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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The excitement is building!

Hi all!
I stole that title from the catch phrase we are using for our building project at church, but applying it in a different sense tonight. Tomorrow is the day that my company arrives and I am "so 'cited" as Timmy used to say. Mom said tonight that she's sad about missing seeing the Prange's. I do hope that maybe one of the other girls, or even me, can get her to Morton Grove after the snow melts so she can visit them.
Tonight I was privileged to share in the celebration of Emily's birthday. It was wonderful to spend time, however brief, with this part of my extended family. On Sarah's baptism day we all went to Cracker Barrel after church. Emily's sister, Maria, told me I'd better get used to being around them all because "you're family now". I like the sounds of that! Justin had school and then was spending some time with his father tonight, so was unable to attend Emily's party.
As I was leaving their house, I mentioned I'd tried giving Boots back to JD Saturday night but he'd told me there was a "no return" policy when we took the kitten, about 6 years ago. Nuts! So, when I mentioned this to Paul and Emily, they said they'd take Boots off our hands this weekend......the perfect plan! Justin will still get to visit his favorite cat but I won't have to mess with Boots anymore. Now, to find a home for Lynx.......
Maybe I should do something about the mess of papers on my desk, in case Pete wants to check his e-mails when he's here. It really bugs me to have this clutter and such, but apparently not enough to get me to handle it. So many other things I'd rather do instead. The rest of the house is nice and clean, ready for the guests to arrive.
Justin and I have been discussing some alternative travel plans for his Spring Break. He's decided not to go to Italy this year with his Art History class, saying they go every year. His shoulder and neck are still giving him a fit and he wants to be sure it's better when he does go. He's also going to have his deaf ear checked again, as he says he can hear some noises in it. This might be good news, or continue to be a problem without a solution. We pray that his hearing will return, but still feel that he has to do something to help that happen, like see an ear specialist. Or an allergist, as it supposedly was caused by an allergy. Been going on since August, enough already! For a young man, he sure is falling apart!
We are talking about going up to New York instead and spend some time in the museums and galleries, which will also benefit his education. I was getting some prices together this afternoon, airfare and hotels accommodations. The time frame falls just prior and into Holy Week. I certainly want to be back here for church those nights and on Easter. The two of us have to sit down and hash this all over, so I can make the arrangements, before the fares go up.
Justin and I had a lovely dinner at PF Chang the other night. He'd wanted me to go to Pottery Barn with him, thinking I'd really like it. This plan didn't work out, only the dinner therefore making another trip to the Town Center Mall necessary. Nuts! I really wanted to see "those jack-booted thugs" who send out the incessant Pottery Barn catalogs!!! Kramer (Seinfeld) hated getting all those catalogs and went so far as to brick his mail box so as not receive ANY mail. Mom wouldn't like that very much---loves to get her mail!
The full moon is quite lovely reflecting on the river. The salon owner told me today she wants to see me again in a month to see how much my hair has grown. This is to prove a point that hair cut during a full moon grows much faster. Unfortunately, I go for a hair cut every three weeks which won't be a decent measurement for her purposes. People think such "interesting" things about the moon, don't they?
Wow, where'd the time go? It's bedtime already! Before I go to sleep though, I wanted to mention that I spoke with Marian, my sister-in-law in South Florida this afternoon. She sounded great, her diabetes seems to be controlled and is looking forward to a visit with her granddaughter, Maya. Tina and Maya are coming down for a day or so soon, and Marian wants to take care of Maya while Tina goes shopping or whatever, on her own. Very nice! Biff is still working everyday but has doctor appointments coming up to figure out his lung problems. Prayers would be helpful for them both, that the Lord would bring them renewed health, or at least some answers to their health situations.
Counting the hours until my company arrives........good night, all!