This a.m. I went to Bible study, looking so very much forward to seeing everyone again. I was 'warmly' greeted, with many if not most asking me about the cold, wintery weather I had in WI.
I had on a sweater I'd worn in Manitowoc, one that had been washed and then dried on my river room chair. Somehow, it didn't seem like the same size any more, or it just needed some stretching out. It was fine before it was laundered, and the tag indicated machine wash/tumble dry. I air dried it instead. So, I wore my black, heavier cardigan over the top of the sweater, which felt good in our cool FL temps. When Pastor was identifying the person at the table who would be the reporter for the break out groups, he chose the person who was dressed the warmest. Yes, that would be me yet again!

Gretchen got her special chocolate candy Mom sent down for her. She had not come to Bible study but did come for worship. Gretchen jumped up when I walked into the church, she was seated along the wall, to hug me. I was so glad to see her, and all the others. Even got some more Christmas cards in my church mailbox!
The roof on the church had been torn off and was being replaced at the end of the week. Fortunately, enough of it was finished to prevent the heavy rains from last night leaking into our structure. Whew! They had gotten a later start to the project due to the cold temps earlier in the week but hope to have it done by the beginning of next. We got such a good price on this project, we can't believe it!
The roof on the church had been torn off and was being replaced at the end of the week. Fortunately, enough of it was finished to prevent the heavy rains from last night leaking into our structure. Whew! They had gotten a later start to the project due to the cold temps earlier in the week but hope to have it done by the beginning of next. We got such a good price on this project, we can't believe it!
Of course we went to lunch at Chili's, only 5 of us this time. Terri was going to join us but sent me a text message as I walked in the doors that she went home instead. She'd had knee surgery before Christmas and was walking without a cane or walker, but the therapy on Thursday is taking a long time to get over. Time and therapy are the things that will help her get back on her feet, so to speak. Next week, maybe!
Attendance has been quite low (except for Christmas Eve's kids' service) and today was no exception. I hope and pray things pick up now that we are back to 'normal' with our services and Bible study schedule. It's time to send some cards to those whom I miss. After all, I got such a nice pack of handmade cards from Linda for Christmas, just begging to be sent off!