My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Weekend photos

Later in the day, at the end of the heavy rain showers, almost audibly these double rainbows appeared over the river. Just as I pulled open my sliding doors to snap the photos, I could hear my neighbors also opening their doors, ooohing and aaahing over the dramatic, lovely sight.
Here is  the other end of the rainbow, although my friend, Rick, claimed he saw the other end in Middleburg!

 In the morning as Linda and I were chatting, Fox and Friends had a segment on about analyzing people's desk---what does their desk say about them and their work habits and their output. Mine was not horrible, not yet disturbing my piece of mind. Linda's idea was the better one---photograph the view instead! I look out, and see rainbows!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Remarkable proportions

Not mine and not anyone elses, just the day!

My friend, Carol, sent me an e-mail this morning indicating Randy and she would not be at Breakfast Club because they needed to attend a funeral (lots of funerals this week!). She didn't want me to sit there alone, although I am okay with it. Mary called me later on to report that she was laid up with some illness requiring antibiotics so it's good that I didn't go to The Club. That is two weeks in a row that I have missed it, and I am getting hungry for their fried baby red potatoes!

It was also fine to miss breakfast since I had lunch plans already in place. I was meeting a newly reconnected Facebook friend, Belinda, who is married to one of my former employees/coworkers. She is a published writer, mostly cookbooks, as well as being the editor of a local paper in the past. Presently she works for one of the State Colleges. We had met up a couple years back at a Writer's Conference at the Beach, and as I mentioned, once more via Facebook. Gotta love that Facebook!

We had a wonderful time chatting, even though the time was limited due to her being on a lunch hour (or two!) but we managed to cover many topics. Her daughter attends the same magnet school that my friend, Rita's, son attends, and they are the same age at that. She was telling me about self-publishing and how e-publishing is getting to be the rage. Not sure how that would work for cookbooks but for essays and briefer manuscripts, it might fly. I told her the story about my dentist visit where I had my book from Linda, "Killing Lincoln" in my hand at the desk. The receptionist told me she is reading the same book right now on her Kindle, and the dental assistant reported she is listening to it on a download. All reading the same book, at the same time, but on a different venue. Interesting and amazing!!

 Justin was borrowing my car for the evening and offered to run to the store for me, in case I needed something to serve for dinner. Betty, my dear friend with whom I also worked for years, was coming over for dinner. Our meal was made the night before by Justin, the pork chops with cinnamon apples on top. Oh, my, just as good as the first time they were cooked! I needed nothing but it was nice of him to ask. He was going to his friend, Ron's house and then out to Bahama Breeze for dinner with his pals. It was too bad he was gone by the time Betty arrived as she would like to have seen him again.

We just sat and talked, I so enjoy hearing about Betty's classes she is taking for her degree in business. Some of the classes are kicking her butt, so to speak, this semester but she is hanging in there. One of her gripes is that the professors who grade her papers for proper grammar and usage scarcely can write a complete sentence themselves. I had a teacher in high school who left there to teach "engineers how to write" at a school in the neighboring county. What does that mean, exactly? It means that just because a person can figure out how to build a road or erect a building does not necessarily mean they can write it down...

When I left home in  the morning to meet Belinda, Connie asked me if I had ticked off some birds or something. Not sure what she meant, she directed my attention toward my car. Oh my goodness! It was literally sprayed with whiteness. I believe the birds put out a contract on my car, which Connie offered to hose off before I left. I was simply roaring with laughter at the sight of my car, but had to get going to make my appointment. On the way home, I stopped at the car wash to get it cleaned off. That car is starting to cost me money---two car washes in one month, new tires, and a torn fender. Yikes!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"We help each other sing..."

Today we are saying 'good-bye' officially to one of our longest and oldest members of GS, Arlene. Last year around ThanksLiving she was expected to pass away. But, Arlene hung on, even managing to go home for a few weeks recently before having to return to the hospital where she then died. 

In between the hospital last year, and going home a few weeks ago, she had resided in a rehab center where she seemed to rally. Friday, the rally was over and she awakened in heaven. Now, only Joe remains as patriarch of the congregation, and as his grandson in NC declared, Joe might easily outlive us all! 

