Earlier this year it was the delivery of my new dryer which nearly finished me off. The delivery guys had to remove the washer in order to get the old dryer out and the new one in. I was a nervous wreck over that! Now, it's my new washer. Ordered last week from Home Depot, I had to wait until my guests are here to have it installed. The fine print on the purchase receipt said the faucets must be operational before the guys will install the new equipment. NUTS!! My hot water faucet is/was inoperable but we could shut off the water to the unit to accomplish the install. Nope, not good enough. The plumber had to come. Two days in a row my mouth was so dry I could barely swallow, but the plumber got the faucets replaced without incident but not without some effort. Then, today, the washer was coming.
Yesterday, because we were having the water shut off, I had to let my houseguests know that there would be no water for a while and told the young men that the plumber would have to access the bathroom in their room to shut off the supply. They barely moved a muscle despite people going in and out of the room. I was busy wringing my hands, ready to wring out water if called upon. Such a Nervous Nelly I am when it comes to water, and rightly so! The plumber who came, Pat, brought his son to be the helper. He told his son to turn the supply back on very slowly once he had the faucets in place. Just as the son started turning the water on, the doorbell started ringing frantically. Oh, my heart! It was just Connie, coming to check on the progress. Both Pat and I jumped a foot when she did that, and ended up laughing, since the faucets did not leak. Whew!! I was so relieved to have it over. They moved my old washer into the foyer, where they observed my young lady guest sleeping on the air bed.
When the plumber was leaving, after I paid him, I told him I needed the proper spelling of his name so I could put him in my Will. He said, "Just don't leave me this place!" Plumbers just don't like us here for some reason, and I know what the reason is!