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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

A hot time in the kitchen

I am not crazy, though some might dispute that, about this new or different composition page for the blog. I put in a complaint on the feed back site to see if that garners an answer. If this is improvement, they need to think again.

Justin left bright and early with my car to drive to Green Cove to get his father's car. He needed the larger vehicle to move his stuff from the bungalow at the beach house, and made two trips back to this side of town with his belongings, finishing the project. Not only did he accomplish that, but was able to meet his friends for lunch (he sounds like me!). Much of his stuff he unloaded at the office in some unused space for the time being. It is funny how he asked for clothes for CHRISTmas, yet he is buried in clothing in his room now! Will the new pieces see the light of day? I do hope so.

Last night we had dinner at Koko's, making up for last week's missed lunch on Saturday when Koko's was not open. From there we stopped at Publix and he offered to just run in for the couple of items needed. The bag of coconut was used then, once home, to finish the last batch of cookies for the bake sale at church tomorrow. We are having a "Cookies by the Pound" sale and we will have four different types to donate and possibly re-buy from the sale!

Earlier in the morning I got busy in the kitchen with the baking, taking my laptop with me to hold me there. I caught up on my Internet radio programs as I stirred, rolled, and baked. For the brownies, I used muffin tins to bake them, placing a dark chocolate kiss in the middle of them. Later I thought about using the paper cups in the muffin tin and kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner, as they got a bit knicked up coming out of the pans. Next time, will use the paper liners!

Besides the brownies, I made oatmeal scotchies plus peanut butter cookies with the same kiss on top. I had mixed up the sugar cookies already and was waiting for Justin to bring me the coconut, thinking he was going to be back before noon. The break from baking was welcome, and it only took a few minutes to finish the last batch. I mixed the coconut into the sugar cookie batter, then shaped them into balls to bake. Yummy! I learned this from my friend, Julia, at Great Hang Ups. And now I have 3/4 of a bag of coconut left. Pina coladas anyone?

My upstairs neighbor, Randy, had expressed interest in the bake sale some time ago and I had planned to bring him a pound. When he saw that I was baking he asked for some pre-sale samples as well as an order from the sale. I already had him covered but told him I would bring him some samples which were edible but not presentable. When I got up to his place, he answered the door but stood behind it. He said, "You should know by now that I don't wear pants..." as he reached around the door for the plate. Now, I had already told him I would bring him a plate as he commented on FB "delivery is always good..." I had to chuckle about that. In a few minutes, he wrote that he loved the treats, especially the oatmeal scotchies. 

My other neighbor, Tracy, had left me a card with a bag of oatmeal scotchies on my window sill this past week and I went after those cookies like mad. I let Justin have a couple but the rest were mine. Hers were much more dense than my cookies turned out, almost like mine had too much butter. I followed the directions and used the entire stick. Hers were like a meal, but mine, a treat.

Judy C. told me that Betty was bringing frosted sugar cookies ("which put mine to shame" according to Judy) so I will look forward to buying those tomorrow. One lady usually makes candy but with her spouse being ill, she might not be able to do that this time. But, if she does, look out!!!

Not only do we have that sale, but we are also decorating the church and chancel for CHRISTmas and having a chili supper afterward. Our two chefs, Mike ' Mike will handle the food portion which will be wonderful. I have a container of dinner rolls in the freezer, an extra from ThanksLiving, which I will take to have with the chili. We usually carol but am not sure if that will take place or not, depending upon The Maestro's availability.

Justin and I have a disagreement. When I checked the TV listings for Sunday's football games, the Packers did not show as being the game aired. I was sad but knew I could watch upstairs at Randy's if I wanted to see it. At dinner, Justin checked the listings from his phone and it showed the game being aired on FOX at 1:00 pm. What? He said I looked too soon, too far ahead and that the network might have switched the games around. We shall see just who is right, because as I look at it now, it still does not show as being on here. Does he have an inside line on this or what? I hope he is correct though because I would not wish to go up to watch and then have to leave to go back to church for the rest of the day's events. My allegiances might be dallied with!

Judy J. is on board to take us to the airport Thursday which will save us the parking fees. She is a doll for offering and I will bring her something nice from WI. She brought me a jar of Saunders ice cream topping when she came back after ThanksLiving. MI is known for this topping as well as Vernor's Ginger Ale. We can get the soda here but not the chocolate topping. Connie, the maintenance lady, said it is cheaper to use a taxi for the airport runs than to park one's car at the airport. Of course, this would depend upon the length of the stay but she might be correct on that. Getting picked up at the curb is very nice too!

The last of my mailings went out in today's mail so I can cross that off the list. Work has begun on the church newsletter, working as far ahead as I can before going north. I can put the final touches on it at my sister's and e-mail from there. Now, to clean off the desk and get things in order before we depart...I have books stacked all over the place which not only makes me look crazy but feel crazy at the same time. Whenever you see a movie about a mad man, he is surrounded by dusty books. At least mine are not usually as dusty as they could be!