My friend, Rita, sent me a note indicating I would not see her at Bible study since she had an appointment, and told me all the other people who were not going to be there either. I had been toying with whether or not to go, wondering if the timing would work out for the funeral service and such. When I let Pastor H. know I was not coming, he sent me a text message indicating that class was cancelled for this week. And none next week either due to Holy Week. No worries---I get to see Rita for lunch on Saturday! We have had little face time recently and will make up for it dining al fresco at the Town Center!
Judy J. had asked me bring a salad for the luncheon to be served following the service so when I left home, I was carrying a lovely glass bowl with me. Connie saw me with my bowl and asked what was up. I told her a good Lutheran always has a dish to pass, but usually there is something in it!!! Publix was providing me with their delicious macaroni salad which will present nicely in my Lutheran dish...

The congregation numbered about 45, just about equal numbers between members and the other mourners. Arlene liked to play bingo, several times a week when her health was good, so some of those folks came, as did a few of their neighbors. We got to visit with some former members, confirmands, of GS, including  the children of Rena, who passed away years ago. I had seen them last at the wedding of Tony, who is Arlene's grandson, 8 years ago. 

Debbie, Arlene's daughter, has poor health as well, took early retirement or is on disability at this time. Periodically over the years, Debbie's daughter and her family of five have lived with Arlene and Debbie in their cozy home but presently Debbie is alone in the house. Since she retired, she has been training alongside of the church secretary to help out in the office, which is great, having more than just Lynne and me. I used to enjoy the work but do no longer. Like working by myself at home instead!

I did work at home this a.m., before the service, putting the final touches on the newsletter and got it ready to be e-mailed. Also, I printed off color-copies for a few of my favorites who do not have Internet service, so they can see the pictures and graphics included in the e-mailed version. The one I send to Lynne for her to print at church has the graphics removed in order for it to fit on two sides of ledger-sized paper. The photos and graphics add much to the letter, do some of the talking many times. Someone donated a mess of ledger paper so that is what she uses for the hard-copied newsletter, as well as the jumbo sized service folders used once a month. Hard to fold those to shove in one's purse!

Arlene's service was very nice, starting with the hymn "I Know that My Redeemer Lives", which I struggled through. We sang the first two stanzas and the last two, not the 'where is thy sting, death?' ones. I sat with Carolynn H., one of our newer members, and I told her she would have to help out singing that one. She asked me how long ago it was since Timmy died, and I told her, "Yesterday...", and she nodded. Then, I told her it was 11 years, and she said, "It probably feels like yesterday..." and I said it does, especially when attending a funeral. It all comes back, with the same happy ending for our loved ones who die in faith. 

The other hymns were "Just As I Am" and "For All the Saints". "For All the Saints" is quite easy for me to sing, despite the text. For some reason, that one does not stop me in my tracks. And we sang "Alleluia" before Lent was over...I am sure it's okay when it's for a funeral.

The Fellowship Hall is under renovation so the middle room in the classroom building is used for meetings, some Bible studies, fellowship, and now, funeral luncheons. It was crowded, hard to move around between tables once people were seated. (It was since decided to not set up as many tables for Easter breakfast) The food was available in the hallway which worked out okay. And there was plenty of it! Besides the sandwiches which Judy C. and Betty put together, there were the donated salads and fruit, and the desserts! I took seconds on the creamy fruit salad that Fran brought, instead of having dessert. Judy J. sent home a container of her baked beans for Justin and I to have for dinner.

As we sat at the table talking during the luncheon, Ethel and Darwin were across from me, Carolynn and Bonnie on each side. Ethel said she would like a service like Gordy had, lots of hymns. I mentioned how Jennifer, a former member, and I helped each other sing at Gordy's funeral. I had promised Terri T. that I would sing out as Carol had told her to listen for my voice to help bear her up. (Yikes, Carol!!!) Jennifer and I decided we would help each other, as I knew I would falter on "In Christ Alone" and she needed help on another hymn. Ethel remarked how great it was that Jennifer and I were there for each other, and I said, "That's what Christian friends do---we help each other sing!"

Once I got home after the funeral and luncheon, I was bushed, so I took a nap. Less than 30 minutes in length but out like a light! I had to reset my computer to catch the portion of the program I had slept through. Whew! Not sure why I was so tired, unless it was from the fruit salad. Justin was working for his father today and called me before coming home, wondering what was for dinner. Baked beans, of course!
Actually, he offered to make a dinner of pork chops and spiced apples, if I didn't mind waiting until after Bible study to eat. I was fine with that, since I was full yet from the late afternoon luncheon. He bought a container of the spiced apples when he went shopping on Tuesday night and it made a lovely dish for us. He browned the chops and simmered them with the cinnamon apples over the top. There was enough left for Betty G. and I to have for dinner tomorrow night when she comes. Nice!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A day of emotion

On my desk is a sales flyer from K-Mart where I never shop, so wonder how come I find myself leafing through it. These 'packs' of ads come via the mail for those who do not subscribe to the local paper. This was told to me by Connie, our maintenance lady, and she got it likely through the letter carrier, who lives in fear of me!

