My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Okay, here's the thing..........

This rant is the equivalent to cleaning off my desk.............
I am getting really really tired to watching the previews for upcoming episodes of "Saving Grace" or "Burn Notice" or "In Plain Sight" or or or or.......Nearly all those programs have vile language and conduct, substituting titillation for quality script writing. Even yesterday, as I watched some of my favorite shows, reruns of "Frasier" and "Seinfeld", I was sickened by some of the content of the episodes. Is that a bit of hypocrisy? How come I can "overlook" indiscretion on the one hand and dismiss it totally out of hand on the other????????
Why am I watching so much TV these days anyway? Well, in the process of easing the eye fluttering which is often the result of too long in the front of the computer and/or bright lights, I'm taking time away from this screen and "resting" my eyes by watching television. Reading would not be the suitable rest and of course, napping would be ideal but totally non-productive. Not like I am accomplishing much sitting in front of the "box" but its a wonderful substitution for typing or reading on-line.
Travis brought the last of the bag stuffing items this a.m. so I guess I could do that instead of watching "What Not to Wear". A couple of the church ladies offered to come and help me out with this project, not because I asked them to, either. They'll do anything to spend some time with this view! Seagulls are swooping about madly today, perhaps in answer to my call for birds to eat the bees. One of the neighbors also noticed the bees on the palm branches and remarked that there's supposedly a "bee shortage", so was happy to see the activity outside the window. Perhaps I spoke too soon about them!
The headline on the homepage of the radio station I am listening to states that the city is "outraged" at rate hikes for water and electric costs. Excuse me, but when I heard the report yesterday when it first took place, the reporter commented that "only a dozen" folks spoke against the proposed hike. Of course, this doesn't mean that more people weren't there at the meeting, only this many actually took the mike to voice their opposition. Between the news about the rate hikes (the second in recent months) and the drop in the Dow these days, I hate to even listen to the news! Some people won't listen because of the murders and other tragedies, but I get upset hearing about the economy and the political races. I won't stick my head in the sand, but I do get frustrated and not a little bit frightened about the economic forecasts. The whole world revolves around the construction and real estate markets, and I think people are really coming to realize that. Well, almost the whole world................."everything is economics"---can't remember who said it first, but, man, that's so true!!!
Neal, on the radio now, is discussing something which a group of us talked about at a church meeting last week, how men are made out to be simpletons on TV shows and in advertising. Also, how bratty kids are allowed to make both parents look small and use abrasive language when addressing them. Recently I saw a clip from a so-called "reality" show about a couple with eight children, where the TV cameras record their every activity and verbal exchange as though it's entertainment. Again, "The Truman Show", only from 2007-08. The clip shows the husband snapping at his wife: "and what's your problem?" "What's my problem? You are!!" Oh, great, and they've got 8 kids to deal with.....I see an entirely different problem. What pleasure can one garner from watching/listening to real life squabbling between parents?
Why do I get my grundies in such a bundle about the reality shows? What do I care? Julia's hubby told me once that they love to watch them---the dancing or performing shows, cooking shows, fashion designers, cake decorators, and all that stuff, in order to switch the focus from their own problems to someone elses. Huh? Because this particular design team, who have cursed and used foul language 'til their heads fall off the entire program, are quite dramatically drummed off the show, I should feel better about my failed cherry pie?? Its not possible to put together an entire sentence on these shows, even on the Preview Channel!!!!, without listening to the constant bleep, bleep, bleeping. My guess is that participants are encouraged to use filthy language in order to "add interest" to a program which would otherwise not have any....
I'm out of steam now, I hope you're happy! Time to go have some lunch and rest my eyes. "I'm losing it, Jerry, losin' it!!!!"
Just as I am about to send this off, reports are in that the price of oil has dropped due to unexpected supply being discovered. What great news! A lady at the pool and I were discussing life situations recently. We agreed that it is vitally important to remember from whence cometh our help...............

Here's something for you, then, Cindy!

The other night after Justin and I had cleared the personal items away from the gravesite, Cindy called to offer her comfort and let me know she'd been thinking about me that day. This is her strongest trait, offering support, sometimes when it's not even expected. One thing she did tell me, though, is that she is my most faithful reader and objects to the days I post photos only, because "I want to read!!!" That's why the title on the previous blog posting....
When I think of Cindy, I can't help but remember the phone call she made just before CHRISTmas in 2000 to let me know how impressed she was with Timmy's growing maturity. She was his teacher in Precious Lambs and spent much time with her arms and legs wrapped around my little frog-boy, trying to keep him reigned in to listen in class.
Once he started pre-k at St. Johns, he began to settle down, to listen and do what he was told to do. Hmmm, how'd they do that? Ms. Booth had dots on the floor where the children sat when they arrived in the morning, it was "expected" that they sit there. And they did!!!! I just saw his teacher, Robin Booth, last weekend at "Aeriel's".
So, anyway, Cindy called that December night and just gushed, (sorry 'bout that, Cindy!), about how she can't get over the way he's growing up and paying attention in Sunday school and learning his parts for the Christmas program, etc. Does anyone know how valuable that phone call was, and is, to me???? To any parent? I hope all parents and teachers keep this in mind, to not only let people know when their kids are messing up, to also mention the wonderful observations to the parents.
The week prior to his practicing with the kids in Sunday school, only his brother had to be at church to rehearse, so Timmy and I were heading to the Mall to shop a bit. While I was talking to Mom on the phone, we drove 'round and 'round the parking lot, looking for a spot to pull into. Anyone who's been here at Christmas knows how impossible a task it is to find a parking place at the Mall. Up and down, up and down, yak, yak, yak. Finally, from the backseat, an impatient Timmy said, "I got it! How 'bout you drop me down at Books a Meelyon (his pronunciation) and you can park the car? How's that sound?" I laughed and told Mom what he suggested. She could just hear him saying that, too. Can you imagine, me letting him out to go running in the store while I continued to circle the lot? He was just too anxious to get inside that store to play with the "Thomas the Tank Engine" stuff in BAM.

Sorry, Cindy, but I MUST post these photos.......

Kim's sister Lori, as she is affectionately known, is Education Director at her church in WI. She, with her Team, including hubby, David, successfully conducted a well-attended VBS in June. Lori is in the back row, in a green top and David is the "mad scientist" on the far left side.

Here is a picture of David, Lori, Justin, and me at St. John Town Center Mall (Justin's "before" haircut), taken right after Christmas in 2007

With Dusty serving as photographer, here's Lori, Alayna, David, Justin, me, and Lynn at the Mall after Christmas in 2007

Lori had a booth at the area Farmer's Market to display and sell her handmade jewelry while David lured folks with his minstral offerings. Lori's business, called "loriella elements" picks up on the Cheech and Chong name I mentioned the other day where we call her "Ella". So, there you go!

In early May Lori surprised David with a party to celebrate his 50th birthday. He is shown here doing his most favorite thing, playing and singing with his band, "Holy Crap", now renamed "Saints and Sinners". All these members go to church together, hence the name. This photo is taken in their family room, located in one of the most beautifully decorated homes I've ever seen!