This was going to be titled "Ponderings on a Saturday morning" but it is now afternoon. The outdoors appear extremely stormy, cold and overcast, windy, complete with white caps on the river. Nope, staying in today, there is no reason to subject myself to such nastiness! Even though I was thinking how good a margarita would taste today, staying in the house and plugging in my space heater it a good alternative.
Late morning I heard what is referred to as “the sound of freedom” over the river and the city, an air show taking place at NAS JAX. This afternoon will be the Blue Angels, and I only hope they are visible against the grey skies. At least we will be able to hear them. When I was in the kitchen a few moments ago, I heard the sound of bagpipes being played for a wedding next door. I feel badly for the wedding couple, having so gloomy a day as theirs. Many boaters, not fearing or being annoyed by the weather, are making their way toward the base.
As I write, I am watching a movie from the 1930’s which takes place along the Amalfi Coast. Last night when speaking with a Victory member, Ellen, I got a hankering again for traveling. She told me that next March she is leaving on a 60 day cruise to the Mediterranean, and is looking forward to visiting Ephesus again. *Sigh* Personally, I would be hesitant to venture to Turkey at this time, or in March, as the case might be.
Today’s news brought stories of upset in Greece yet again, with the Prime Minister scarcely hanging onto his seat; Italy having problems in the government, having had their credit rating decreased and in as serious a state as Greece’s---or very nearly. Both socialist governments, crumbling, and ours might not be too far behind. When seeing the cities in flames, it’s hard to tell if it is Grecian cities ablaze, or those on our own soil! I even heard it kicked about that Greece should sell its islands in order to make some money but I hate to even consider what would happen to them. I am so thankful for my past trips, my photos, and the memories stored!
By the way, I have been able to see the planes against the sky. One of my great pleasures in recent days, aside from the private air show, is catching up with reclaimed friend from the old days, Kathy. We have exchanged e-mails and sent photos of our homes and our children. She has me out-numbered in the children department, having four of them, plus grandchildren. Kathy certainly does not look grandma-ish, from what I have seen in her photographs. She loves taking care of her granddaughters, and I am glad for that, for her. Kathy has a daughter living in Orlando which likely means a face-to-face visit is in order!
When I attended the tea party event with the ladies from water aerobics class, I tasted the delightful olive mixture served on brochette. The owner of the shop ordered a jar of it for me and it was absolutely delicious. It was expensive, relatively speaking, so I decided to check around the stores to see if it was available. I did find some more finely chopped than from the boutique but nearly as good. I remember having this mixture on a sandwich or two when in Florence, served with ham. Oh my goodness, it was so good! I had my sandwich, as well as Jean Nichols’ because she did not care for the muffaletto. I am glad I have some ham in the freezer to make a delightful sandwich for myself later, and remember Firenza!