As I page through, there before me are the little kids' outfits for Easter, which makes my lip curl under as I remember buying such outfits for my little guys. Mom made them their every day outfits, or many of them, but for church, they often got store-bought vest outfits. Timmy loved his vests and wanted to wear a neck tie like his brother and father did. My church/work friend, Rebecca, who also was the preschool teacher, gave me a bunch of clip-on ties for Timmy, since she knew he liked them so well. One of the ties is in his memory box under the portrait, clipped to his uniform shirt worn for "Monday dress" day.
Tuesday morning found me in the dentist chair once more, this time to be fitted for my new crown. As I wrote on Facebook: "I am soon leaving The Palace to be fitted for my new crown...perhaps I should get some bling, or a very nice wood!" It turns out there is gold in the crown, to use as an anchor so the bling will be there, visible only on an x-ray!

I enjoyed my time in the chair, nitrous oxide strapped to my nose, deeply breathing and relaxing. Peggy numbed me up perfectly, gums only, as she removed the temporary tooth, packed the area for making the impression (I like to make a good impression!), but had to do it twice. It seems somehow, I have bubbles, both times! Oh well...

The chairside assistant was not Yvonne although she was the one to prep me for the happy gas. The other lady, whose name I did not get, was thinking I was having too much after effects from the gas, but the staff assured her that this how I really am. "She even smiles when in pain!" Not too sure about that one! Peggy gave a nice discount on my bill, thank you, and I was on my way. 

My upstairs neighbor, Nancy, had taken a tumble upon leaving a show downtown, seeing "The Jersey Boys", unescorted. While folks helped her get back up and dusted off, she drove herself to the ER to be checked over, having a bloody lip and black eye as a result of the fall. Hearing this on Sunday, I sent her note expressing my sorrow over this news and asked what I could do to help her out during her healing time. She asked me to come and play Scrabble with her. OKAY! 

Nancy is a gracious Southern lady and allowed me to win---that's how nice she is! We played one game and she wanted a chance to beat me, but I took leave. "Always keep 'em wanting more"---a good author like Nancy should know this!

When I came home from the dentist, I met my downstairs neighbor, Tracy, in the courtyard. I asked her how she was, and she told me that MamMa was basically near death, and no one is sleeping in their house except MamMa. Oh my goodness! The Monday that Linda was here I saw Willie Mae coming home on a gurney and she told me she'd been in the hospital. I did not even know this, nor did I know she'd taken a bad turn since getting home. Oh my!

I offered my spare room to any over flow guests they get, family coming to town to see her once more, or after she passes away. And then I went down after the Scrabble game with a devotion book, and my new prayer book, a gift from the Elders. 

Her caregiver, Virginia, was standing at the bedside, as Willie Mae snored loudly. Assured that she could still hear, despite what seemed like deep sleep, I read to her, and to Virginia. What a difference a week made, but certainly at age 91, she was done fighting. Medical folks come and go, Hospice comes and goes, and naps by family are caught in between.

Before I went to play Scrabble, my friend, Joanne, called to tell me that her father, Clyde, had passed away. When we spoke on Thursday, she said he was hanging on by a thread, 'something' was keeping him alive. Since no one in her family could confirm it, Joanne's pastor had baptized him. This had made me weep then, and did again after Joanne told me he was gone. 
From the left is Clyde, Joanne, me, Olivia, Justin, Richard S., with Owen as the photographer

Clyde was a character, almost gruff in personality, but I only knew him as an old man. He was in the Air Force, graduated from UW-Madison at a doctor, and worked with NASA for the space launches. His daughters were all raised in Belgium, where he was stationed, as they used to visually track the space crafts. He also was involved in the selection of the chimps for space, and Joanne has the black and white photo array to prove it! In later years, Clyde worked for Upjohn, which is how they ended in MI rather than back in WI. He will be buried in Racine, next to his wife and his parents.

He was sort of an agnostic, would not admit, with his vast intellect, to being a religious man. But Joanne, and me also, is comforted with the fact that he recited The Lord's Prayer at his wife's memorial service. She also believes that he saw the glory of the Lord before he breathed his last, as the nurses reported that he had tears running down his face when he died. I pray for everyone's sake, he is seeing the glory of the Lord in heaven.

