This morning I had my appointment to set my permanent bridge in place, this process begun last September/early October. At that appointment Peggy removed what was left of my tooth, complete with gold post and put the temporary bridge in place. It held up nicely for me through the holidays though I did have a bit of a problem with getting food caught in it, causing irritation. The bone healed up at last from where the oral surgery was last March and now, my new smooth bridge is in place!
I was concerned about the procedure, since I had come down with a head cold and scratchy throat Monday afternoon, but once in the chair, the symptoms subsided. I suppose lying back with my head down so far prevented the nasty drainage. I told Peggy I feared sneezing and blowing my new teeth across the room against the window! She got just the right shade of grey for my teeth (she scolded me for saying that, stating my color is A1!! Like steak sauce?).
Together we worked and worked to make sure the bite was perfect, but like she said, I can't be sure until I tried eating something. I have gotten used to the resin temporaries so the 'real' ones will take a bit of working in. So far, so good, though one area might still be a bit high. Unless you have been fitted for a crown or a bridge, you might not understand what I am talking about. The last thing I want is to break them off when chewing but she assures me that will not happen. My $1,003,000.85 smile is back!!
To avoid staining the artificial surfaces which many of my teeth have, Peggy suggested drinking my soda through a straw. Or 'rinse in between' with water. What does 'in between' mean? I do drink water during the day so perhaps that's what she meant (I wasn't interested in pursuing this discussion). I told Justin what she said and he had the same look on his face that I am sure I had at that idea. That would be the last straw!!!
Some time later he came tapping at my door, concerned. Justin asked me if I started to drink soda through a straw, will I become a Realtor??? What??? That was one thing he noticed when working with his father, in close association with site agents and other Realtors, female ones. They drink their soda through a straw, so as not to mess up their lipstick. I assured him I would not but I would continue to pray to the Lord about the real estate market!