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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chestnuts roasting

This evening I enjoyed time with my neighbors and friends at The Club, sitting in the former Palmolive family living room in front of the giant walk-in fireplace. I could smell the fire going from outside as I shivered my way from The Palace to The Club. Brrr....temps were in the low 50's with high, biting winds. Miserable outside, but delightful inside. Nice 'n cozy!
Here is the room dressed out for a wedding but you can see how the fireplace has considerable presence 

It was all I could do to not go and poke around in the fire which I absolutely love to do. The owner and the bar manager took turns stoking the fire and placing the logs in as needed. I'd have thrown all the logs in at once if it was mine, but oh, well...The tapas menu offered chicken sliders this month plus the crispy fried onions, which I greatly enjoyed. Kathy and I had a good chance to get caught up since I was absent last week due to the funeral home visit. Loved our time together.

While over there I got to see several of my pool friends who were there to have dinner including the couple who hosted the going away party for Lee. Speaking of Lee---her house was packed up on Tuesday and when I sent her a text that night to see how she was doing, she reported being exhausted and ready for bed. I can sympathize with her, but I have only moved cross-country once. Her car is being moved via an auto-transport carrier so she doesn't have to drive all the way to Napa. I am sure going to miss her, but am wishing her all the best on her new page in life.

Today I read some articles about what foreigners have observed upon living in the US. What were the things they were surprised by or disappointed to find? Most of the people who wrote in commmented on finding the huge portions of food which are served. What would serve two or three in some regions are consumed by one person here. Others were amazed by the immensity of our nation, from sea to shining sea, and how varied the terrain can be. While so many Americans are obese, almost as many are pre-occupied with fitness and exercise, running in particular. In the cities more than in the suburbs, interestingly enough. 
Folks are impressed by the availability of materials and products, especially in the grocery stores. We are certainly a land of plenty. And, something I had a problem believing, people from other lands found Americans to be religious folks, having secure morals and knowledge of right vs wrong. Good for them being able to see that, right? And, we are patriotic! I like to hear that. One more thing, among the many others in the article, was how Americans more often use credit cards instead of using cash. Very interesting observations...At least I found them so.