Referencing once more the movie "The Bucket List", there is a scene on the private jet which comes to mind for this situation. The rich man, Edward, is arguing about the Creator, filled with doubt that someone could just say "Let there be...." and create such wonders as those seen through the plane window. Carter, on the other hand, a man of faith, believed that the Creator was responsible for it all. Edward, sort of surrendering the argument, said, "I don't know--I just can't wrap my head around it." Carter, resting against his seat, sighs, and says, "Maybe your head gets in the way..." Oh, yeah, you nailed it, Carter!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bright spots

At the risk of encouraging disaster or unexpected excitement, I have thought of a few things to mention which are bright spots.

After church on Wednesday night, the Ladies' Group, with me as their queen, had to assemble for a quick meeting in the back of the church to address our Befriend a Mission monies. As the 7-8 ladies gathered 'round, our pastor's daughter, Anna, stuck her head into the circle and asked, "Miss Kim, would it be okay if I put you down on job applications as a reference?" SURE!!! I told I would be honored and would give her a good reference. 

She was second person to ask me this in a couple days' time so my phone should soon be ringing off  the hook (a cliche which means little to most people these days!). It is an honor, I believe, to be asked this. My friend's daughter, Erica, who returned mid-year from WLC, asked me about being a personal reference for her, but she went on her interview with a company, and was hired on the spot in January. I never got a chance to tout Erica's good qualities.

Last week was the fashion show/luncheon/fund raiser at The Club, for the Quigley House. Before it began, I was 'working the room', saying hello to folks I had not seen in a while and so on. Everyone was dolled up which is fun to see when some I only know from the pool in swim wear! One lady came up to me, gave me a big hug, and told me she had sought me out. Katherine said something to the effect of "I knew you were coming so I had to find you" about a warm fuzzy. Another lady, also a Realtor with the first lady I mentioned, greeted me before she had to leave to get back to work. We agreed it's nice to be able to touch our friends in the flesh instead of only via the Internet. So near, and yet so far!

I had been asked to move to Table #1 to sit with The Club owner and her group, to make room for a lady who had no seat. There were ladies whom I had not been introduced to at the table, and because the event got started, we had to wait until afterward. One lady seated across from me came up to me, and I thought she said she knew me from somewhere. Due to the commotion in the room, I misheard her, but as our conversation grew, it seems she did not know me, but said she wanted to. Oh my! 'Laureen' got a kick out of me, she said, and said I was bright and cheery. She should see me when I hit a bag of rocks!

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Sunday sad saga

...or a sad Sunday saga! Whatever, it was pretty upsetting to me. I am getting quite good at being upset, it seems.
My car got torn, and torn up, as the Southerners like to say. Here's the story:

As I drove merrily along on the way to church, getting closer and closer to Blanding, I saw the car in front of me swerve around something but I failed to miss the debris entirely, catching the bag with my right rear wheel. This happened between the entrances to Home Depot, across from the Mall, near the light to HD/Target. Rats!

There was a horrible BANG! BANG! BANG! as I pulled to the curb, expecting some of the rocks were caught or something. Oh no, no rocks---but a steel rod was sticking out from my tire, extending out from the tire and striking my car in the rear panel, tearing it. I could not pull the rod out, which was about 24" long, with four inches of it in the tire. 

Frantic (there's that word again!) I tried to dial 9-1-1 as  my car was sitting in the lane of traffic on what would normally be a very busy road. It took me a couple tries to push the right buttons and finally connected with dispatch. I explained my situation and she said someone would come. In the meanwhile, I stood on the sidewalk and waved people around my disabled car. Fortunately people did not have a good head of steam up after leaving the stop light and allowed others to merge over to avoid hitting my car. Not like anyone could miss me in my purple top, arms flailing in the air....

A young man from the cell phone business near where I was sitting came up to try and help me but he could not manage to pull it out. We both felt it would cause more damage to move the car so he said he was going to look for more tools. In the meanwhile, a wrecker pulled up behind my car. Nice!

I thought this must be what the police do in cases such as this, have a wrecker come to remove the offending vehicle in the roadway. He pulled the rod out and immediately the tire went flat. "Mike" directed me to very slowly pull into the parking lot ahead of us and he would change the tire for me. Great!

