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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

All artsy fartsy!

"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness....." "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."
There! I had to say it, as this hymn was running through my brain as I showered a minute or two ago. I am not sure, since I am not an expert, but it almost seemed as though I heard some of this melody yesterday by the string quartet at Friday Musicale. Or, it could have been part of the tune from "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"....
Wednesday was check-in day at Great Hang Ups for the show tomorrow. Anita and I sat at a table in the middle of the gallery and received art pieces which will be entered in the show, to be judged and prizes awarded. Sunday is the reception at Hang Ups for which I am hostess, of course! Dee calls me "the hostess with the mostess" so now I must live up to that!
Thursday night was the Jacksonville Symphony and Chorus for the Mozart Requiem, with the most magnificent soprano I have ever heard, even more fluid than Sarah Brightman. Yesterday I heard the lovely concert at Friday Musicale, two violins, a cello, and a viola. Last evening I attended a show opening and reception at the Thrasher-Horne for my friend, Beth Haizlip, and Toni Charneco, called "Side by Side", absolutely fabulous art, I highly recommend going to see the show. Afterwards I was invited to Beth's house for an after the show show and reception, even invited to go up to see her studio. I was too weary to climb her circular staircase in the middle of the living room to see her new digs, but will go some other time when it is not cleaned up. She said she was cleaning it up for one night only!
I have since made up my mind about a few things: I will no longer sing after hearing that lovely-voiced soprano. I will no longer paint after seeing the art pieces submitted for Dee's show and seeing the show at Thrasher-Horne. And I will not scrapbook any longer after seeing Beth's scrapbook about her painting career, completed with hand painted pictures on the cover! I will only listen and watch and observe and appreciate!

Friday, full of interesting turns of events....

I must backtrack a bit to catch things up. Yesterday morning I left very early to meet Kathy B. at her house to transport some ficus trees and other stuff to the reception hall. What is it with all these receptions??? The church where the wedding will be is absolutely gorgeous, Byzantine design, and being inside is like being on vacation! I sat for a few moments to just soak it in, and cannot wait for Justin to see it. Especially when our friend, Brian, escorts the bride down the aisle in his dress Air Force uniform.

The pipes for the organ are placed all around the sanctuary, including these which are operated with a pulley system, pulls them into an upright position. I cannot wait to hear it played! I got to hear the pipe organ again at the Times-Union Center Thursday night. Love that pipe organ!

Kathy was a bit on the frantic side as we tried getting things set up yesterday, and I pray she slept last night with all the concerns rolling 'round in her brain. I am glad I will never be the mother-of-the-bride. Wonder if I will ever be the mother of the groom.....Anyway, Kathy had ordered assorted sizes of table covers and skirts for the tables in the hall, and the girls were having troubles figuring out which tables required which cloths. I felt sort of useless as I had really no opinion or information about the tables so I simply busied myself with the table decorations and such. I proudly pointed out the Manitowoc Ice Machine in the kitchen of the fellowship hall. Man, I wish I had one of those!
Justin came over yesterday afternoon when he finished working to do the vacuuming, without me reminding him, so I knew something was up. He sat down and told me he messed up royally on a paper he was to submit, missed the date for handing it in and then was told by the professor, whom he had told me a couple weeks again was "lazy", that he needed to have a peer review. He finally confessed that he messed up and has now dropped out of the class....WHAT?????
I truly hate the lies, truly do, and he has been basically lying to me about his classes and such. He claims the grade is still going to be a C, which keeps his tuition and rent monies being paid by his sucker parents. The night of our monthly themed dinner he mentioned in passing about having troubles concentrating in school, focusing on his studies, etc. because he was concerned about the mess with the alimony and his father's financial situation. Of course, it's MY fault he could not concentrate! Nice try, kiddo! He has to take the blame or the credit for whatever he does in school and not put the blame or accountability on someone else. His usual dodge.
I was hoping, hoping that when he got older, a so-called adult, that these school things would be behind us, but not so. I also realize and stressed to him yesterday the influences he has in his life, the people and things are what distract him from his studies. He likes to blame having to work for not taking a heavier work load at school, but I am not buying. Joanne tells about how she went to nursing school, worked, and raised two children all at one time. It is his own fault, make no mistake about that, and I made certain he realized that.
His plan now is to take summer classes and get the rest of his required classes for getting his associates' degree, so that he does not lose his credits already earned. This is a good plan. He will take one class that goes all summer long plus one that ends halfway through summer, and one that starts where the other one leaves off. Originally he planned to leave the Student Suites and move back home, but there is no allowance for breaking the lease unless a death occurs.......if this keeps up, we just might be able to meet that requirement! No, I am only teasing about that, I do not want to go through that again!
Men! They keep their feelings and such to themselves until the world comes crashing down, and then spill their guts.....Just be honest and tell the truth, explain the situation, and face the music, instead of spending so much time and effort trying to fix it. Or cover it up! Ugh!