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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

All artsy fartsy!

"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness....." "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."
There! I had to say it, as this hymn was running through my brain as I showered a minute or two ago. I am not sure, since I am not an expert, but it almost seemed as though I heard some of this melody yesterday by the string quartet at Friday Musicale. Or, it could have been part of the tune from "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"....
Wednesday was check-in day at Great Hang Ups for the show tomorrow. Anita and I sat at a table in the middle of the gallery and received art pieces which will be entered in the show, to be judged and prizes awarded. Sunday is the reception at Hang Ups for which I am hostess, of course! Dee calls me "the hostess with the mostess" so now I must live up to that!
Thursday night was the Jacksonville Symphony and Chorus for the Mozart Requiem, with the most magnificent soprano I have ever heard, even more fluid than Sarah Brightman. Yesterday I heard the lovely concert at Friday Musicale, two violins, a cello, and a viola. Last evening I attended a show opening and reception at the Thrasher-Horne for my friend, Beth Haizlip, and Toni Charneco, called "Side by Side", absolutely fabulous art, I highly recommend going to see the show. Afterwards I was invited to Beth's house for an after the show show and reception, even invited to go up to see her studio. I was too weary to climb her circular staircase in the middle of the living room to see her new digs, but will go some other time when it is not cleaned up. She said she was cleaning it up for one night only!
I have since made up my mind about a few things: I will no longer sing after hearing that lovely-voiced soprano. I will no longer paint after seeing the art pieces submitted for Dee's show and seeing the show at Thrasher-Horne. And I will not scrapbook any longer after seeing Beth's scrapbook about her painting career, completed with hand painted pictures on the cover! I will only listen and watch and observe and appreciate!


Anonymous said...

Please do not stop singing, being artsy and scrapbooking. I hope you were just kidding!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Jill!

Well, I really feel that way, as though nothing I do will measure up, but will probably back down from those declarations!

Thanks for the encouragement!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Jill, you must keep singing, and scrapbooking!!!
I don't think you can help being artsy fartsy!!!

Beautiful spring day hugs!!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Linda J.!

Guess I am my own worst critic! If I measure myself by those others, I am zero..........If I measure by myself, I am supreme!

Thanks for the great thoughts!


Tarren Prange said...

I feel the same way about singing after sitting next to a soprano in our choir. WOW! I don't even compare! I just keep doing my best, though, and I think you should too!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Hi Tarren!

It comforts me to know I am not alone in feeling this way, and I thank you for your encouragement!

Many people today spoke to me about it, and have offered different ways of helping me, but I am sure it will pass, these feelings of inadequacy, etc. Just give me a couple days to shake it off, you know?