In the meanwhile, I had called Justin to tell him and also let Judy C. know what was going on. After I spoke to Judy, she called me back to see if she should come and get me. I was fine, just save me a seat in church! In order to access the spare tire, I had to relocate six 12-packs of soda to the back seat. Fortunately, there was little else to move. Mike informed me he was on call, normally works out of a shop on Old Kings Road, which is far away, but he lives in OP. 

He took care of changing the tire, first filling the spare with more air as it was low, and then replacing it. He put the flat one in the back of the car, and basically sent me on my way. "No charge, Ma'am" but he did find himself on the receiving end of a hug and a smooch on the cheek. He told a story about how he helped a young lady on Blanding once, and three years later she saw him out somehere, giving him a giant hug and extra thank you for helping her. I thought this was very nice of the police dept. to have this guy come to my rescue!

I went up to church, so glad to be there. As I walked across the parking lot, my phone went off. It was Clay County Sheriff's department, wanting to know where I was, as their officer was now on the scene. It was nearly an hour after I called them and I thought I was done. I explained all this to the nice lady and she was dumbfounded that this wrecker came along. "I thought you guys sent him!" "Well, did he charge you, ma'am?" and when I said he did not, she was astonished along  with me. I did have to go back to the parking lot at Target in order to get the paperwork filled out for insurance purposes. 

He was waiting for me, a nice young CCSO guy, who took care of my paperwork after I showed him what happened. He said he could see the remains of the bag and its contents 'throwing up dust' as cars drove over it yet. I said to him, "Somebody's going to be missing a bag of landscape rocks when they get home..." and he looked at me, and asked, "Are you from WI?" I swear he did! Evidently the way I said 'bag' tipped him, because I don't think he saw my Packer license plate frame, since the trunk was opened by me. Funny!

He was so nice about it all, and was also surprised by the man who just showed up to rescue me. I told him, "Mike told me he was on call, but God must have sent him!" Usually that means he is on call via telephone or radio, but Mike had a direct line from God...When I told the officer that Mike did not charge me, he was stunned also. The officer told me this was no one's fault, except for not securing the load, it would seem, but not my fault. 

He also told me about his friend who recently got into the FBI and was sent to MN to work. I joked about what in the world there was for the FBI to do in Bemidji, but it seems he supports the Indian reservation law enforcement. Imagine that! His biggest gripe so far was that "they don't drink sweet tea up here!" How funny is that?

Once again, I was sent on my way and got to church in time for taking attendance. Justin got there a bit late, singing was underway but I was yet at the podium when he came in. He found us a seat on the left side and I joined him. At one point, we were invited to offer our private petitions but I hope that the Lord won't mind my prayers of thanksgiving that this car incident was not worse, and no one was hurt. The questions or concerns in regard as to whether or not to replace my tires has been answered---at least two of them being done today!

Now, the insurance will have to get involved and hopefully my rate won't go up. If I need the entire bumper replaced, all one piece, it seems, certainly that will be more than $500, my deductible. My one tire might be covered by the road hazard coverage that came with the tires, but I am not holding my breath on that one. At first I was going right away this morning, but now decided to go after lunch. They had to order them anyway which made my decision the right one. 
My sainted grandmother, Lily, liked to rain on our parades. My sisters and family would laugh and have a good time, get silly and all that. Her caution would be, "Laugh today and tomorrow you will be crying..." Talk about a downer! 

Well, I find myself feeling like this more and more often. Not to that degree, of course, but I remember coming up in the elevator recently with my neighbors and answering their inquiring as to my well-being with "fantastic!" Then, I thought to myself, "don't let your guard down, something terrible will happen." Sure enough, the next day was the flood from the 5th floor. 

When I was in the process of buying this place, my friends came over to see it. Christine, who is now a partner in real estate with Joanne, stood at the railing and looked out over the river, and said, "No!" She didn't want me to move in here because "you will become a recluse for sure!" Everyone pooh-poohed her for that, but truly, it has gradually come closer and closer to being true. Not that being a recluse is a bad thing, but I see being content where I am, and in my own company, as a positive thing.

And, if I leave my home, there might be a leak and I won't know about it. Or, if I am driving, I might hit another bag of rocks! I know this feeling is a reaction to the incidents and also know that 'tomorrow you may be crying' is no way to live. But I am also just as content having people come to me instead of me leaving my recluse! Tomorrow, might be different....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Ladies' Tea party event in pictures

Linda and I at Basketique for the Tea Social with the church ladies. We had 15 signed up and had 14 show. We will do this again sometime!

