Last night was anther great meal at Blu Grotto, my 3rd visit in two days. Betty and Brenda N., my former co-workers/now friends, joined me for dinner, again dining el fresco. The floor in the lobby is being re-finished so all patrons must come and go through the side door, which put me in the catbird's seat as far as seeing who's there, etc. I saw many folks that I knew plus enjoyed the company of my dear friends. In fact, it was such a nice time that we sat there for over three hours eating and yakking. Brenda and Betty don't see each other as often as I see them separately so they had much to catch up on.
Tomorrow Justin is coming over here to help me re-arrange my computer desk and such, so perhaps he can figure out why my keyboard is selecting only certain letters to print when pressed! I did change the batteries!! If there are a mess of errors in this, it's not my fault, okay?
Just came in from sitting by the pool, where I found a nice couple to talk to. They are here for a wedding this weekend, having moved from here to Tampa over 2 years ago, formerly living in Country Walk!!! They bought a JA Long home, where Brenda N. and Jimmie now work. It was great fun to catch them up on things. For dinner they met some friends at Whitey's and were a bit distressed to see what it's become (i.e. less family-ish, more party-central) (scuzzy behavior and all that) but enjoyed the food. I mentioned the Blu Grotto and they said I was the 3rd person to tell them about it, so they are going tomorrow for lunch. I should crash their party, I don't think they'd mind!
I have slipped from my swim clothes into my nightie but now that I'm cooled off and dry, can get dressed to meet the Rosses' for dinner. Koko's it is tonight, even though my personal chef is gone--boo hoo hoo!Jen's folks are gone to Ft. Meyers so they have to let their dog in for them tonight. Last time the blind dog managed to get out of the fenced area and a neighbor found him wandering around. The road isn't safe of a sighted animal much less a blind one! Now they are extra careful with Freddy.
Justin and I had a lovely breakfast this a.m. at IHOP, with him taking the balance of my corn cakes along with his leftovers. He stayed at his father's to watch Mickey (all these dog watches going on!), is going home to clean up, shave, and go to church tonight, and then to his roomies' dad's birthday party. Afterwards it's back to the Island for putting Mickey away again so he doesn't bark. We're riding together to the birthday party on Sunday. He'll come back this far with me and then proceed to let Mickey back in------------such a rigmarole for these pets!
Think of me eating my flied lice tonight (not spelling errors, just being funny)! Oh, I almost forgot--Lynn: I finally got the good pretzel dip that I've been looking for at ABC Wine and Spirits this a.m. I also got some raspberry rum to enjoy when sitting on the shelf with my neighbors. Now I can contribute to the fun with my pretzels, dip, and rum!