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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

A trip to Howards Grove

My nephews were in a school play, a musical at St. Paul's, Howards Grove Thursday night. Oh, what a good show it was and how fun for me to see them in a school production for once. Twice the Christmas plans to see them in their service were dashed---once by weather and once because they were sick. They did a good job in this production,as did their classmates and director/teacher.
In the center in the blue plaid shirt is Manny, who had a speaking role. Their grandma, Lynn, was quite helpful in getting the two boy's outfits together. Gabe played President Jackson but I didn't get a nice picture of him in his role. 
Mom and Jill sat in the chairs while Lynn, Noah, and I sat on the bleachers. Angelo enjoyed the play and being 'busy' with things. He is such a cutie pie!
These two can hardly contain themselves after the play! I didn't get a chance to read the bios on the wall of the gym but Lynn said they wrote something flattering to her and thanked God for their blessings. So nice! 
 On the ride home, we witnessed this lovely sunset which begged to be captured. In fact, Lynn, in her car ahead of us, called to make sure we saw it and took a picture of it. Mom, with us, could not believe Lynn would use her phone while driving. No matter how old we are.....