The United States of America has a new president serving the nation. The parades have ended (or have they???), the swearing into office made it official this a.m., and the celebratory balls are taking place. I've kept my thoughts and opinions to myself, for the most part, since I had no dog in this fight other than the political party and policies which I support. While I would dearly have loved to have a truly Constitutional man in this office, going through all the pomp and circumstance, the voters/electors chose differently, despite the best efforts of the media.
Many in our country, however, do not agree and have taken to the streets to express their displeasure. Windows are being broken in buildings and automobiles, trash and other things being lit on fire in objection to the transfer of power. The media is obsessed with the coverage thereof, showing split screens of the anarchists terrorizing city streets. Much is taking place in DC and New York, with more participants from which to draw, aside from those being bused in, to take to the streets. This is not an organic outcropping of unrest. This has been cultivated since election day, gas being poured on the fire of disappointment.
When Romney/Ryan lost back in 2012, Justin and I were just so so so sure they were going to win. We were dumbfounded when the election results were coming in. What? How can this be happening? We'd made a celebratory meal and luscious dessert to celebrate the victory. That dessert ended up in the fridge for at least two days before either of us felt like eating it. We were devastated. I wept, not sure if he did or not. It took me months to feel like myself again, the election results being a constant reminder of 4 more years of the same or worse. But not one window was smashed. Not one fire was set. Neither of us marched or chanted. I mourned for my nation and myself in the privacy of my home or with my fellow like-minded folks. We did it differently. It is safe to say that even if the opposing candidate had won this time neither Justin nor I, nor the folks with whom we associate, would have gone on a rampage. Nope.