I did feel better this a.m. having dropped off to sleep early and not waking up in entirety until I was good and ready. Guess I simply had to sleep off those chills or something. Weird! When I woke up I watched Fox and Friends all morning, as is my custom and then moved to my desk for a bit. Justin was keeping me posted on activity at the pool, watching for my friends to show up, though Patty had sent me a message saying she'd secured seats for us. Glad she was on top of things, since the official opening of the pool today is a big draw, with seats going fast.
Today I was meeting my friends, Jacquie and Mark, plus their daughter and her gentleman friend for the buffet and pool fun. I have been looking forward to meeting their daughter in person, having only heard about her up to today. She is a beautiful young lady and her friend is quite handsome, making a lovely couple. We all enjoyed the sumptuous buffet which offered several meat choices, side dishes, ice cream treats for dessert, and the best thing of all---cotton candy! Jacquie actually went back up to The Club patio to secure the cotton candy for me. The young woman trying to make it was struggling with it and Jacquie told her that she better get it figured it out because she didn't want to disappoint Miss Kim! That we DO NOT want! Ha ha!
About 2:00 or so the rumbling began and the wind was picking up. Nuts! The lifeguard whistled everyone out of the pool, not allowing any of the children's games to take place, activities normally done on Memorial Day. Mark and Jacquie decided to head for home, having a long trip back to the 'Burg, and I packed my stuff up to come upstairs. The wind was whipping dirt around, got some in my eyes as I approached the gate, meeting some of my neighbors just coming out. They, and some other brave souls, had decided to wait it out but that was not to be. It was absolutely ferocious---thunder, lightning, sideways rain, and yes, even a tornado warning!! That is what I call a storm! It was so wild that Justin even took a video of it, feeling the glass on the river room doors moving in and out as he recorded. Yikes!
This is not the video but a picture from it. The palm trees are inside out as you can see. In a couple of hours, it was clear and folks were back at the pool...not me, though, I was done!
Today I was meeting my friends, Jacquie and Mark, plus their daughter and her gentleman friend for the buffet and pool fun. I have been looking forward to meeting their daughter in person, having only heard about her up to today. She is a beautiful young lady and her friend is quite handsome, making a lovely couple. We all enjoyed the sumptuous buffet which offered several meat choices, side dishes, ice cream treats for dessert, and the best thing of all---cotton candy! Jacquie actually went back up to The Club patio to secure the cotton candy for me. The young woman trying to make it was struggling with it and Jacquie told her that she better get it figured it out because she didn't want to disappoint Miss Kim! That we DO NOT want! Ha ha!