Something is funny with this picture---my son, the birthday boy, is already home and in bed for the night. On his birthday! At 9:30 pm he is done for after a long day at work. His boss, who joined us for the birthday celebration at Whitey's, said they cut 19 properties today. No wonder they are weary!
He left for work about 6:30 a.m. as he stops to get a coffee at McDonald's on the way to the shop. When they mow residential lawns, 8:00 is the earliest they can begin so on Friday, they start at an area restaurant. Then, they go to mow the yard of our former neighbors, Jessica and Travis, whose two boys absolutely LOVE to watch to work going on. They refer to my boy as Mr. Justin---how about that?? Their whole family was at Whitey's tonight as well, celebrating Jess's dad's birthday!
I had to take my car in for the brake and rotor job, going back to Sun Tire without getting the 2nd opinion. My appointment was for 8:00 a.m. and after about an hour, I went outside to stand in order to warm up. As I walked around, I looked into the garage and saw my front tires were off, too. Oh what? The tech told me it is customary to look at the other brakes as well as a safety aspect. Sort of like that...
When I got back home again, it seemed like I had the whole day ahead of me yet, but wanted badly to take a nap. It is newsletter time, however, so sat at my desk composing as I waited to get the last of the submissions for the newsletter, about the preschool and VBS. I could have put my head down on my desk but instead, I went outside to swim with my neighbors.
The night before I had gotten a text message from Kathy saying I should could to her mom's unit for a pina colada around 4:00 pm. Okay! Kathy's brother, Gary, is known for his blender skills, as Betty will tell every time we get together. Kathy told me Betty was 'not having a good day' so she asked me plus Hugh and Maureen to come over to cheer up Betty. She really has the best kids, I must say. Kathy has a home on Fleming Island as does Gary, but she stays with her mom to keep her company. Gary comes every day for a visit as well. This time, the neighbors got to help keep Betty company!
Kathy, Betty, and Gary were going out to the pool and sent me a message to join them this afternoon. Just what I needed---an excuse to leave my desk! The water was, of course, a bit chilly for me, but the others all found it quite refreshing. The air temp was 90 which makes all things right!
I saw Justin come home from work about 4:00 pm, and then leave again. Oh, oh---had I missed my opportunity to greet the birthday boy? No, he was going for a haircut before we were together celebrating his birthday. He sent me a text request to use my car, as his has no A/C at this time.
I saw Justin come home from work about 4:00 pm, and then leave again. Oh, oh---had I missed my opportunity to greet the birthday boy? No, he was going for a haircut before we were together celebrating his birthday. He sent me a text request to use my car, as his has no A/C at this time.
Once he got back from the groomers, we left for Whitey's in order to get a place to park---both our car and our butts---before it got crazy down there. Half price appetizers and discounted beer is a big attraction, but only lasting until 7:00 pm. We took a table far from the musician and waited for the rest to arrive. Justin's boss, Will and his wife, were coming, as were Jesse and Michael (both those fellows former housemates of Justin's) and then Caleb, Justin's underling at work. He is 18 and a VERY ambitious young man. I am so impressed by him. He brought along his 6 year old sister so I knew everything was going to be okay for us. Later, Justin told me he was so glad I came along, and that just made my day. I was glad to be included, enjoyed the company and excellent appetizers, and celebrating my son's birth. I was home by 8:00 and he was basically right behind me, being dropped off by Michael.

Justin and I participated in his giant birthday cookie which I had gotten for him and he opened his presents from me. In conferring with Jesse, I ordered Justin a Jaguar jersey only to find out that player is no longer with the team. Explains the sale price! I can easily send it back, no worries, but he absolutely LOVES the soft-side Jaguar cooler. It is wheeled, like a suitcase, and will hold their beverages, meat, etc. when they tailgate. Also, he liked his new Packer t-shirt and Packer flip flops!
Saturday is the big day of movie viewing and attending a Jacksonville Sharks game with his friends. Tonight was a blast, though, as I got to know his boss better and meet his co-worker. I had not seen Michael in ages, probably since we attended a Glenn Beck event at the AMC a few years ago! He was away at school and recently moved back to JAX. Jesse is working as an intern for a government construction company so is busy all day long when not in his classes. Good to catch up with the guys and even the little girl, Skylar.