted the night before. It was nice to be around Emily's table with these ladies! 
Emily is living there with her son, and working yet in JAX, while her son is going to high school here. Her hubby and daughter have moved ahead of them to Charleston where he works now for Boeing. Until their home sells, she is staying here with Timothy. 

Emily surprised us by showing up at Bible study a week or so ago, arriving that morning on the Amtrak from Charleston. The train? Really? It turns out she can leave her car parked in JAX at the station, ride the train up to SC, and then come back a few days later for work (she is a nurse and can manipulate her schedule). It takes about 4 hours with the stops but she can sleep on the commute, or walk around, go potty, read, or whatever, with no wear 'n tear on her, or her car. For less than $50 one works!

Yesterday after Breakfast Club, a couple of us went out to the pool area and chatted with a co-worker friend of Carol's who swims almost daily. Yes, the water is too cold but not for Yvonne! She told us how her daughter has been accepted to the Citadel, which is in Charleston. She talked about how they would travel back and forth during her school year, etc. and I just had to report Emily's choice of travel. Yvonne was thrilled to hear this and thinks she is going to give that a shot when the time comes. Not every time as they will have to haul stuff up to get Rachel settled and such, but for in-between visits and such---perfect! Glad I could help and shorten the distance between mom and daughter!

There I am, supporting yet another gov't. agency! Emily did tell us the other day how she complimented a woman at Amtrak about how surprisingly well they run the business. The lady said the best thing they have going for them is being able to use their own hiring practices and not having to bow to pressure to hire those less than skilled for executing good customer service. 
Carol mentioned how a few years ago her group of ladies from work took the train from Palatka (yes, Palatka has an Amtrak station!!!) to Winter Park, FL. The depot is near shopping, dining, and other entertainment venues. The ladies would go for the day, enjoy a leisurely lunch, do some shopping, sit in a park to visit, and then ride the train home again at 6:00 pm. This sounds like something the gang from church might enjoy. Since I am Social Outing Coordinator (not the Fellowship Lady!), this might be something worth checking out!