My friend, Lee, declared me as such on Saturday when I was ordering the meals for the young folks who were joining me poolside for lunch. Besides their hamburgers and a bag of chips, they would have a choice of sides such as cole slaw, orzo pasta, or fruit. Since I didn't know their preference in regard to the other offerings, I was a responsible hostess and ordered fruit for them. Lee mocked me, calling me a hypocrite for making them have fruit when I do not. Got a good laugh out of me! Guilty as charged!
Here are Lee and I in the dining room of The Club, taken when Linda was here in the spring time.
This a.m. I drove Erynn to the airport as she was flying back to CO for volleyball camp. What a full summer for her! The other young folks, the guys, are presently off to St. Augustine today. They are going to try staying out of the sun as much as possible due to getting roasted yesterday. They actually did have sun screen applied but the stripes were visible where the sun screen was too thin or missed entirely. Ouch!

Justin had a home cure he thought would work on my sunscreen rash which was to use Listerine applied with cotton balls to soothe the rash. I didn't have that brand but he tried the other type I had available. Can't say I noticed a difference in it but it was nice having the coolness while it lasted. It has something to do with the alcohol in the mouthwash evaporating, the coolness of it. I smelled minty fresh anyway!
My living room and part of the foyer are loaded up with plastic bins and wood shelving as this is currently Justin's holding area. After Saturday, he can move his stuff back in, but first, we must move my art supplies and the existing furniture out of the room to make space for his stuff. I sort of look forward to it, but have some doubts as to what my guest room will end up looking like. Linda is coming in August so that will be our end goal---Linda's pending visit!