Judy J., Janet, and Judy C. at the table
Jean, Twila, and Jackie listening to Donna's story
 Linda, standing outside the shop, looking pretty with the flower backdrop
 Here is the third or fourth course of food, including pecan coated raisin bread with pumpkin butter, and the lettuce leaf wrap around picked asparagus, picked carrots, ham and cheese. Even I liked it!
 A fun shot of Janet, acting like herself and making Judy C. laugh! 
 Behind the ladies is the proprietess of the shoppe, Pat, doing some serving
I am so very much enjoying strawberry soup, sitting next to Ellen C.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Schwarz Visit

 Rick and Laura posing in the dining room in front of the mural. They were now headed to DisneyWorld!
 I got up in time to see the sun breaking the horizon, and knew my guests were not up yet. I captured it for them!
 Little by little the sky got lighter, and pinker!
And then, it was morning!!!!

Broadcast in 1965---coming true today!

This speech was broadcast by legendary ABC Radio commentator Paul Harvey on April 3, 1965:
If I were the Devil . . . I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I would, of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree, so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States.

I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please.” “Do as you please.”   To the young, I would whisper, “The Bible is a myth.” 

I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is “square”.  

In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. 

And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: “Our Father, which art in Washington” . . .

If I were the devil, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull an uninteresting. 

I’d threaten T.V. with dirtier movies and vice versa. And then, if I were the devil, I’d get organized. I’d infiltrate unions and urge more loafing and less work, because idle hands usually work for me

I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. And I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. 

If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect to discipline emotions . . . let those run wild. 

I would designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts in the land and I would get preachers to say “she’s right.” 

With flattery and promises of power, I could get the courts to rule what I construe as against God and in favor of pornography, and thus, I would evict God from the courthouse, and then from the school house, and then from the houses of Congress and then, in His own churches.

I would substitute psychology for religion, and I would deify science because that way men would become smart enough to create super weapons but not wise enough to control them.

If I were Satan, I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas, a bottle. If I were the devil, I would take from those who have and I would give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. 

And then, my police state would force everybody back to work. Then, I could separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines, and objectors in slave camps. In other words, if I were Satan, I’d just keep on doing what he’s doing.

Paul Harvey, Good Day

Friday, March 23, 2012

Not more dreams!!!

Yes, another dream which has left me undone feeling this a.m.!  This time, in the dream, I was absolutely frantic trying to get things ready for a graduation party for Justin, at what seems to be the home I grew up in. At least it could be dreams go. 

People were soon to arrive and I was frantic (love that word for it's true description) in my efforts but am the only one, apparently. I recall at one point my sister, Lynn, came into the kitchen to report that the boys are not all that taken with "Hugo".  It seemed as though the adults were, as not one came to help me. Not even Justin was in sight. My mom had made some chicken salad to serve, a large stainless bowl filled to the top, but it was still warm from preparation and we had to serve it that way. But all the dishes were unwashed, the vacuum cleaner was propped half in/half out of the laundry room so the arriving guests had to walk around it, etc. 

This type of thing would send me into a tailspin, especially with me going twice into the family room to ask for help. Guests were coming, I had nothing ready to serve to drink, and I didn't even know who I could count on to run to the store. (Linda and I were looking at my wedding album the other day. I remembered having to stop at Super Valu on the way back from the church to get 7-Up to serve at home. In hindsight, probably someone else should have stopped for it...not the bride and groom.) 

I know this was not a surprise party (ha!) because of sending out invitations! I couldn't hug people as they arrived because of my soapy rubber gloves! Kerry, who normally would have been the good helper, came downstairs wearing a towel on her head and a bathrobe around her, wanting to throw in a load of wash. (When Lori and David got married in our family room, the dryer buzzed during the ceremony, as Kerry had thrown in a load of wash!) This was back in the early '80's, and it showed up in my dream this morning!

I imagine this dream came because of getting things ready for my visitors, the Schwarz's, who arrive today from Manitowoc. The difference is---I am ready! The dishwasher needs to be run yet, but otherwise, we are good to go. Part of the dream might be from discussing the luncheon I had attended on Wednesday with Marlena, as she called me last evening. I tried to find out the type of dressing provided for my chicken salad, substituted at the last moment for the shrimp salad. She is going to see if Chef will share that info with me, or make me some!!!

When I got home from Bible study last night, Justin was busy with the vacuum cleaner, taking care of the floors and such. Together we made up the air bed in the guest room, after he took down the day bed trundle where Linda had slept. He stood it on end in his room for the time being. 

