Forty years ago today I got married. Only a bit longer than a month out of high school and down the aisle I went. Mom made my dress for me, plus those of the two girls from my class who were my bridesmaids. Yes, I had a whole bunch of sisters to pick from and, at the time, I was trying to not cost my parents too much money so asked my friends instead. My mistake and a long-time regret on my part. How could I decide, though, on which of the five to ask--or, all of them? My intent was to keep it small and understated, originally wanting a garden wedding at my parent's home, but that got vetoed. It all turned out okay, wedding-wise, and one man told me it was the most fun he'd had a wedding in a long time. This would be the reception he was referring to, not the wedding ceremony itself. And, he had a pile of kids himself, several of whom were already married!! That is quite a compliment!
Here are all lined up...How could I pick???
So, then, 30 years later, Justin and I were enjoying a wonderful cruise together on this date. It was probably not the way I'd expected to be celebrating it, but it was most certainly memorable for us. We met many nice people, had marvelous experiences, and really whet my appetite to go again, and again. Justin and I went two years later on the same ship, same itinerary and ports of call, for his graduation. One of the waiters from the Galaxy remembered us. He came up and greeted us with, "You wear your hair the same!" Wow! After two years and thousands upon thousands of people through their doors, he remembered Justin and me, and my hair!
On one of our trips over I bought a blown glass pendant light fixture from a shop in Santorini. Justin and I chatted at some length with the woman running the shop, Jeannie, who was originally from CA, and had lived there 7 years. When I went back there another time without Justin, she remembered me, asking immediately if my son was with me. She was actually working in the bar which just across the path (I knew she worked both places) and again she asked about my son. What a memory!
Jeanne in 2007
Today after church our group went to Chili's as usual. I had been collecting first aid type items to take along to the Worship Conference. At the Conference I will find my FB friend, Pat's, pastor, who will take the items back to Pat for her to use on her mission trip to Cambodia. Several of our members donated such items but one lady didn't have hers along. Her husband asked me how we could connect but we had trouble coming up with a plan. While we were dining, Justin looked up and there came Mike with the bag of stuff from Cindy. He knew where to find us! How fun is that!? I am sure these items will be put to good use by the nurse missionaries on their trip.
Upon getting home from church, I immediately changed clothes and got out to the pool. I got to spend some time with my friends and even get an ice cream treat with Burnie, who said he only came over to get his "Kim fix" before I left. It wasn't a long stay poolside today though when the sky darkened for our afternoon storm. Good-bye pool and friends!
Upon getting home from church, I immediately changed clothes and got out to the pool. I got to spend some time with my friends and even get an ice cream treat with Burnie, who said he only came over to get his "Kim fix" before I left. It wasn't a long stay poolside today though when the sky darkened for our afternoon storm. Good-bye pool and friends!