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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

It is Ash Wednesday and it seems we have only recently taken down the CHRISTmas tree..hmmm...Is that characteristic of aging, seeing the days and times fly past more quickly? Or, is it actually happening--did the world speed up? It might have, since things are so upside down! We have mild weather, though not entirely all blue skies and sunshine. Rain is predicted for later, perhaps while we sleep. Those who suffer with allergies are just waiting for a good rain shower to take care of the yellow pollen. Sunday's winds might have helped, if not only to have stirred things up even more!

Last week I had three different groups here for a meal, and I just told Justin that I thought I would not do anything this weekend. We will see how that goes, as one never knows. So many movies, and so little time. I have time to watch them, but would rather show them to others at the same time. 

I guess pre-screeening might be advisable after last Saturday's movie. Oops! I still have not located the case from that DVD which would have told me it had offensive (to me) language in it. The story is so cute, and would have been just as good with some editing, the way I saw it on TV!

The great idea I had to raise the TV higher on the stand for Super Bowl is yet in place, which means I am missing my file basket. My desk is getting overtaken by pieces of paper waiting to be stuck in the file so I must corral Justin to undo the rigging. It takes both of us to lift the TV out of the way, slide the baskets and the board out and then put the TV back in place.

This weekend we are tackling the back bedroom, where his overflow is placed, to get the room organized and orderly for my coming guests, due in less than a month. It might take us that long to get it done! No matter how much time he spends 'straightening' his room, it somehow does not look much better. Different, yes. Better, maybe. The way I like it? Nope!

This morning I had a meeting with the Stewardship Elder and the Maintenance Chair to work on the Time and Talent Sheets. It has been several years since our members completed them and with so many 'changes' to the congregation, it was time to revisit them. Some items we are removing and are going to revisit others. My job is the clerical end, up to the point of printing them off. I can print the sheets but I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to manipulate the booklet pages (an accompanying piece called "Opportunities") to print it off. I never could get my head around it, even when I worked in the church office. About that, I am dumb as a rock!

First order of business, however, is to finish the work on the newsletter, which will be tackled in the light of day, after Bible study. And then the 'big' project of working on these T & T sheets and the booklet. I will have to butter up the church secretary to see if she will print them off for us once they ready! 

Tonight's worship for Ash Wednesday was very nice. The chancel was dressed in black, and Pastor wore his black gown. We celebrated Holy Communion as part of the service. Since only one usher was there, another member got up to help him while Pastor served communion by himself. It did not take that long although we had a good number of parishoners. Immediately after worship was choir rehearsal and we are singing a psalm again this Sunday. I hope I don't mess up...Miss one rehearsal and the whole works comes apart!

I am presently watching the debate, having missed the first half, and find it quite interesting as things begin to shake out. I heard somewhere that Ron Paul had a Lutheran background, as does Gary Johnson who also had his hat in the ring at first. Interesting to know this....and not sure why.