Many phone calls and communications have been exchanged today as news of my father-in-law's pending demise is being faced. This afternoon my brother-in-law, Harvey, called from the nursing home room, knowing his dad could hear him, and shared Arno's status with me. Harv said the Pastor had been there, and various family members came and went. In my attempt to comfort Harv I quoted the Psalm that reads: The length of our days is seventy years— or eighty, if we have the strength.....Harv said that was the Psalm Pastor read to them, to Arno, during his visit. He also mentioned that Pastor sang hymn 588 and when he got to the last stanza, it seemed that Arno tried to sing along..."Hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes, shine through the gloom and point me to the skies...." At that point, I lost it, and thankfully I was standing outside the shop (Great Hangs) for this conversation. Not that I could not weep in front of these fine ladies, heaven knows we have all cried together over the years since I met them, but it was just better by myself. Harv said that when they prayed the Lord's Prayer, it seemed Arno tried to pray along with them, so that made my heart happy again. As I told Harv, I had sort of planned to come up for the funeral but now am wondering if that would work out. He seemed a bit, maybe, disappointed, but said it was up to me. Oh, good!
I told Harv that Justin did not know if he wanted to attend or not, but if he did wish to come up, I would see to it that he got there. Certainly he can stay with his grandmother and use her car, if need be, for getting around. Justin has school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so he would really have to think long and hard about it. He would certainly like to see my side of the family as well since he has not been up there since Jamie's wedding in June. Justin is also dog sitting at his father's house while he is in WI so arrangements for Mickey would have to be made as well.
Brenda, who only works now 4 days a week, had lunch with me at Koko's before we went to Great Hang Ups, her first visit. I am really dropping the ball, it seems, as far as getting my friends in there! She went with me to Wal*Mart to pick up my prescription information for submitting with the taxes. Oddly enough, we did not shopping, just in and out. She might join us tomorrow night for Dinner and a Movie, but she might be tied up with some car shuffling her friend is involved with.
Justin comes tomorrow to do my cleaning and I am so glad things will be tidied up before the ladies come. My microwave will finally be cleaned out so I can mess it up again. Yikes! In the morning I will start my chili and it will simmer the better part of the day before my guests arrive. Judy C. will be here momentarily to share a ride over to Mimi's Cafe so this will be abbbreviated right now. More later, perhaps?!