I had cleaned up in the bathroom, though it didn't need much. I polished the mirror, made sure there were towels and such, made sure there was additional toilet paper available and all things ready. Earlier in the day I was busy with the dust mop, a fruitless endeavor, but at least an improvement. And yes, I had the doors open again during the day....

All things are now ready, except, I should throw in a load of wash before the company arrives---just like Kerry!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A couple of photos

This is a fabulous photo of Linda, sitting in my river room, with a book on her lap! Imagine that!

I took this picture with my cell phone camera which is  lame but serves the purpose. The colors are actually deep purple but look like Advent, at least on the lectern they do! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why am I so tired?

I have cookies baking right now and the second they are done, I am taking a nap! And that's it! Fortunately, I bought the scoopable Toll House cookies in a small bin (refrigerator section of the store) to make for refreshments tonight after church. Linda helped me look for frozen cookie dough at Publix, but even the guy stocking the freezers had never heard of it. When we found the little tub, I took it to show the department manager so that he could direct other folks in case there is a mass request for frozen dough!

Since I have choir after church, I have asked Judy J. to clear things away for me when the fellowship is over. She will take the unconsumed coffee to the next office as Pastor does not mind drinking reheated coffee. She will put the leftover cookies (optimistically!!!) in a baggie for me, wipe the tables and away we go! What a good friend she is!

I had asked Judy to attend a luncheon today with me at The Club but she was unable to make it so I went alone. Since I could not find my tickets, Patty made sure I was on the list and they nicely let me in. Whew! At first, I was to sit with Teresa at Table 15 but then she was grabbed by a group of Palace and Capri ladies to join their table as they had an empty seat. I went to my assigned seat and was going to have lunch with Jessica's mom and sister. Cool! 

After a certain point, I got up and wandered around, saying "Hi!" to people at various tables and exchanged greetings and/or hugs with some folks I had not seen in a while. Likely not since last summer!! At one point, Patty came hustling up to me, clipboard in hand, and asked, "Can I ask you a favor?" I said, "Sure! You want me to sit down and shut up, right?" She laughed and said, "Would you mind moving to Kerrie's table? I have a lady who came alone and needs someone to sit with, so I offered her your spot." 

There is a passage in the Bible where we are reminded about sitting in the furthest seat and being asked to move up, and it came true for me! Instead of sitting in the middle dining room at #15, I was asked to sit with the owner of The Club, the folks who run the Quigley House, and right next to the bar, at Table #1. The waitresses kindly kept my Diet Coke glass filled. There was also a female pastor at my table, whose daughter, a former classmate of Justin's, was modeling for us, including a bikini!

Jessica was also one of the models and looked smashing! There is no way at all that she looks like she has an 8 month old baby at home! And a toddler! All the models looked nice and the clothes, though some a bit extreme, were lovely. I told everyone who stood still long enough how nice it was and how much I enjoyed it. 

Oh, by the way, the luncheon consisted of a shrimp salad, fresh fruit, and a carrot muffin. Oh, oh.....One plus about sitting with the owner is that she made sure the waiter got me one of the special plates of grilled chicken instead of the shrimp! The dressing for the chicken was fantastic and I am anxious to know what it is so I can have it again. THAT'S how good it was! The dessert was amazing with a chocolate coated mouse thing, I think it was mouse, with sauce for the blueberries, raspberries, and strawberry half. Makes up for the near encounter with shrimp!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A visit wrap up

Well, I cannot believe it's over. She is gone, flying, as I write, over the state likely still counting ballots from the primary. Even though the 'game' has been called, many precincts are still reporting in, having troubles getting their ballots into the machines which are sized differently than the ballots. Oops!

Linda and I recounted briefly our adventures on this visit, trying to remember the fun which took place only days ago. Now, that's the kind of fun we have! First of all, we had lunch at Whitey's on the sun deck, enjoying the lovely weather and fried dill pickles with Justin. Linda got a chance to greet Julia again, when we stopped at Great Hang Ups.

That evening, we drove over to Victory for the WLC concert, with Judy J., so those two ladies had some time to catch up. We did get to see many, many of my friends, which was fabulous. Linda got to talk with Carol D. whom she would not see again on her time with me.

Friday morning we walked over to The Club for Breakfast Club where Linda met Mary and had a great meal to begin our day. For lunch we went to Basketique/Over the 2nd Cup for the tea social where she got to hang out with a mess of GS ladies for this wonderful event. Friday night we ate at home---imagine that!

