Yesterday was a soaker with nearly constant precipitation, varying degrees from a heavy downpour to mist in the air. The wind is quiet too but yet no sunshine. I will wait!
During the night I remember being warm, sticking my foot out to cool off. This morning, I am chilly again, even under the covers. I think I will wash my sheets today as Justin will be home this late afternoon to help me throw the bed together again. It all depends upon how my back feels—it gets angry on sheet-changing day sometimes. There is hardly anything as nice as sleeping on freshly laundered bedding. Life’s simple pleasures…
Justin was dropped off at the office in Fleming Island yesterday, back in our original building next to the daycare center. I took him up there and then went to Bible study. He asked me to please be careful when driving to church because of the crazy rain and puddles on the road. When I got to church, I sent him a text message reporting my safe arrival. Worry wart!
He would go home from work with his father, then, and make CHRISTmas cookies. Since he is working again today, he simply stayed overnight and will ride with his father. Tomorrow, we plan to take his car in to the shop to find out what is going with it. The car makes a rattling noise which might be a simple fix, like a badly needed oil change or an adjustment, or………………$$$ worth of repairs!
I think I might need to go to Sears to get vacuum cleaner bags for my canister vac. The last time Justin cleaned, it didn’t seem to get all the dust..hmmm. If the bag is full, the suction would be affected, or perhaps the floor brush is too worn to handle the dust. After I showed him the residual dust, which he sometimes finds a bit too fussy on my part, he had to agree that it wasn’t doing the trick. The sun is not kind when it pours across the floors and shows dust where one thinks there is none.
The needed supplies for preparing the First Time Visitor bags for church have been obtained, so there is nothing stopping me from getting them done. Then, why aren’t they done yet? Probably for the same reason the Inreach letters have not been mailed or my CHRISTmas cards not finished up….distractions!!! Or procrastination? I am also working on the little tags to attach to the candy canes for the kid’s bags for church. Also, we are including a card with “Stille Nacht” printed on it, if not for the kids, then for their parents, to enjoy. “An old-fashioned Christmas”, according to Cindy. Guess I could walk away from the keyboard for a bit, right?
p.s. In checking the vacuum cleaner situation, the bag is, indeed, ready to burst open! And the good news is that I have bags on hand, no need to go to Sears!