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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Things don't always work out

My family in WI is experiencing some severe weather, first yesterday and again today. My sister in Oshkosh informed me about having her power out over night and when the power came back up, she discovered rain water coming into her apartment around the A/C unit and under her patio doors. Yikes! Not only that, but her bucket of minnows stored on the patio had overflowed from the heavy rain, leaving her bait to flip around on the concrete, like fish out of water. As I chatted with her via Facebook this a.m., I wondered if birds would come along to take care of the minnows and sure enough, a robin showed up. It seems, though, that robins don't care for fish, so I suggested to Kerry that she hold out for a crow, as they are not too fussy about what they pick at.

Further, the area streets were flooded, with some closings and she was concerned about how to get to work, using her spouse's truck as her friends' VW Beetle would not make it down her street. Some reports indicated that the highway she would take to work was also under water, so I am not sure how things worked out for her. 
My niece, Lisa, reported to me that the storms shook their home in Sheboygan so hard, it felt like it was moving. The lightning was almost non-stop with the same being true of the thunder. This afternoon, the storms were brewing again, with Mom reporting black skies and a darkening apartment in Manty. OH and IN had tornadoes overnight which makes me wonder if these storms are related somehow.

Kerry also told me about the cherry crop in Door County being seriously damaged by early blooming and then freezing temperatures last month. This would be a blow to part of their tourist business this season, to say nothing of sales of cherries and their products. Oh, how I would love a pie from the stand along Hwy. 42 in Door County. The name started with a "K", I think. Koepsel's! Oh, my! I see they have an on-line store, which means I could actually order a couple jars of jelly/jam, including one I just mentioned the other day, Amaretto Cherry! Yummy!
What didn't work out according to plan was Justin's party for this Saturday. His Cinco de Mayo event has been thwarted, as his father didn't want there to be a party at his home while they are away. When Justin came home last night, he was obviously bummed because of it, while I was under the impression that all were aware of these plans already. It seems not! He is going to ask Jesse if they can have it at his mom's house instead, with my offer of letting him host it here declined out of hand. Guess they would have to be too quiet to have it here. Whew!, I dodged that bullet!

My sister, Lori and her hubby, David, will be coming to Manty on Mother's Day, arriving in time to have dinner. I am going to call around to find a place that can serve a large numbered group. It might be somewhat out of town but on the outskirts will be fine with me. I am really looking forward to this! The church will be having an adults only dinner at The Charcoal Grille, too, while I am up there and I look forward to attending that, as well. I wonder if anyone else from my family wants to go, too....