It was such a good night's sleep last night, catching up after our long day yesterday. Felt so good! Justin is in Tampa at his friend's house with a couple of his friends to attend the Jaguar game that was this afternoon. The Jags were picked to win over the Bucs, and how I hoped this to be true! For the group of young men, it's probably the last time they will all be together now for a while since Ron is getting married next month and will need to be around for the wedding stuff.
We had Bible study and worship this a.m. as usual. Our class was small again, still missing so many people who used to attend for whatever reasons. The hymns for the day were focused on family and the home, nice choices. I was sorry Justin wasn't there to hear the readings and sing the hymns, which would be good to share in our 'little' family. Judy's granddaughter came with her to church and requested we dine at La Nop instead of Chili's. I really didn't mind, even though I am dining there tomorrow. It is not outside the realm for me to eat someplace back to back! (Metro Diner!) But first we had a brief choir rehearsal after worship where Kristi played with one finger the hymn we are singing for Reformation. Next week Kathy should be there to accompany us and perhaps more people will join.
After our lunch at La Nop, I came home to watch the Jaguars game. UGH! It was awful but not as awful as its been in the past, which gives one hope. At the end of the game, the Jags had lost by only on touchdown, which was scored at the last moment. Again, I did feel badly for Justin and his friends, wishing they could witness a victory, but it was not to be. Justin finally got a Butter Burger and some curds after they left the stadium. They didn't stick around to see that last touchdown, wanting to get back to town early. At least the Packers won, we have that comfort, anyway!