On Saturday Justin, Linda, and I went shopping at Kohl's and had lunch at Mojo's. Saturday night was Dinner and a Movie with Judy C. for which I made a kettle of chili. Judy brought fresh strawberries with whipped topping to serve over pound cake for our dessert. Yummy! We only had one guest since my second wing back chair was in my bedroom for Linda to use when watching the Roku. Linda and I sobbed our hearts out, and Judy had her hands over her face when watching "Courageous". We do know how to have fun! 

Sunday Justin, Linda, and I went to Christ the King for church, where she met again Bonnie F., whom she'd met at Victory over the years of visits. Cool! We worshiped and partook of the Lord's Supper with our fellow believers. Lunch was enjoyed at The Columbia at St. Augustine, and an afternoon and evening at home. We do know how to have fun!

Monday morning was Bible study for which Justin joined us, and then lunch at Longhorn. Linda got to spend time again with the church ladies, meeting Betty for the first time on this visit. She got a kick out of Gretchen blowing the wrappers off the straws in the restaurant. That rascal! We sat outside for a bit in the afternoon so I could get warmed up, and Justin made dinner for us that evening. 

Today, Linda and I ate breakfast at home together, since normally she eats alone for that meal, having hot cross buns. Oh yum! Since Linda had never eaten at Steak 'n Shake before, we used the coupons which came in the mail, and had lunch on the Island at S 'n S. She had a small shake, Mint Oreo, complete with chunks of cookie in it. How would they expect those chunks to go up the straw???

When the time came, I drove Linda to the airport and dumped her off at the curb---good riddance! No, not really, we hugged and hugged, I cried, and then cried some more as I drove off toward home. How fast the time went by...And Linda is right, we have words left over! And, we do know how to have fun!
This jar on the table, which spends hours in the sun, actually 'stores' sunlight for me to use on days when the sky is gloomy! It glows after dark as though a firefly is inside the jar. Linda gave this to me!

Monday, March 19, 2012

What a gorgeous day!

As the temperatures reach for the mid-80's, the days get better and better. It is nearly time for me to switch out the 'winter' wreath for the summer one, or more seasonal one, of sun flowers. It seems to me that we had a very short winter and for this, I am grateful!

This morning the three of us attended Bible study, which had Michael for the leader. Pastor was busy getting his sermon ready for Wednesday night and getting stuff ready for Michael to use at Keystone Heights. Joseph had many questions left over from last week, for some reason, so before today's lesson began, Michael had to field inquisitions from Joseph. He was puzzled about the 'suggestion' of double election and since Mike wasn't the leader last week, was at a bit of a loss. I offered something one of my former pastors had taught which was: "If you wake up in heaven, it's Gods fault; if you wake up in hell, it's your fault." This seemed to satisfy his question and he said he was going to use that. I told Joseph to go right ahead. 

We had a full table for lunch at Longhorn, with 11 of us, since Judy C. had her grandkids along, out on spring break. Linda treated Justin and me, and shared an order of stuffed mushrooms with Justin. Yech! After lunch we went to Publix so he could get what he needed to make our special dinner, Pad Thai. At first, he was going to go to the Loch Rane store because "I just got you ladies loaded in the car" but I told him we can go to the Argyle store since it's no big deal for me to get in and out. Linda needs to walk some in order to work her knee, especially after sitting in Bible study and in the restaurant.

Justin took off with his plastic basket (which only men use, normally) while Linda used the shopping cart. I found a package of my favorite coconut eggs so snapped those up. Later, as Justin and I came through the bakery, I saw they finally had the cross buns available, new since I was there on Wednesday evening. Yay! Normally they are hot cross buns, but were no longer, of course!!!
                         Hot Cross Buns                    

Justin dropped Linda and me off at the door because he had to go to the bank to make a deposit, and so he carried up the groceries when he came home. Linda and I watched a podcast radio show and then switched to the TV for Roku viewing. She dozed a bit in the chair which is her usual rest time. Linda wakes up very early, like around 5:00 or so which makes a nap necessary midday. I like to tell her she does more before sun rise than I do all week long!

I was freezing so suggested we go sit on the sundeck for a bit. I warmed up and Linda enjoyed some hot weather. As we sat there, I saw my neighbor arrive home on a gurney. I was not even aware that MamMa had been in the hospital, and now she was coming home. As the weather improves, I will see more and more of my neighbors and catch up on their news!