What an awesome day I had yesterday! It just was such a great, great way to celebrate the Resurrection, starting with sunrise worship which was downright pleasant temperature wise. No need for wraps or anything like that during the service. Robbie played the hymns for us, I could hear the pre-service music from the parking lot. Just prior to the service, I got a tap on the shoulder and turned to see Maggie O. and Marissa, her daughter, behind me. They even stayed to have breakfast with us. One of the segments of the service was split between prayer and stanzas of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" which Ethel coaxed me through. I sang part of it, but for the verses that touch me personally I simply have to listen. Terri T. was a few rows in front of me and she told me later that she was listening for me, and sang when I would sing, and choke up at the same point as me. Since her mom's funeral 5 years ago, she can no longer sing along either.
The breakfast was divine---egg casseroles, fruit, and muffins, plus Judy C.'s home-made sausage gravy over biscuits. Wow! Every year fewer and fewer people attend the breakfast so this plan to not make the pancakes and such is working out better time-wise and money-wise. I did get a giant hug from little Mario, Twila's great-grandson, when he came running straight toward me after breakfast. "I haven't seen you in a long time!", he gushed to me. Absolutely made my day! The choir had to practice our two anthems so I went into the church and was able to get a few photos of the chancel with the lilies and other Easter accoutrement's. Gretchen came to the church as we were going over where to stand and such, and looked so sad. She came over to tell me that her sister had died during the night, someone for whom we have been praying for several weeks. What a great day to go home to the Lord!
We sang two anthems for Easter, the first one as the service began, the last one as the recessional. Justin arrived a bit late, missed hearing the choir sing but stood with me in the back to sing "In Christ Alone", our first hymn. We found a seat and were able to worship together and take the Lord's Supper as well. Several guests worshiped with us, some from Fond du Lac on vacation, and others via friends in the congregation. One lady said she was a former member of GS, had been here with Pastor Prange but got orders away from Jax. Now they are back and will be worshiping with us from now on. How nice is that? Her daughter was able to go out for the Easter egg hunts after church was over. At one point, during Holy Communion, I looked up and saw the next table being served was three generations of one family, including the grandpa who is about 92 years old. It was heartwarming, having them all together again this day!
Right now I am listening to my radio program and laughing my head off, as two of the guys are discussing the devalued dollar, escalating food prices, inflation, price per barrel of oil, and so on. In the meanwhile, the other guy is supposedly broadcasting 'live' from Westminster Abbey, raving on and on about the royal wedding. It is hilarious, the contrast between the reality of the world markets in jeopardy while folks are focusing on this goofy wedding week events. Last night, after all my company was gone, I sat outside with my neighbors for a bit. Some of the ladies are making plans to get up very very early on Friday to watch the wedding. I find this so incredible, because there is little else about which I could care less. I mean, really??? The radio show's point is well taken, noting the fiddling while Rome burns, the world watching this wedding....
Back to yesterday now---after church was done, Justin had to leave for his brunch at The Hilltop, and I took my bouquet of flowers to the cemetery to leave them at Timmy's site. It was quite busy there, many folks visiting the sites of their loved ones. "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, He is risen!"
Once home, my shoes could not come off quickly enough as my toes were complaining greatly against my shoes. Since we were not dining until about 4:00 pm, there was plenty of time for me to rest my tired bones before the festivities began. Justin came over when he was done with lunch, eating lightly, and did the vacuuming in my room. He put away the scrapbooking paper and such that cluttered the river room and tidied up a bit. That was all I had him do since the rest can wait until he has time. The two grandma's who were coming cancelled but Justin's friend, Josh, came with Ron and Sarah, which was great! He was so thankful to have a home-cooked meal again, and told me, "This was not what I expected to be doing today!" Love it, love it, love it!
Justin took home some leftovers, including most of the sweet potatoes since no one else wanted them. He cleaned the ham from the bone and we divided that up as well, with me planning to make a kettle of soup from the bone sometime later. I gave him some rolls to eat the ham on, but kept some rolls for me to have sandwiches this week. The family he stays with will certainly enjoy him having leftovers to share at the dinner table. The Jellos and such stayed here, as they were mostly enjoyed by me, it's a Lutheran thing! Well, I guess I cannot truly say that as the young people did like the raspberry Jello made with sherbet. They questioned eating it with the main course, thinking it was dessert! Cottage cheese salad was not popular but that's a couple meals for me this week. And what's the difference if I have to throw some out, it does not cost much to make.
Justin served the pumpkin pie (his favorite!) for dessert and all left the table well fed. The kids helped us clear the table and then retired to the 'drawing room' to relax after the sumptuous feast. They stayed a couple hours and we had wonderful conversations, with me getting to know them all a bit better. Jesse has been in my life for many years but the other three not as long. As I mentioned, when they were gone, I went outside to spend the rest of the daylight hours with my neighbors before I retired for the night. Exhausted, full, and quite quite pleased with the day. "Welcome happy morning, age to age shall say...."!