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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Lovely work---Soft but strong"

When I got home from my massage therapy treatment, I immediately opened my e-mails. One came from the president of the Art Guild with the sad message that one of the characters from the Thrasher-Horne Center had died in late August. Last week, actually, now that I think about it. Tony Falcone, Curator at THCA, died of a rapidly progressing cancer. He was the man who hung the show which the Art Guild did last fall when Judy R. was here for her stay with me. Not only did Tony hang the show, he also served as the Judge for us, my third show to enter, and my third Juried in. Whew! Later, I received a "Report Card" in the mail from Tony, showing me the "grades" he gave my piece, all 3's and 4's out of a high of 5. Across the bottom of the page he had written a note which said, "Lovely work--soft but strong". The report card has been on my desk a long time, as have most pieces of paper, sadly, but now this one has grown in much greater value to me. Tony's absence will be noticeable...............

Here is the painting which got the favorable report card from Tony last fall titled
"Rains Unites the Earth and Sky" using only two colors of paint for the whole piece

How great to start the day laughing!

My friend, Dee Dee, from grade school through high school, sent me something this morning that just made me roar with laughter! And it is not even 8:30 yet here! She sent a picture, not to scare anyone, it claims, of what to look for in swine flu. Paging down, there was a picture of a smiling pig man ("Seinfeld" reference) sitting on a doctor's lap. It said, "If you wake up looking like this, do not go to work!" I am laughing writing about it! The picture is a photo-shopped pighead on a human body with is just funny. I wrote back to tell Dee Dee I have had this illness for some time now!
Well, the mess was less today but still significant as once more the silver was removed from my hair. It is time for my hair cut but do not know if I have time for that or not, with the day being broken up with appointments and things to do. Including packing (I know, Mom, I always put it off....) The wash machine is taking care of the get-up I wore and things I used for the silver removal, hoping that nothing good was ruined. Thinking I am being so incredibly careful, it still gets "slung around", as Kathy B. describes it, without my trying.
A new rep from Thrivent Financial is coming by today to visit with me and go over my policies. After she is finished, I am planning to go to Office Max for a large poster board to use on the bulletin board at church for the missions board, to make it look purty. Plus deliver some of the newsletters I printed off in color for a couple special lady friends who do not have Internet at home. The ones run off in the office are in black and white, not quite as eye-pleasing as the color ink copies come out. At 2:15 pm I get to see the massage therapist, Carol, who will help me with my sciatica. I end my night with choir rehearsal and at some point, packing my bags. My luggage is either huge, or the smaller bags which can go in the overhead bin. The medium-sized piece is at Justin's, I think, because they all fit one inside the other, and it is not here. The largest bag will work well for bringing back the poppyseed-filled doughnuts and cheese curds, but is more difficult for me to haul around. Last night I told Martie I would bring back some non-slimy natural casing hot dogs from Newton Meat Market for us to eat on Movie Night!
Lately I have been complaining, rather, remarking, about the terrible amounts of dust I have in my rooms, particularly my bedroom. In part, I believe the computer, with its jet engine operating system, might move the dust around some, but what is the original source of this dust? In conversation with Lori, my sister, the other day, she was telling about Dusty being in his dormitory at college. I asked if he has to have his plastic covering on the bed and futon as he did at home, because he has dust mite allergies. She said the main thing is to keep things vacuumed and she cannot expect he will do that, nor the roommate, so he will need to depend upon his medications. I had complained about the dust on my books and magazines piled on my bed, and she scolded, "Quit losing so much skin!!!" Ewww! Am I allowing the fan on my computer to shoot my dead skin all over the house??? Why aren't I thinner then?
Here is a little something posted on Facebook by someone I do not even know personally. She is a "friend" of my blogging friend, Jami, and she made my day for me. She wrote the following after I answered a status update by Jami: "Kim, you're a boost for all of us....Trust me!! I take what you say in your post and try to use it myself....You have no idea how many times you've posted something and it actually worked for me too!!!!" "I love to tell the story!"