Yesterday about midday, I sent Nancy a message about going to lunch at Long Horn, since I had a free dessert coming for my birthday, and it expired today. She called me right back saying she was on River Road and would pick me up in 3 minutes. Now, that's what I like!! Fortunately I had showered the night before so only had to put on shoes and grab my purse. When I got downstairs, there was a crowd gathered in the lobby. Heather, my upstairs neighbor, said they were my welcoming committee! I couldn't believe it...Connie was there, Heather and her two dogs, Betty and her daughter, Kathy, and Kathy's daughter, Jamie. What a commotion there was! Nancy had pulled up so off we went, after the hugs were exchanged all around. It's good to be home again!
Nancy and I had a nice lunch, she not being a frequenter of LH. She asked me about the ribs and I couldn't really answer her since I never had them. They were delicious, she said, and I enjoyed my small rib eye steak. I gave her a sample and she loved it, too. Bet next time she orders the steak! My free dessert was boxed up for me since neither of us had room for it after our meals, me taking the Chocolate Stampede. I still have some left in the fridge as it feeds several people.
Nancy dropped me off again after lunch, having to meet a contractor at her home who was dropping off a ladder for her. Julius, from The Club, is painting her living room for her. She is trying to keep him busy since there is little work for him right now with The Club on shut-down for maintenance.
Little by little I am whittling away at my luggage unpacking. The washer was pressed into service on Wednesday morning, washing my sweaters and other cold weather wear for me. It was only after doing a load or two that I noticed how the drum of the washer had a terrible ring around it at the top. In the past I'd tried to scrub it off, using sprays of chemicals intended for such removal. This time I tried Soft Scrub which I'd had out to do the kitchen sinks which had stains in due to my absence. Some of the stains smeared around, almost oily, which I am sure is from Justin's filthy work clothes.
When discussing it with Linda later on, she recommended using OxyClean to soak in the washer, but I'd have to put something in the water to raise the level high enough to do some good. I already tried doing a cycle of bleach water but it doesn't reach that high with nothing in the water.
Justin had to work today to make up for being off on Tuesday, due to the cold temps, so I went to Bible study by myself. Did get to talk to Mom on the ride over though, as usual. She had Ladies' Aid in the afternoon, planning to go in the terrible cold. What a trouper!
Bible study was great, 15 of us around the table, excellent discussion. Two new members came to the class, but two others announced they are moving back to Green Bay. I was stunned, and yes, I wept. Wayne and Suzanne have weighed all their options and the only one that will work was to move back home. While they will surely be missed, I know I can see them when I go back up for visits, since I usually get together with their daughter, Karen, too! Suzanne said, "Our vacation is over...." So sad about this, but glad for them.