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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The gifts that keep on giving...

....or the mama who does that! Justin needed new glasses for some time, his lenses being all blotchy with the film or protective layer looking all spotted. I would not be able to tolerate that in front of my eyes all day long. When Living Social offered a deal last November, I snapped it up to give him 'new glasses' for Christmas. Before they were going to New York for the Packer/Giant game, he was lying on my bed lamenting not having new glasses for the trip. I gave him the certificate ahead of time but he did not get to the eye clinic to make it happen. Well, now we have and somehow it ended up costing more money, above what I paid for the 'deal'. Oh yes, it was a deal, make no mistake, but I didn't realize that the lenses are charged separately than the frames and the eye exam.I guess I should have but...We could have stopped with the eye exam, kept the prescription information and ordered the glasses from Zennia on-line at an extreme discount, and I would have been money ahead. But now he will have new glasses to wear for times other than when he's working. 

For Christmas, he also got a stock certificate showing he is an owner of the Packers. Instead of keeping the certificate in the folder it came in, I thought it needed framing. We took it to Great Hang Ups to have it properly matted, in green and gold, mind you, and framed. Not only did I have to buy (not really 'have to', I wanted to!) the stock, but also insisted it be framed. Good thing I am friends with the framers! 

Dee, by the way, is now retired but we did get a chance to see her. She had high high praise for the home inspector I sent her, my former co-worker, Jim. He is the guy who called Timmy "Hurricane Hank" in the office. Dee said he did a thorough job, could come in the time frame she needed, was personable, and helpful. All good things! Yay! The sad news is that our favorite restaurant, Koko's, next door to Great Hang Ups,is now closed, the owners having also retired. Something must be going around!

For a couple years, perhaps since the Great Flood, I have been wanting to go through the little closets and sort through the items stored there. Justin and I took care of the front hall closet, relocating leftover tile and grout to the cubby near the elevator, and disposing of old paint, etc. Connie would take care of the paint cans for us, all he had to do was take them downstairs. He vacuumed the shelves and the floor, and we put back what was being kept. A bunch of items were sorted out to take to the preschool at church or given to others. It gets easier and easier to let things go, it seems. He did find three cans of beer in the closet, from 2006 according to their dates, his graduation! He wanted to keep two of them, as collector's items, while I poured one into the plant at the front door. Nourishment for the greenery!

We played trivia tonight, with seven in our group, but only five teams in the competition. It was great fun, going into the final in 1st place. That did not last, though, as we blew the final question. We were supposed to put in order a series of four movies according the year they came out. Inevitably we mess up on these type of questions (not really a question...). The list was Poltergeist, Police Academy, Airplane!, and Jaws 2. We got every one wrong, but did not put any of our points at risk. We got 2nd place, again, and are not ungrateful. Besides the fun of the game, the company and the food are great!

Tomorrow, Stephanie's mom comes down from WI for a month, her first time visiting alone, since her husband died about two months ago. And on Saturday, Erica leaves to return to school in WI, at WLC, after her long 'winter break'. I asked her boyfriend, Justin, to come to trivia anyway, even if Erica is not there. Justin is the one who arranged for us to get Justin's car worked on this coming Saturday---we hope! The parts should be in, I will call tomorrow to check the status of them so we can get his car back on the road!