I heard a guy on the radio yesterday report that he has a 'soda cellar' in house the same way other folks would have wine cellars built into their homes. He has an assortment of flavors, not necessarily the fruity ones, but the varieties within the brands, like Coke One, Pepsi Max, and so on. While his friend has a fridge in the garage just for beer, he would like one just for soda. A man after my own heart!
We had choir rehearsal tonight to prepare for our offerings to be sung this evening for Maundy Thursday as well as two for Easter. Justin informed me that he will be coming to Good Shepherd after all on Easter. I had excused him from attending since he is going to sunrise worship, then breakfast at Victory. It was too long between breakfast ("I am not crazy about all that fellowship time....") before the next service starts there so changed his mind about coming to GS. First Sunrise Service at Victory, breakfast, and then over to GS for more breakfast and worship again. He will spend the day with me, then, as our dinner will take place here around 4:00 pm. Ron, Sarah, Grandma Shirley, and Sarah's friend, Meryl, will be joining us around the table. I might ask Judy J. to join us since I have one empty seat remaining, if she has not already made plans.
For church Thursday night, we are not wearing the choir robes but instead, Robbie, The Maestro, suggested we wear dark-colored clothes. Kristi said, "Kim, we have to wear something dark...I don't know if I have anything dark..." but I do, in fact, have a brand-new, never worn black top that I had gotten last year. Whatever possessed me to get a black top when I already had a number of them? I know why, though....My sister, Lori, had one in a different color and it looked so nice on her, that I got one, too! So it will debut for Maundy Thursday.
Tuesday night was Trivia and we took 2nd place this time. The ending question, always a stickler, was to put in chronological order four different events, unrelated. We simply put a smiling face on our slip and bet zero so we would at least place in the running. One group, according to John, the MC for Trivia, actually got them all correct, but whether they actually knew it or just guessed, I do not know. Who pays attention to when the women's soccer team won the World Cup on penalty kicks?? But we pulled some answers out of nowhere and got them right for the rest of the game. I think I blew one answer but I cannot remember right now which one it was. When we play as a team, each of us throws something into the mix, and we rely upon the guys to know sports, mostly Jesse. The questions are often too obscure for even a sports follower to know though, but I did know the answer to first golfer to earn a million dollar prize, by guessing: Arnold Palmer!
Highs of 90 here tomorrow and high humidity for our area. When we got to church for rehearsal, half the parking lot was under water, which means it rained more over there than it did at my house. We did have some rain at the condo, but left little standing water. We have major drainage problems at church from our already wretched-looking parking lot which was dug up to run the plumbing and electrical for the new building. Never filling the areas dug out back in has caused serious problems and frightful appearance, and added a muddy pond when it rains. There were reports of hail in the Argyle area as well during the storm. We had thunder here but I did not see lightning nor did I hear the rain pouring.
My room is sporting a vacuum cleaner with its hose sprawled across the floor, cord extended. The other night before leaving for Trivia, I decided that I was going to clean up the floor around the bed before I put the fresh sheets on, because I drag the cruddlies from the floor into my bed. First I used the dust mop, which is parked now next to the vacuum cleaner and pulled out wads of dust bunnies from under the bed. Darn sweaters! That does not happen when I wear swimsuits, as Justin pointed out!