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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Antique Joy.........courtesy of Lori!

I hope everyone likes the new format for the postings....if not, please let me know what you don't care for, okay? It's called "Harbor"--no wonder I liked it!
How fast the week flew by! Jen was saying this morning that the week was going slowly even though there's a family wedding tomorrow. I had the wrong day in my head every single day, thinking Tuesday was Thursday and so on. Emily told me once when she was a stay-at-home mom that every day was the same to her, and sometimes that happens to me, especially when there are no appointments or meetings to make.

Jen and I had breakfast at Honey B's, after going back and forth over whether or not to go out in the cold. Yes, it was a bit chilly this a.m. She at first cancelled saying it was too cold which was also fine with me, but then called back to change her mind, since she needed to get Mem's dress for the wedding. It was worth it to freeze to pieces. I did mention to her how Gabe and Manny have to be all bundled up in their snowsuits when it's -9 plus a wind chill factor, so we'd better just tough it out when it's only in the 40's!

Here's Gabe as a baby......he's nearly ready to start pre-school this fall!

After breakfast we parted company, Jen on her way to get the dress and me to the cemetery to tidy up after the wretched storm that rolled through here on Tuesday. I anticipated the bouquet would have been airborne but it had only tipped forward. The marker and such was full of sand so that was swept off with the handy-dandy paint brush I keep in the car.

From there it was over to Home Depot to make some color selections for the classroom building. It has been difficult for the Team to get together all in one place at the same time so it was decided that I could make the initial choices and then we'd settle on the final decisions together. I had a bit of fun trying to pick out tile, carpet, cabinets, mica, and paint colors, three of each, so there's plenty for people to pick from. That was a long time on my feet, running up and down the aisles, looking for people to help me, but all in all, it was good time!

Once I got back upstairs, I turned up the thermostat to get the chill from the rooms. There was some time before the next "event" today so worked on a couple computer things and made my travel arrangements for going to MN and WI while the elevator is being worked on. That was time consuming and a bit frustrating as I ended up having a lovely chat with a Delta rep in India! We got the situation resolved and it's a done deal. It's costly to rent a car for that long a period but it's not possible to be without one either, not if I want to visit all the folks I plan to see.

This evening was a Board Meeting for the Art Guild. The turn-around time for getting Minutes out is quite short so will work on that first thing in the morning. Best when done in the light of day. We have many exhibits and activities coming up in these next few months, some which I'll miss out on being gone to NYC and then WI/MN.

Oh, oh, oh, I just remembered something that got bumped when the Internet went down: you all must visit my sister, Lori's, website and see her jewelry for sale. The address is: Do NOT, I repeat, Do NOT, purchase the "Antique Joy" necklace as I have my name on that one. Please feel free to purchase any of the other pieces.

After the meeting I stopped at Publix to pick up a few things and came away disappointed that the Golden Flake hull-less popcorn was not re-stocked yet. My favorite! Settled for Cheetos' brand hull-less cheese flavored which is okay but not as good as the plain, packing peanuts that I get from Golden Flake! I had given a bag to Twila once and that's how she described them.

By the time I got back here The Palace Board meeting downstairs was well underway and since my house so nice and warm, I decided not to join that meeting. One Board meeting a night was enough for me. My supper was leftovers from dinner at Cracker Barrell last night with some church ladies. Love that roast beef and carrots! There is the most beautiful angel statue in the gift shop at C. Barrell. Its wings are outstretched with the words to "Amazing Grace" painted inside one wing, with an arm of the angel wrapped around a small child next to him. You can only imagine where that would suit perfectly! Thus far I haven't purchased it, for no good reason really.......

Jerusalem, the Golden

Last night was Lenten worship followed by choir rehearsal. Our director was absent but Robbie was able to lead us, not a small task for such an unruly group as the church choir!
We got through several of our anthems with a bit of work and then it was time to pick up the Easter song. Okay, Kim, here it comes, buck up, you can do it.........
We are singing "Jerusalem, the Golden", using a symphonic melody and accompanied by Suzanne on the viola. Robbie plays the organ as majestically as it can, and we sing the melody line. The tune is lilting and did I say "majestic"?
I was so proud of myself--Suzanne played her intro and then we launched into the hymn itself. We were on the second page of the music before the tears started to flow---oh, that vision of heaven and what awaits us there is simply too much. No matter how often I listen on Pete's website or practice with the choir, the emotion flows. Here are some of the words which trip me up:
.....I know not, O I know not, what joys await us there,
What radiancy of glory, what bliss beyond compare.
They stand, those halls of Zion, all jubilant with song,
And bright with many an angel, and all the martyr throng;
The Prince is ever in them, the daylight is serene.
The pastures of the blessèd are decked in glorious sheen.
It's like I told Emily, any hymn now that is listed in the "End Times" section will get me, as I long to see heaven and join the throng. Besides being face to face with my Savior, I'll (we'll) get to see our loved ones who have been experiencing that "bliss beyond compare". Tarren told me that whenever she sings the part about the pastures, she thinks about Timmy. See, it's not only me!

Fond, frozen remembrances

In December sometime, getting things ready for one of the parties hosted here, I had a little accident when taking a container of cookies from the freezer. The cover sort of let go, spilling some cookies which had the little colorful BBs pressed into them. Talk about a mess! The cats and I cleaned up the floor but some cookies poured out inside the freezer, which is drawer-style. Not having time to take that drawer all apart, I just left the cookies there---until today! Using the longest kitchen tool which would fit back there, out came the remnants of the cookies. The crumbs and BB mess will have to come out some other time. I wasn't up to standing on my head to get at the residue, it would wait until another day.
While in the freezer drawer, monkeying around to get the cookies out, I spotted the zip-lock bag which holds two boxes of pancake mix, one container of drinkable "logurt" with dinosaurs on the bottle, and a box of whimsical corn dogs, sporting cowboy hats. Why would someone have such odd things in their freezer? They were Timmy's! When he died, it seemed important to keep as much stuff around as possible to remind us of him, including the pancake mix used on Saturdays when the boys made breakfast with their father. The corn dogs were left from when the refrigerator was stocked while their parents took a cruise in November 2000. It remains important to keep those things, even if they take up valuable space.
Today I was searching in my kitchen cupboard for cold medicine, but I think Justin took it all for his drainage troubles. But I did find, rather, found again, the little measuring tube used to dispense liquid medicine to children, a bottle of baby aspirin, Flintstones vitamins, and dissolving grape-flavored cold tablets. Why are they still there? Why not? Every now and again, I'll look in the plastic bin where they are kept, and remember....
Some might think it's not "healthy" but I can live with that judgment. I am not paralyzed by my grief, but instead grow with it, or away from it, much more than I'd have expected. There are reminders all over my house that tell about Timmy. And, some day, if I ever get busy on it, I will finish my book. In the meantime, though, in the freezer, near the crumbs and BBs, are remembrances of him, frozen in time.

This photo captures the true essense of Timmy, waiting for Justin's St. Johns bus in front of Childtime. Just look at that hair..........sort of like mine looks now!